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#307291 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by mav2k on 20 January 2015 - 05:10 PM in Wii U Hardware

Here is what I would like to see in Nintendo's next console.  It doesn't have to try and be significantly more powerful than a PS4 or XBOXONE in my opinion, if they were to release a new console with specs very similar to the PS4 this would enable Nintendo to compete graphically and at 1080p but more importantly should help bring 3rd party developers back to Nintendo which they really need to make it successful.


I would opt for an AMD Custom 8 core CPU running @ 1.8ghz, AMD GPU capable of 2 teraflops and 8gb DDR3 memory to help keep costs down.


If Nintendo went this route, it would also make it easier for developers to code and port to as all the consoles would share the same hardware design, at the end of the day its not really the hardware that makes the console great or not, its the games made for it, and Nintendo have a head start on everyone in that department with a HUGE back catalogue and amazing IPs.


If possible I would keep it backwards compatible with Wii and Wii U games through emulation, again to keep costs down, and would use a Blu-ray optical drive and 500gb internal HDD.


Finally I would definately keep the Wii U gamepad but refine it slightly, making it slimmer, lighter and with a higher resolution screen.



#307361 Official Wii U specs and technical discussions thread

Posted by mav2k on 21 January 2015 - 08:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

If you're going to bring up an old thread that was constantly on the verge of a flamewar, the least you can do is learn how to use quotes. Who is cupoftea? What was his claims? Are you absolutely sure he hadn't already been discredited in a following post?


Apologies for not using your quote function, i'll be sure to use it when applicable in future.  However I don't think your abrupt repsonse was required on this occassion, given my comment was polite.  To answer your question who is cupoftea, please click back one page, as far as I could make out he had not been discredited and his claims were vast so again please click back one page and read his post.



If you could edit your post and include a quote it would be beneficial to other users and for the sake of the thread, so they can understand the point you are making in regards to what the particular user may have said.


Although, quoting something that is from 2013 and from a user who has not logged in since might not be worth it. 


Thanks for your polite and constructive reply, I will edit my post as you request.  I do think it is worth replying regardless of the age of the post or that the user may have left, as people like myself who are new to your forum may read this topic and could be misled by that users claims.

#307288 Official Wii U specs and technical discussions thread

Posted by mav2k on 20 January 2015 - 04:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

Expresso is CUSTOM please get that FACT firmly embedded into your brain

Its vastly VASTLY more efficent and effective per core and its out of order and branch isnt COUGH rudamentry like jaguar corez FACT

Expresso has true risc true out of order true branch prediction

Expresso is cisc and only low end out of order and branch very rudamentry to help make it better than ATOM from intel FACT


Its a 4 stafe pipeline vs 16 stage for jaguar and 40 stsge for x360 cpu

Itd 4x faster in pipeline stage than jaguar and 10x faster in pipeline than x360 cpu

The expresso can do in a clock what jaguar takes many clocks to do FACT

Expresso has the same custom data compression as gekko and broadway max 4to1 for both genetsl code and floating point

Jaguar obviously does not.

Powerpc cl a slightly less of a core than broadway at 1ghz utterly destroys atom @1.6ghz utterly desimated it and at the time was hailed the fastest 32bit core on the planet and faster than a g5 per clock easily

Now at 1.6ghz bibcat was slightly better than ATOM and jaguar bobcsts replacment was SLIGHTLY faster again SLIGHTLY

Its atom then bobcat then jaguar but at much much lower clocks powerpc cl UTTERLY DESTOYS THEM

Expresso is far more forward thinking than ppc cl and is a smaller die and has high bandwidth edram as catch and a direct link to gpu edram

Commonsense expresso ABUSES JAGUAR WITH EASE

Under full compresdion ratio the catch is 12 mb and the bandwidth effectivness is massive

Expresso has around 12 x the bandwidth of broadway

Thrn add in the ultrs low latency of ibm mcm and optermized ddr3 and the gpu edram its clear wiiu had fantastuc cpu performance

Ps4 has gdneric jaguar cores and slow as hell gddr5

In all benchmarks gddr5 mrmory halfs cpu performance vs ddr3 FACT




You seem to be trying to state that the Wii U is more powerful than a PS4 and that the GDDR5 used in a PS4 is not as efficient as DDR3 used in a Wii U..?


When it comes to a GAMES console and GAMING in general, please understand that GDDR5 is ultra fast and blows DDR3 performance out of the water....FACT!!

If you were talking about a genral PC performing several different tasks and not just gaming, then DDR3 can perform more efficient reads between the CPU and MEMORY but NOT in a gaming environment.


Just wanted to clear that up for anyone who might have been bamboozled by your technical wording.


On a side note, the Wii U does not have to be more powerful than another console, it is adequate for HD rendering and since Nintendo have an awesome game cataloge and IPs they don't have to try and compete on the hardware front, just let Sony and Microsoft fight that out between themselves, at the end of the day I like and buy Nintendo consoles for their amazing games, not because they have better hardware than another company.

#307283 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by mav2k on 20 January 2015 - 04:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They all look like great games, looking forward to them all.  I have actually just pre-ordered Mario Party 10 for ONLY £26.99 delivered...BARGAIN!!

#306724 Re. Portable HDDs

Posted by mav2k on 11 January 2015 - 11:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hi, can someone please advise me on portable hdds compatibility on the Wii U.


I currently have a HGST 1TB Touro MX3 Portbale HDD USB3.0 (USB2.0 compatble) connected to my original Wii console, it works perfectly on a standard usb cable.  I have read that on the Wii U, you require a y-cable to reliably power the drive.


My question is, does the Wii U have lower powered usb ports to that of the original Wii console?



#306718 Hi All

Posted by mav2k on 11 January 2015 - 10:15 AM in Introduction Central

Just got a Wii U for Christmas.  Looking forward to some great gaming this year!!

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