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There have been 2 items by mr_joeman (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#312197 Keep save files on Wii after transfer

Posted by mr_joeman on 21 April 2015 - 12:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

Hi, I have a Wii U and a Wii.  I moved my old Wii into a work out room to run netflix and keep my wii fit balance board in there.  I want to transfer my virtual console games and most of my save files to the new Wii U, but concerned about the "all or none" transfer to the wii u.  I have ~5 years of saved data/weights, etc on my Wii fit game that would love to keep on that wii (as well as other more active games, Just dance, etc).  I hear you can copy saved data to a separate SD card before the transfer but hear some games it does not work (Brawl, mario Kart 7).  Has anyone successfully kept Wii fit or other games on an old wii??





#312191 Hello Everybody

Posted by mr_joeman on 21 April 2015 - 11:25 AM in Introduction Central

Hello everyone.  Excited to join the group.  I bought a wii U about 6 months ago, making it my 5th main Nintendo console (Nintendo through Wii U, but for some reason never buying a 64).  I also enjoy playing a little 3DS.  I enjoy playing any Zelda game, main pokemon games and just got into some captain toad this past week.  Glad to be part of the group.

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