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There have been 5 items by Anomandaris (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#202577 Awesome robot creation game coming to wiiu

Posted by Anomandaris on 01 May 2013 - 02:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software


#202564 Awesome robot creation game coming to wiiu

Posted by Anomandaris on 01 May 2013 - 02:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software





Awesome robot creator game. coming to wii u for sure. speaks for itself.




please donate to kickstarter fund!

#198916 Awesome gameboy style 16 bit rpg 'Two Brothers'

Posted by Anomandaris on 23 April 2013 - 02:38 PM in Wii U Games and Software

i am sure many of y'all have already heard of this game, but for those of you that havn't well here is a short blurb of the game from the  makers of this game, Ackk studios



Roy Guarder, inventor, scientist, and philosopher, is on an expedition to discover the origins of life. This quest has brought Roy to The Cursed Lands a stretch of land so dangerous and shrouded in mystery is hasn't been explored in over 70 years. When Roy finds what he is looking for he is met with a terrible fate. ...Roy no longer finds himself a living man. He is greeted with a world of colors he never imagined. One obsession leads to another and Roy begins to walk the line of life and death just so he can see this land of beauty and color again. 

But something is strange. 
Why is Roy the only man who can cross so easily between the lands of the living and the dead? 
What has given him this unique ability? 
How will he reconcile the existence of an afterlife he never believed could even exist?




Ackk studios was founded by two brothers Andrew Allanson and his brother, don't remember the name.


so yeah the game starts out gameboy style; no color, and as you progress and how you progress determines lots of stuff, including multiple game endings and whether you will get beautiful full color snes graphics.

The game draws inspiration from games like secret of mana and Loz and even a bit from Earthbound.



and here in color

Color+Temple.pngpretty, ain't it?










And of course the most relevant point of this is that it will be coming to the wii u eshop most likely before holiday season, but after it releases on pc, mac and linux. 


and also keep an eye on indi ackk's next project, project y2k.

to learn more, well here-





and here is a cool graphic i found



#162694 New Xeno Title!

Posted by Anomandaris on 24 January 2013 - 04:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This is about where i shat my pants...the third time, the first being when i heard it was monolith's game, the second when i saw the awesome graphics and huge scope an this, this is my third shat.
Posted Image
Mechs!........that fly.........and turn into bikes!

btw played xenoblade and monster hunter tri and no they may look the same from trailers but gameplay-wise, they are nothing the same.
btw xenoblade and this x game's graphics are awesome.

#161023 eShop Problems...

Posted by Anomandaris on 20 January 2013 - 06:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software Help

I have this same exact problem. I also live in  the u.s. and if i ever try to view details about an m rated game i get the message that i cannot purchase or view information about the game. But the thing is I already bought ac3 on the eshop. Even though the message says i can't purchase it I did anyway. The thing i can't do is view information about it. The problem with that is that i want to buy dlc for ac3 and i can't because the stupid message keeps popping up. Yes i do have parental controls but nothing is locked. Please Help!

By the way im anomandaris.

by the way i emailed nintendo about my problem and i will get back to you if i ever hear anything from them.

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