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Fiery's Content

There have been 1 items by Fiery (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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  1. Fiery

    Made a comment, Mar 02 2024 04:47 PM

    how does this place still exist lol

    • Waller's Photo
      Because the website's origin story is keeping Feld0 from just deleting it

      But actually, this forum and the mlpforums actually have a shared account system iirc, so it may just be that shutting it down would cause problems for that site
    • Mewbot's Photo
      It is powered by pure spite. It outlived the Wii U and will outlive the Switch.
    • Mewbot's Photo
      It is powered by pure spite. It outlived the Wii U and will outlive the Switch.

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