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#90180 Wii U full power against PS4&720

Posted by bejfever on 27 June 2012 - 03:20 AM in Wii U Hardware


I more than agree with you with most of what you say. I believe sony will do some type of vita-ps3 crossover controller. Not sure what Microsoft will do, seems they want to follow the kinect route. If they don't follow the touchscreen controller route, they're going to loose out. I presume these companies can get around the patents that Nintendo have on such devices. Sony would not let themselves go bankrupt in the game consoles department, they're way to big of a company to let that happen.

And for the kind benefit of others, if you use punctuation, we can all read what you are saying without having to decode it. I seriously have to read over what you have written far too many times to understand your statement (putting me and probably others off your comments). So to keep the interest and response levels high and correct in what you're saying, help us all out and tell us when to breath. The funniest part of your response: "i clearly know what im saying so stop changing the subject to grammar the subject is wiiu etc," - well you do know what you are saying yes, because you are you and you wrote it. Communicating the right feelings and meaning to others correctly, can save a lot of time and energy. You will get plenty of misinterpreted responses, and arguements going the wrong direction when you're not clear.

#90106 Wii U full power against PS4&720

Posted by bejfever on 26 June 2012 - 04:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

a pointless thread they would all be close in this day and age sateration point has been reached MEANINGLESS and please tell me were bankrupt sony gets the money to pay for this a new console alone would finish sony

people need a reallity check move flopped theres no innovation at sony a dualshock and a ps4 = A MASSIVE FLOP

Please use some punctuation.

#90017 Wii U 1080p and much more

Posted by bejfever on 26 June 2012 - 06:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'll try correcting one of Desert Punks presumptions:
You wouldn't see PC conversions to the WiiU so soon. It is not that simple, regardless of the WiiU's power. And in this industry money tends to be pumped towards console games. Console developers will have more priority and funding given to them. That is why you will see plenty of current gen games being converted to WiiU. So I believe 3rd party developers graphics will only get better when they optimise new games/engines to use nextgen/WiiU hardware.

#89995 Wii U full power against PS4&720

Posted by bejfever on 26 June 2012 - 02:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

Would it be feesible to have a RAM expansion like they did with the N64?
One of the biggest problems with 360ps3 was the small 512mb RAM. Whilst WiiU will have a nice 1GB ish amound of RAM, in the future when ps4720 comes out; it'd be good to see an upgrade. 2-4 gb perhaps.
Obviously it doesn't seem like they're doing this. No rumours or speculation; so can anyone answer my why this would not be viable? Did the N64 memory expansion teach Nintendo a hard lesson?

#89683 Since Namco Bandi is helping with NSSB do you think it will be released sooner?

Posted by bejfever on 24 June 2012 - 07:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It's probably got a lot to do with all the hardware power. To make a game higher in definition etc. in say the same amount of time as the last game; then they will need X amount of personnel. Basically what Crackkat said.

#89522 MMO Games on the Wii U

Posted by bejfever on 23 June 2012 - 11:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The new GTAV/WatchDogs style, Left4Dead zombies and ZombiU backpacked with a sprinkle of DayZ - MMO on the WiiU is going to be awsome! apparently its calle... holy cow, come on someone make this!

#89486 Wii U game pad accessory connector

Posted by bejfever on 22 June 2012 - 11:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

lol a third screen.
On a serious note - how about a piece of hardware plus more battery power etc. so you can play some of the classic games (or any low demanding games) you have bought on it.

Thats not something that'd interest me, but there are a few who seem to want this sort of thing.

#89252 What apps do you want on the WiiU

Posted by bejfever on 21 June 2012 - 01:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Onlive - I am surprised nobody has suggested it yet... It could potentially erradicate the need to upgrade the console for many many more years to come.

I don't think onlive service is that great at the moment, but times change.. and you can't say it'll be rubbish in 5 - 10 years. Just not sure if that is something Nintendo would welcome. How they could spin to help there business, I fail to see, but there could be a way.

Internet and Gaming and especially with F2P coming on to the scene, is showing there are many ways to gather money and resources. Isn't it rumoured sony are thinking of using Gaikai to do ps3 backwards compatibility for ps4? The future man.. it's crazy.

#89174 Prototype Wii U Hardware Video Walkthrough

Posted by bejfever on 21 June 2012 - 06:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

Are we all expecting the WiiU developer console to be the same size as the WiiU retail console? Has someone stated that it would be the same in length and width... etc. etc. I remember the old gamecube developer console literally being pc tower cases. What they are currently showing is just to keep things neat and tidy.

We all know that the hardware in the developers console is moderately different to what the released retail hardware is. So this should basically mean that the minimum possible size for them both will be different.

#88370 Eurogamer Observations Playing with Wii U

Posted by bejfever on 18 June 2012 - 04:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

I too was initially confused. But after researching, there is and has always been massive problems with HDTV latency. This 116ms difference is purely the TV's fault. And is the same problem every type of console/computer/DVDblurayplayer has to deal with. But obviously it is not a problem for Film/Video.

As to why Nintendo chose to use these TV's, I think it's simple: They would have just wanted to make sure the games were playable enough and felt highly responsive enough for the show. Nintendo would not want any visual graphical errors showing up at fault of a TV, resulting in people whining at Nintendo about it, when it is a problem that has nothing to do with Nintendo. So they chose TV's that were regarded as well visually proven, over low latency proven.

#87799 Wii U Triggers: Analog or Digital?

Posted by bejfever on 15 June 2012 - 01:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm a big fanof the PS1 dualshock controller.I use it for many racing games, as blooper has mentioned - the right analogue stick is used for accelration and breaking (although thats only a problem if you need to accelerate and break at the same time, - so maybe a problem for rally games. But a brake button could be binded somewhere else?)

I also used to play a heavy amount of Arma2 (trying to relate to you battlefield lovers) - the controles (in respect to using aeroplanes and helicopters) for this were perfect using a PS1 controller, no analogue R2 L2 buttons were needed. I felt it very natural for me to play like this because it was almost exactly the same as playing GTA:SanAndreas helipcopters/aeroplanes.

The only thing that concerns me guys, is why there is no dual-shock in the "pro controllers", I thought this was a necessary component for people who play FPS games competitively online, feeling of getting shot and other such warning signals. But I don't think thats much to worry about for the mass majority.

P.S. I could never get the feel of precisely controlling the gas/power/pedal of a car when I used to play Forza using the anologue triggers. Maybe I was too used to right anologue stick, but I always had revert back to it.

#84867 Hello.

Posted by bejfever on 06 June 2012 - 02:01 AM in Introduction Central

Hi, exciting times eh? Well best wishes to you all!

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