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Member Since 16 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 29 2013 03:48 PM

#73347 Wii U MUST be next gen..

Posted by patrickryan39 on 20 April 2012 - 10:01 AM

What are you talking about? When I say "hardcore gamer" I am talking about people who LOVE graphics and play stricly games like COD and Gears and would never touch a Mario gameor a nintendo 1st party game. I want this system to have it all for everyone. It will have the great nintendo games from Mario to SSB to Zelda and it will also have Ghost Recon and COD and it will look good to. Come on, the graphics on the Wii were terrible for any games aside from nintendo 1st party titles. Anyone can sit here and say" I dont care about graphics" and thats fine but when you play MLB 2k11 or COD on there it looks like a game made in 2003. I just dont want people playing these games 2 years from now in 2014 and say wow..these games look like 2007. This is the one key thing Nintendo lacked. They have a chance to fix it

#73343 Wii U MUST be next gen..

Posted by patrickryan39 on 20 April 2012 - 09:54 AM

I agree to the dreamcast thing. I would deff be ok with that. I member dreamcast came out and I just thought it was so cool. The graphics blew the n64 and ps1 out of the water. I would be happy with that

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