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There have been 32 items by SonofMrPeanut (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#9738 Worst game in history.

Posted by SonofMrPeanut on 21 June 2011 - 12:31 AM in General Gaming

the ET Games...Horrible...just horrible

If you don't understand why this game is horrible, here it is in all its mediocrity.

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

And remember: You've played it. You can't unplay it. :D

#9711 Yoshi Wii U

Posted by SonofMrPeanut on 20 June 2011 - 10:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

What a trip that would be if Retro was working on a Yoshi game. XD

#9705 Post your desktop

Posted by SonofMrPeanut on 20 June 2011 - 10:07 PM in The Café

This is my main computer desktop. You'll see my laptop's later.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Benderama.jpg

#9704 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by SonofMrPeanut on 20 June 2011 - 09:55 PM in The Café

I'm currently working on a mix of instrumental stuff, and here's two I'm using back-to-back.

Hatfield and the North - Calyx
High Llamas - Glide Time

I also just became aware of these guys via The Needle Drop.

Battles - Ice Cream

As I found out not long after watching that video, it's oddly close to this video:

Il Guinco - Bombay

#8932 Wii U doubts

Posted by SonofMrPeanut on 18 June 2011 - 06:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

It's also silly to just toss aside the integrity of the Wii U by just thinking, "Oh, well when ps4 and xbox720 come out, the wii u is raped". What makes so many make this assumption? MS and Sony are not coming out with anything until at least 2014, and like I said, they know that graphics will not make much of a jump and that's why they are in no rush and are concentrating on trying to innovate motion controls.

And adding to that (according to the anonymous source stating that 2014 target), Microsoft would only release something in 2013 at the earliest. However, that would simply be a 360 with Kinect built-in.

I'm also sure that Sony aren't too encouraged by their last effort to be super-advanced, the PS3. While the system has been profitable as of 2009 (maybe late 2008), it can't be denied that those first 2 years hurt Sony. I'd expect them to aim a bit lower this time which would put them at a more even level with Wii U. They would most likely still be more advanced, but they wouldn't be leaps and bounds beyond Wii U either. Just don't expect a Wii-sized hardware gap or anything.

As Microsoft didn't make the same error and had a more established base on Live at launch, however, they very well could repeat Sony's move this time. Maybe the established userbase would allow that move to pay off, but that has yet to be seen.

#8884 3DS - Wii U Connectivity Speculation Thread

Posted by SonofMrPeanut on 18 June 2011 - 03:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

If StreetPass works with the Wii U, it would receive all the same basic content the 3DS would plus that of games StP would be compatible with. The Wii U would also certainly introduce content via SpotPass (SpP) that could be spread via StP.

Obviously it wouldn't work "just like" the 3DS, since no one will want to carry around the Wii U controller no matter how light it is (it's still big, even for a messenger bag). Certain games will also be exclusive to the 3DS but could be introduced through the Wii U.

Maybe coins could also play a role in certain Wii U games. That might encourage them to increase the cap amount that could be earned in one day.

#8543 Let's talk Zelda Wii U

Posted by SonofMrPeanut on 17 June 2011 - 10:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So I was at some art exhibition earlier tonight, and another visual concept struck me about what they can do with whatever their next "alternate world" concept will be in a Zelda game (after the super-traditional one we get 1st for Wii U, obviously). I'm actually thinking of Link's trippy vision with the Shadow Links in Twilight Princess.

The entire on-screen environment is pure black. With the exclusion of one object meant to capture the player's eye, everything in the realm is only the concept of itself. In the painting I saw that inspired this, the only solid object was a red sun. Shadow Links are white outlines of themselves (their features are drawn with white lines), a Triforce is pure triangles of light with no physical definition.

As for the solid object, it could be a pivotal character Link is supposed to meet, maybe it's the exterior of a dungeon, or maybe it's an associated object in his subconscious. It's a bit purgatorial, void-ish or whatever you call it. We've had a bit of it in TP, but not to this extent.

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