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#7981 Wii U is the perfect console!

Posted by H3NR1K on 17 June 2011 - 03:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

Of course no console is perfect.
But if something is best , it´s the WII U.
There are so many great things about it.My 3 favourite things are
1. the Streaming
2.The Playing of old WII games and using of all 4 old Controllers
3.The new online browser maybe you finally can watch videos with the Controlller...

Yes there have to be good games , but what I´ve seen up to now is great.(MW3,BFBC3,Metroid WiiU,Zelda WII U...)
And as I know Nintendo , they´ll give us great game titles again from all the other characters Like Super Mario , Luigi , DK, and so on

Maybe because of the not so Nintendo much start line-up and not so good selling of the 3DS , We´ll get a lot of good Nintendo Games at Releasee , too.

the onliest bad thing in my opinion that the console have up to now is that only 1 Controller shall be supported at the moment.Ireally hope that Changes.

So far It´s an almost perfect console but maybe if I get one my opinion changes after 1/2 months because the games are played through and nothing new comes :D(As with the 3DS I now think it´s just a good handheld)

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