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#101826 About Nintendo/Namco-Bandai partnership for next Smash Bros...

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 24 August 2012 - 02:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Inclusion of Namco-Bandai characters (developers seemed to want a "Tales of" character inclusion)?

No, that's only a producer from the Tales of that's not part of the SSB4 teams. Oops, you're right.


Also, I still think it will release 2014-2015. Remember, development JUST started in 2012. Getting a game as big as SSB done in a year and a half is a little hard, if you ask me. If I had to guess: Q2 2014 in Japan, Q3/Q4 everywhere else

#101780 Nintendo Will Attempt to Beat Gum-Blowing World Record

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 24 August 2012 - 12:06 PM in General Gaming


That's a pretty awesome thing to do for a Kirby Anniversary! What do you think? *chews gum*

#101711 Wii U games you'd like to see, but will never happen?

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 24 August 2012 - 05:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The World Ends with You coming to the Wii U INSTEAD of iOS. T_T *still disappointed*

(Too bad gamefreak is too lazy and scared to take a risk so they pump out the same game over and over.... 1st gen = God... 2nd gen = the spawn of God that is almost equal to its father... 3rd gen = wait why the **** didnt they know about these pokemon, is there absolutely no form of communication outside of each others regions???...4th gen = total poop... 5th gen = absolute trubbish ***ba dum chh)

1st gen = The very best like no one ever was
2nd gen = Pretty good
3rd gen = Meh
4th gen = Pretty good (LOL, I'm the only one that likes 4th gen?!)
5th gen = GARBAGE! Seriously, there's a garbage Pokemon!

#101709 Square Enix Does It Again: The World Ends with You is Coming to iOS

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 24 August 2012 - 05:15 AM in General Gaming


^Details up there. There is, however, hope that there will still be a sequel (or just another hype scheme T_T): Before everyone decides the #twewy countdown is over, they might want to wait for the countdown to be over. #moredripthanleak


x = 88-83+291-238+38+2+195? = 83+103+117-22-199+207+4? t = 2 #twewy http://www.square-enix.co.jp/subaseka/ @brilingual

#101710 The World Ends with You 2 Predictions

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 24 August 2012 - 05:14 AM in General Gaming

It's an iOS port with an updated soundtrack.

Read all about it

Yeah, I just got the news. T_T THERE IS STILL HOPE: Before everyone decides the #twewy countdown is over, they might want to wait for the countdown to be over. #moredripthanleak @brilingual

MORE PROOF: x = 88-83+291-238+38+2+195? = 83+103+117-22-199+207+4? t = 2 #twewy http://www.square-enix.co.jp/subaseka/ @brilingual

#101629 The World Ends with You 2 Predictions

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 23 August 2012 - 06:05 PM in General Gaming

There's some nice music while you read. :P Anyway, I wanted to focus on the image in the video. It is shown in the background when you speed up your desktop time to Day 0, or 8/26/12, and go to the teaser site. (http://www.square-enix.co.jp/subaseka)

One thing to notice is that the 104 building shows up, so it's gotta take place in Shibuya, either the Reaper's Game's Shibuya or the real Shibuya. This could mean one of two things: One, Neku returns, and they make an overly complicated reason why he's fighting Noise in the Real Shibuya/he's in the fake one, or, there's a new protagonist, and it will take place in Shibuya. Neku can also be shown as an adult and make a small or big impact. I think it's the latter, and that Neku will have a big impact, though there will still be a new protagonist.

The skull icon returns, so it's very likely that the Reaper Pin is there. A minor thing I would like to point out is that they're hearts on the image, could it be important? Maybe the protaganist is a girl? Or am I over-looking it? :P

It also looks like Shibuya is in darkness. Whether this is just an effect, or part of the game, we'll see on 6/26.

That's about it. Anything else you can point out?

#101614 Hurt and Heal: Nintendo Characters: Take Two

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 23 August 2012 - 04:49 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I would to buy a Final Smash and Hurt Majora with it
Heal Link

You have to use a Final Smash at the same time, so Link is now 82 HP and Majora is dead. @_@

Heal Dark Pit
Hurt Lucas

#100170 Super Smash Bros. 4 Name Competition [Round 2 Part 2/2]

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 23 August 2012 - 10:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well, then vote. :P


#101505 Pokemon Power Contest: Wii U Forums Edition

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 23 August 2012 - 10:46 AM in General Gaming

I hate how Mew's gonna win, so I'm gonna create a tourney, but with ALL the Pokemon! EVEN PIKACHU!

For now, you will one week to decide which Pokemon you nominate to enter into the tourney. Top 32 Pokemon will go to the next round. You can nominate up to three Pokemon.

8/23-8/30: Nominate
8/30-9/6: Round 1
9/6-9/13: Round 2
9/13-9/20: Round 3
9/20-9/27: Semi-Finals
9/27-10/4: Finals


I nominate:


#101489 Microsoft changes their logo after 25 years

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 23 August 2012 - 09:13 AM in The Café

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Tw-GGT6900s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

LOL, I meant the 3rd newest logo. :P

#101482 Microsoft changes their logo after 25 years

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 23 August 2012 - 08:19 AM in The Café

I like the old one better.

#101481 Hurt and Heal: Nintendo Characters: Take Two

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 23 August 2012 - 08:17 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Heal Link Hurt Peach

#101453 Iwata on Miiverse in Single-Player, and more

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 23 August 2012 - 05:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Iwata feels that gaming is now in an era “where even a single-player game experience can have a social component”. For Miiverse, Nintendo wants to have “a gaming platform as the place to create that ‘social graph’ for folks who are in gaming circles”. He also hopes it’ll allow those who are playing alone to not actually feel like they’re playing by themselves.

There’s lots of commentary below from Iwata concerning social gaming and Miiverse – be sure to check it out.

Iwata on the need for a social component in single-player experiences…

“We have reached an era where even a single-player game experience [can] have a social component that is very important. And I think, again, that social component is mandatory.

“Early on, when I played a Mario game, it was really fun for me to sit and chat with my friends about, ‘Hey I found coins over here, there’s a hidden place.’ [or] ‘This is how far I got.’ That interaction was great. It was really a lot of fun, and I think you’ll agree that [it was also great] to help your friends in playing a Zelda game by saying, ‘Hey, this is how you get past this boss or solve this puzzle.’ Of course the Internet does provide a lot of that interaction, but it’s not built for that purpose. For example, Facebook is something that connects you socially with a lot of different folks, but that doesn’t guarantee that the people you are going to have interactions with via Facebook are interested in games. And what I’m saying is that I don’t believe that the life experiences that you have—and those might be with the people you are connected with on Facebook—are not equal to the gaming experiences you might have with a lot of different folks.”

Iwata on Nintendo’s ambitions for Miiverse…

“I feel that we need to create—or present—a gaming platform as the place to create that ‘social graph’ for folks who are in gaming circles, I guess. So that’s kind of the reason for creating Miiverse.”

“When we looked at the timing of how we are going to be implementing it, [we said], ‘Okay, when are the best points when people want to have social interactions and makes them want to reach out and say, “Me too,” “I did that,” “I feel the same way,”?’ I think, on a very human level, that is what will give them a sense of satisfaction.

“If you look at gaming services, for example if you look at Xbox Live, one of the more traditionally or generally accepted features of the gaming service is the ability to play with folks at different locations at the same time. On the other hand, you’re not always going to be available at the same time to play with each other. And of course we’re going to have that service of head-to-head [multiplayer, when you are] on at the same time playing games against each other, but what we really want to do is create a place where folks who are playing by themselves will not feel like they are playing by themselves. They’ll be able to share those experiences and have that empathy that we mentioned earlier.”

Iwata noting that online service announcements will be made in the future…

“We will be making announcements as we are talking more about specific software and we’ll ask you to wait for those announcements of how we are implementing it with those software titles,”


#101441 How the Subspace Emissary Started: Part 1: Mario

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 23 August 2012 - 04:53 AM in General Gaming

You should try and fit the Donkey Kong Country games and DK64 in there. I always like to think that the Mario and DK universes are one in the same, since they connect with eachother so often. :o

Oops, I'm doing a separate section for that one. Oh well. :P I'm gonna do Zelda next, and it' gonna be largely based on Hyrule Historia. Without it, this wouldn't exist, LOL.

Thanks guys for reading!

#101388 How the Subspace Emissary Started: Part 1: Mario

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 22 August 2012 - 06:11 PM in General Gaming


There are various worlds in the Nintendo Universe, one of them being the World of Trophies. Master Hand is the ruler of that world. He visits other worlds in disguise (how he visits them is explained below) and makes drawings so he can make locations in his world based on the other worlds so characters coming in to the World of Trophies will feel right at home.

Every world had different propperties and rules. These worlds represents different Nintendo series, like the Mushroom Kingdom, or Hyrule. The only way to get through all of these worlds is through portals. These portals can be found in hidden places located in every world. However, not every world can connect to another world. Only the World of Trophies has all of the worlds' portals, so any character from any world can enter through these portals. These coming threads explain how the characters got into the World of Trophies, and what happened before and after. There will be a chronological order in the end of each world's section, containing a general synopsis of that world's order and when they entered the World of Trophies. Please note that this is made by a fan, and is not canon. I hope you enjoy.
Mushroom World (Specifically Mushroom Kingdom):

Mario has already been through a portal before entering the World of Trophies. When he and Luigi were a baby, his parents abandoned him, and sent him to a stork. And so begins Yoshi's Island-Yoshi's Island DS. After Yoshi's Island DS (and Partners in Time. Quick note about the Shroob Planet thing from that game, that is a seperate world, and they use special technologies to find about Mushroom World), Baby Mario and Baby Luigi stumbled upon a portal that leads to Earth. Earth and the Mushroom Kingdom both run at the same speed, but have different rules (you know, mushrooms, fire flowers, etc don't work the same in both worlds) This Earth, however, is a bit different from our own. I will not explain the differences for now, though I will explain them once I get the Earthbound section. So they went in and found themselves in New York. They were adopted by Italian parents, and although Mario and Luigi weren't Italian, they were always taught that they were, due to the Italian parents not wanting to know that they were adopted. Please note that Peach and Bowser did not leave the Mushroom Kingdom, and Daisy also stumbled upon a portal, but to Swarmsaland, setting up the events for Mario Land (not happening yet)

20 years later, Mario was unemployed. Although Luigi enjoyed a plumbing job, Mario didn't like the thought of going underground to fix pipes, and his job as a doctor was pretty much a failure. Eventually, he got a job as a carpenter. One day, he went into a girl named Pauline's house. However, an ape from a nearby zoo stole her while Mario was working, and the ape ran into a tall factory. And thus, Donkey Kong begins, and after that, Donkey Kong Jr and 3.

Mario dumped Pauline after a year due to her constant whining, and finally decided to join Luigi in his plumbing job, as he still didn't have a job as his boss from the carpenter company said he should've kept working instead of chasing the ape. Mario Bros begins.

Mario and Luigi then became bored of the job after two years. While working underground, they discovered a portal in a pipe, the same portal that they went through when they were a baby. They went in, and found out that they were in the Mushroom Kingdom. After a week of exlporing and learning about this wonderful world, they never wanted to go back to the drab Earth. Eventually, Toad explains about Peach and Super Mario Bros-New Super Mario Bros U begins (takes about two years). (Note about Swarmsaland: Mario found the portal to it and rescued Daisy. Daisy decided to come with Mario to the Mushroom Kingdom)

After NSMBU, peace resided in the Mushroom Kingdom for a long time. In fact, Bowser started to be friendly, and he apologized. They all played tennis, had parties, and drove karts throughout the Mushroom Kingdom for three years. Although everyone was having fun, Mario wanted more adventures, so he explored the Mushroom world for adventure. He eventually found the World of Trophies in a deserted wasteland, and he went in.

He thought he was still in the Mushroom Kingdom until he saw the other stages, such as one from Hyrule. He was amazed. He went back to Peach, Luigi, and Bowser and told them about it. Luigi and Bowser didn't want to go, for different reasons (Luigi was scared, and Bowser realized that he could kidnap Peach if he became evil again, so he waited until the right moment to come), but Peach went with Mario.

Eventually, they found out that the food they brought from the Mushroom Kingdom to the World of Trophies was stolen. They looked every where until they saw a pink puffball eating it (KIRBY!!!!). So Mario fought him, and when he defeated him, Kirby turned into a trophy (note that there is an alternate ending to this, I will cover it once I get into the Kirby section)

Mario was fascinated, and he realized that nobody could die in this world, they can only become trophies. He revived Kirby and apologized for being so harsh. Mario and Peach's story are to be continued... (will return to when I reach the Prolouge of Super Smash Brothers section)

Luigi accidentally stumbled upon a portal while walking through a valley. He was listening to music with his eyes closed, and he walked straight in. Luigi's part of Super Smash Bros starts.

Bowser actually followed Mario and Peach, even though he said no. He branched paths to find Master Hand, along with Ganondorf (to be discussed in the Zelda section). Master Hand (being manupilated by Tabuu) told them that they could capture Peach and Zelda, and they agreed to follow their orders. Bowser recieved the Dark Cannon, and Bowser's part of Super Smash Bros. starts.

What did you think? Did you like it? Which section do you want next? Please say as much critisim as you like. I'm not the best writer, but I am a thinker, so I can make up stories, but I can't really tell them with expertese. Ask any questions such as cameo explanation and other inconsitencies.


More General Timeline:

#101382 Wii Learn About U: Season 1: Week 1: StreetPassWanter

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 22 August 2012 - 05:51 PM in The Café

Can I call you a selfish prick for putting yourself first on the list?

I was the first one that wanted to be questioned!


#101343 Mario U

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 22 August 2012 - 03:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

yea im confused with this. Are the launch games in 720P? or whats the deal? Why is this not 1080P? I must have missed it and been living under a rock

I think that Nintendo is trying to get used to the system before activating 1080p. I personally don't care, as I have a 480p TV.

#101337 Mario U

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 22 August 2012 - 03:35 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Correction: 720p But I think it will be same-y, but harder. Music will just be added instruments, and items won't be too different.

#101321 Wii Learn About U: Season 1: Week 1: StreetPassWanter

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 22 August 2012 - 03:02 PM in The Café

Changed the title so people can pay more attention to this. :P

#101319 Hurt and Heal: Nintendo Characters: Take Two

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 22 August 2012 - 02:57 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Hurt +++ Palutena, Heal +++ Dark Pit

I have renamed all of the items, and added one called "Final Smash". It's an item that will do loads of damage at a high price. New task, which is to get this item.

#101311 Hurt and Heal: Nintendo Characters: Take Two

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 22 August 2012 - 02:15 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Hurt Captain Falcon

Captain Falcon is already dead.

#101111 What color Wii U should I buy?

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 21 August 2012 - 06:33 PM in Wii U Hardware

no black gets loaded with fingerprints get white because everybodies getting black and there will be more whites on shelf.

Am I the only one who that this was racist at first?

And I have two white Wiimotes, plus a golden wiimote, but I want Black SOOO bad, LOL. Don't know which one I should choose.

#101109 Last Chance Predictions About the Wii U Before September 13th

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 21 August 2012 - 06:30 PM in Wii U Hardware

confirmed black wii u atlaunch spw. gamestop is putting out pre orders for them asap.

Nintendo didn't confirm it, so I don't take it as real, LOL. :P Oh well, I'm a stubborn guy.

#101107 Wii U Forum Theme by WisdomPowerCourage

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 21 August 2012 - 06:22 PM in The Museum

I like Cerb's more, but it's still great!

#101101 Last Chance Predictions About the Wii U Before September 13th

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 21 August 2012 - 06:00 PM in Wii U Hardware

This is your last chance to predict anything and everything about the Wii U. ANYTHING!!!! However, if you guess, price, release date, colors, and what is packed in with the Wii U, if you get one of them correct, you get a Prediction Point. However has 4/the most prediction points wins nothing except blabber rights. Must be specific.

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