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#11318 FZero (WiiU) ideas & opinions thread

Posted by Thunderr777 on 28 June 2011 - 04:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Here's what I would want to see :
-A track editor.
-Racers from all of the games released so far(would be interesting to see the 4 machines from BS F-zero Grand Prix 2). GP Legend, Climax, AX, Maximum Velocity. Roughly 60 machines, unless they add new ones.
-A more detailed Machine creator. Preferably something like then F-zero X expansion kit one, Where you pick the parts, which adds up the weight, but then you get to (with a limit) choose the rankings of the machines abilities (body, boost, and grip.) Parts from GX and new parts. Edit characters, color and emblems. Also be able to tweak machines under the hood and adjust small parts, mechanics, upgrade specs.
-online play of some kind.
-Story Mode (maybe) for select characters.
-a career mode where you can design and create your own character and machine. Interactive map environments that your character can walk around or drive in. Earn money from races, which can be used in shops to buy unlocked items. Has it's own story.
-An OPTION to pick between tilt control using the controller, or using the controller traditionally.
-Revival of stages like white land, death wind, and red canyon. Maximum Velocity tracks like Bianca City, Tenth Zone East, and Ancient Mesa would be nice too.

Anything else that could be added?

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