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There have been 2 items by Black Chocobo (Search limited from 07-July 23)

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#9538 Final Fantasy Wii U

Posted by Black Chocobo on 20 June 2011 - 08:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Square recently stated that they were taking the Wii U seriously and were thinking about bringing over their FF franchise. So what would you like to see?

#9526 The name is Black Chocobo, Kupo

Posted by Black Chocobo on 20 June 2011 - 08:38 AM in Introduction Central


As I think you can tell from my username,, thread title and soon avatar and signature that I am a big FF fan. My name was chosen because I really like chocobos and the black ones are the ones that can fly in FF4.

I wouldn't call myself a Nintendo fan as I would call myself an FF fan but I do enjoy their consoles and games. The Wii U has grabbed my attention though.

That is all, kupo.

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