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There have been 13 items by peachy (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#2890 What will the next gen Nintendo console have?

Posted by peachy on 17 May 2011 - 05:30 PM in Wii U Hardware

My idea for Nintendo's next generation home console called the Nintendo iQo.

Video of Controller interface:
Video Here

Original larger images of console and controller here:

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#2257 What will the next gen Nintendo console have?

Posted by peachy on 28 April 2011 - 11:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

i doubt that design will be comfortable for long use

Thanks tandeh for your comment!

in regards to your critique: I don't think a controller has to be in the shape of a bubble or some kind of organic form to be considered ergonomically comfortable. I am an iPad user, and the thought of it being uncomfortable whilst holding it has never crossed my mind, same could be said for my 3DS. I think the critical issue to consider is not how it fit's in your hands but how your hands interact with it, for instance: Button placement, natural spacing between components, etc.

What I like about this design is that it visually presents it's self as a mixture of hardcore and casual, looks sharp but never takes it's self too serious in keeping with the fact that this is designed for Nintendo not Apple.


#2233 What will the next gen Nintendo console have?

Posted by peachy on 27 April 2011 - 08:07 PM in Wii U Hardware

I just completed the interface design to my nStream Controller Concept for Nintendo's next gen console.

HERE is a 62second mock-up video showing how the interface could operate and below are a few images of the interface.

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#2175 What will the next gen Nintendo console have?

Posted by peachy on 26 April 2011 - 04:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

This is a video showing something that I designed when coming up with ideas for a new Nintendo console way before all these rumors were even conceived.


Taken from the videos information bar:

- The Nintendo iQ is an Interactive Lifestyle System that is connected to the current generation Nintendo Wii gaming console.
- The iQ's purpose is to connect poeple, cultures, lives and environments to one another in a fun and interactive way.
- It's development begun with drawing inspiration from LED billboards that are commonly seen in cities around the globe.
- Electronic billboards have become icons for a futuristic culture where diverse content is delivered to people in an attractive manner.
-The iQ takes the beneficial elements that billboards posses: Informative, helpful, communcative, interesting, artistic, dynamic, bright, fun and lets not forget entertaining! All these elements are then applied to an Interactive Lifestyle System in a home environment.
- These key elements are the focus behind the design of the iQ with a few added features including its main feature - the 8:3 Ratio (320mm x 120mm) OLED multi-touch screen that is used as a secondary screen to the television. An example of the iQ screen being used in a gaming situation: If you are playing a game on your Wii console, to reduce clutter the iQ will automatically remove Heads Up Display (HUD) information from the television screen and place them in the iQ screen. An example in a non-gaming situation: The iQ screen will display horizontal scrolling news and weather information without the television being turned on. Another non-gaming example could be that while a person is watching television they can surf other television channels by watching other channels scroll across the iQ screen in realtime and if a desired show appears the person simply clicks on the scrolling show and the channel on the television will change to display the selection.
-Other built in features the iQ includes are: Infrared Tracking Camera, ambient sensors (light and sound), a more powerful sensor bar, expandable internal memory and new programs and software.

#2889 The Wii 2 Mockups Thread

Posted by peachy on 17 May 2011 - 05:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

My idea for the console, called the Nintendo iQo.

Video of Controller interface:
Video Here

Original larger images of console and controller here:

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#2173 The Wii 2 Mockups Thread

Posted by peachy on 26 April 2011 - 04:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

Here is my latest Nintendo creation called the nStream Controller. It is based on many of the rumors surrounding the successor to the Wii and is formally inspired by the visor of Samus.
Any feedback would be appreciated as I'll continue to develop the design over time.


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#2186 The Wii 2 Mockups Thread

Posted by peachy on 26 April 2011 - 05:51 PM in Wii U Hardware

I like it. In fact, I want this to be the controller now :P

What you should work on next is the side image- I want to see how you think the Bumpers/Triggers will line up :P

Thank you Wertville! I have an idea of how it looks in all perspectives in my head, I just have to get it out, lol. That may take some time but I'll do it eventually :P

What I like about this design is that it visually presents it's self as a mixture of hardcore and casual, looks sharp but never takes it's self too serious in keeping with the fact that this is designed for Nintendo not Apple.


#2328 The Wii 2 Mockups Thread

Posted by peachy on 29 April 2011 - 06:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

Neat design for the menu, but I don't think Nintendo would do it quite like that. Something more along the lines of the 3DS menu, probably.

Thanks buddy. I think you're right, Nintendo will likely maintain a continuity between their interface and menu designs over all systems, it's nice to dream though and be creative :P



#2232 The Wii 2 Mockups Thread

Posted by peachy on 27 April 2011 - 08:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

:P Can I sue you? My jaw is broken now. :P

Please don't sue me, lol, I'll pay you back with the following instead. Deal?

I just completed the interface design to my nStream Controller Concept for Nintendo's next gen console.

HERE is a 62second mock-up video showing how the interface could operate and below are a few images of the interface.

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#2915 nStream

Posted by peachy on 18 May 2011 - 06:56 AM in The Museum

Your concept for the iQuo is really cool, Jade, but I'd love to see what that e-ink screen looks like from the top. The ability to carry the console itself around the house is very interesting and unique, but I don't think it's very safe to move it around with a spinning disc and hard drive inside. Also, I have strong doubts about the possible battery life of the thing, if it's really going to be as freakishly powerful as the rumours say.

Still, props for the excellent concept. I got your email, and added it to the big mockups page on the blog.

P.S.: Next time, can you please only post your images once, and the link to them from the other relevant threads? Thanks. :P It makes it easier to see everyone's feedback on them when it's all on the same thread.

Hi Peter. Thanks for the feedback! Sorry about the multiple posts, I will take this in to consideration for next time.

I'm planning on doing a few images or perhaps a video of the e-ink screen.
I also had concerns for the safety of the console due to it's portability, but if you made it correctly and used the right components like an anti-shock disc drive and a hard drive with out moving parts, which are all possible - I think it'll be robust enough.
If my idea for a system cooling unit was incorporated, then the majority of the battery power will be consumed by the surround sound speakers and LED lights on the underside of the console. E-Ink uses microscopic amounts of energy and same with a hard drive with no moving parts.

I personally believe that the actual purpose of a conventional "video game console" needs to change. The gaming console hasn't really evolved since conception:
- You put it in a cupboard
- Plug it in to the back of a TV
- Load a game into it
- Power it on... And that's it!

These are the only times a person directly interact with it. I view this as a opportunity to change the gaming console as we know it today.
There sits all this incredible technology, doing nothing more than what is expected of it. By removing the console from the cabinet, placing it in the center of a space, and making it completely wireless and portable (let alone including an e-ink touch panel), I visualize a home gaming console finally exceeding its expectations and potential in an unconventional manner.

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#2171 nStream

Posted by peachy on 26 April 2011 - 04:36 PM in The Museum

Here is my latest Nintendo creation called the nStream Controller. It is based on many of the rumors surrounding the successor to the Wii and is formally inspired by the visor of Samus.
Any feedback would be appreciated as I'll continue to develop the design over time.


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#2888 nStream

Posted by peachy on 17 May 2011 - 05:28 PM in The Museum

The design looks... *puts on shades* ...peachy. *intro scream*

Well, I believe console designing isn't something most of us are familiar with (especially myself), so I'm afraid constructive feedback will be fairly rare. I'll still try to provide you with some, with the mindset of a customer who wants to buy one of those.

The menu text is stylized and all, but it's hardly legible. Try spacing the characters a little more, and maybe experiment with less deformed fonts.
I like how the scrolling strip of text has a perspective.

Can't think of anything else right now, so... yeah.

Thanks for the feedback Ephesus, I'll take that in to consideration for my development, cheers!
In the mean time I have this...

My idea for the console called the Nintendo iQo.

Video of Controller interface:
Video Here

Original larger images of console and controller here:

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#2231 nStream

Posted by peachy on 27 April 2011 - 08:03 PM in The Museum

I just completed the interface design to my nStream Controller Concept for Nintendo's next gen console.

HERE is a 62second mock-up video showing how the interface could operate and below are a few images of the interface.

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