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#10871 Whaaassuuuup!!

Posted by destroyer on 25 June 2011 - 11:23 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums Star!

#10560 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by destroyer on 23 June 2011 - 06:16 PM in General Gaming

Well, i'm kinda complicated at this, but here goes.

I got a wii, i play my gamecube games (examples: Sonic, Mario Zelda) and my wii games. Then there's my Ps3, my gameboy advance and ds lite. (had the first ds but it broke, so i got a lite now). Now, sometimes my Cousin lets me have his Playstation 1 (he got it at a pawn shop) so i can play Yugioh or my Final fantasy 7 game. (i only have FF7 for Playstation) So, you can say i kinda don't have a life, or do. It's up to you.

#10559 top ten hardest games that are worth playing

Posted by destroyer on 23 June 2011 - 06:10 PM in General Gaming

You should try Final Fantasy 7 for the Playstation, it's a cool game depending on your skills and how well you are. (i have 3 files: first one is my new one which i at Wutaii, going to fight Rapps. Second file is also Wutaii, but with Rapps killed. And the 3rd one is on disc 3, where i'm able to kill Jenova and Sephiroth)

#10557 Hello World! This is me!

Posted by destroyer on 23 June 2011 - 06:06 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums!

#9461 Why hello

Posted by destroyer on 20 June 2011 - 02:49 AM in Introduction Central

Why hey, i found a link to here and joined. Hope i have a good time.

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