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#270385 One Game, Could Change Everything

Posted by lucario23 on 03 February 2014 - 10:29 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd be ok with Monolith working on an RPG set in the Pokemon universe. Not even a mainstream title, it could even be a crossover between pokemon and xenoblade/X.

#270507 One Game, Could Change Everything

Posted by lucario23 on 04 February 2014 - 01:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Game Freak have already stated that the Main Series games are staying on handhelds. That doesn't mean we couldn't get some kind of big AAA RPG that is Completely different than the main series. Read my whole post before you comment on it. That's the point of the Monolith Soft comment.


Games Freak have already stated that Pokemon games will remain on Nintendo handhelds

Sony made plenty of money from the PS1 and PS2, but yes the PS3 cost them billions from what I've read.


Games Freak have already stated that Pokemon games will remain on Nintendo handhelds.


But the casual gamers won't like all these great games, they want Wii Party U and Wii Fit U. Oh wait, they don't because they're not buying the Wii U are they?


Someone should put a fork in the Wii U, it's done!




Games Freak have already stated that Pokemon games will remain on Nintendo handhelds.


Game Freak said the Main Series Pokemon games would stay on handhelds. This does not mean a huge AAA RPG is impossible. Hence the comment about a crossover with Monolith. Read my post in it's entirety and understand it before commenting on it.

#279361 Phil Spencer named Head of Xbox

Posted by lucario23 on 01 April 2014 - 09:24 AM in General Gaming

Well he seems more game centric than the last moron so it should only be a good thing.

Wonder if he was in charge in the first place the console would have better specs, make stupid Kinect optional and focus on games from the start.

I agree with everything you said, except making Kinect optional. I've seen one in action, I've even watched it sign me in at my friend's house the second I walk into the room based on it's picture of me it has for recognition. I've watched and even just talked to the TV and seen it do exactly what I want it to. Kinect is WORTH the extra $100 and being slightly weaker. It's not being used in the same way the one on 360 was. It's there to supplement, not be the controller. 


Honestly, I hope Spencer can get Microsoft's internal game studios up to Nintendo and Sony standards as far as exclusives and IPs that give the console an identity of it's own. Only internal studios at Microsoft will be able to use the Kinect effectively as an enhancement of a game in a way that feels natural. As someone who has seen it in action, I'm a huge proponent of Kinect, though I would like a little more assurance from Microsoft that I'm not being spied on.

#283051 Polygon: Nintendo may be drowning, but it's invested in doing so silently

Posted by lucario23 on 29 April 2014 - 03:42 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Oh wow. An anti Nintendo article from the gamimg media site funded by microsoft. Shocking.

Heaven forbid one of those come out on the day Nintendo actually announces a cool new way to experience their E3 content.

#279614 Project Cars: over 40% of people interested, will be buying it on Wii U

Posted by lucario23 on 02 April 2014 - 06:48 PM in Wii U News

sweet!! I hope these guys can gain the traction they need to keep their Racing Sim on the console, Nintendo needs one.

#276035 Rocksteady/WB on why Origins exists: 3 years was a long time for Batman fans to

Posted by lucario23 on 06 March 2014 - 08:25 AM in General Gaming

me personally thats why I dont care that it is not coming to Wii U. i will get the blackgate up port though

Um.. rocksteady is the developer who doesn't want to milk the franchise, but make a quality statement for gaming. I'm about 80% sure the only way Warner Bros was ok with Rocksteady making Arkham Knight was because Origins gave them money to profit on while they waited. Since this was the only way they could make their game, they had to agree to Warner Bros. terms. Rocksteady is one of the few truly innovative studios who has a track record as flawless as Retro Studios (well, since Asylum at least) and I will be buying a next gen console to support what will be the first true statement of next gen gaming.

#275738 Rocksteady/WB on why Origins exists: 3 years was a long time for Batman fans to

Posted by lucario23 on 04 March 2014 - 06:29 PM in General Gaming

I assumed 3 years was a normal development cycle. Origins didn't need to exist. It could have been treated like a Super Luigi U kind of deal. I have a feeling that the real reason Origins existed was because Warner Bros knew that with the kind of development time Rocksteady was requiring they would barely break even.


Essentially, Warner Bros basically demanded another game be made so they could keep profiting off the franchise while Rocksteady worked. Origins disgusts me, yet I still want to get it. Guess I'm a Batman fanboy.

#278804 Rocksteady: 360/PS3/Wii U couldn't run Arkham Knight, only next gen.

Posted by lucario23 on 27 March 2014 - 06:10 PM in General Gaming

guys, a Wii U version is simply out of the question for a studio like Rocksteady, the architecture is just too different and there simply isn't enough RAM. This is the first of very few games that will truly take advantage of next Gen tech until the second half of the console life cycle. Rocksteady really does push the technology of the consoles they develop on, and for a studio of that size trying to make the masterpiece they are creating, it's just not feasible. Too little RAM, too many differences between architecture. Personally, I'm not upset. the industry needs more studios like Rocksteady and they deserve all the hype they can get. This is only the third game in the REAL Arkham Trilogy and I can't wait to get my hands on it.

#275349 Rumor: big game store just got new "Batman" posters (Rocksteady's...

Posted by lucario23 on 02 March 2014 - 08:10 AM in General Gaming

This better be Rocksteady, and it better be an innovative groundbreaking experience like City was. Origins screamed cash-in from when it was announced, and Warner Bros has made it onvious since then.

#274442 RUMOR:Sony set to reveal PS4 VR-headset at GDC 2014

Posted by lucario23 on 24 February 2014 - 09:30 AM in General Gaming

Sony never does learn do they.
They had one for PS2. No one seems to even remember it existed. They announced one a few years ago. Everyone has forgotten it. They they had another one I think and again no one remembers. People get excited each time Sony announces these things and every time they are forgotten 5 min later.

Look at all these things! Sony this is why you are losing so much money and having to shut down divisions is dumb carp like this.

Each one of those is from a different time. Different products same goal and they always fail. Sony is insane.

Nintendo has been pushing for a second screen in the livin room for ages going back farther even than the gameboy/cube. Maybe this gen will finally be the gen where each company's ideal gaming peripherals get jammed down our throats so we can all move on?

#270935 Sonic Boom has secretly been announced for a year.

Posted by lucario23 on 06 February 2014 - 10:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Dang, leave it to Sega to prove the Wii U can do things graphically.

I know what you mean, but leave it to Nintendo to prove the Wii U can do things. I'm looking a tMariokart 8 and X.


And also, could this be the big CryEngine game everyone was talking about a year ago that was for Wii U? I'm betting it is. I've never played Sonic, but this game looks like it's definitely worth the look

#279114 Space MMORPG Under Development For Wii U

Posted by lucario23 on 30 March 2014 - 07:18 PM in Wii U News

Guys, check out Space Pioneer!! It's a game that just got a Kickstarter for Wii U and PC Linux. It looks way better than this



#269623 Space Pioneer

Posted by lucario23 on 30 January 2014 - 06:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Neat! there has been a lot of interesting Kickstarters popping up recently.

#290303 Starfox with Mechs

Posted by lucario23 on 14 June 2014 - 04:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Durrrrrr Nintendoh iz copyinng off of Titannfalll cuz Titannfalll haz mechs.  Respawn shud suuuuuuue Nintendohhhh!

Can't tell if trolling or just uninformed...

#292706 The game industry thinks that you are stupid.

Posted by lucario23 on 09 July 2014 - 01:51 PM in General Gaming

To a certain extent he is right, but i don`t think that, in the case of BF, everything is lost. Hardlines, or whatever is the name of the next BF, will prove if EA really tried to change something or not.

I battlefield is suffering it is most certainly EAs fault and NOT DICE. Unless there are some key layoff I'm not aware of (which is actually possible) the talent for battlefield is there, they just can't be tied down by EA: "you have to have this out a a launch title even if its only half done"

#274253 The Legend of Zelda Oculus Rift

Posted by lucario23 on 22 February 2014 - 11:36 PM in General Gaming

I actually played this Zelda game today. It was actually really cool. I motion sickness because I haven't been feeling good recently, but it was really cool!

#270314 Ubisoft Has Abandoned Their Watch Dogs Trademark

Posted by lucario23 on 03 February 2014 - 03:23 PM in General Gaming

The game's going to come out. It's possibly the most hyped game on the near horizon right now and Ubisoft can't possibly think it would be profitable to not release it. As far as name changes goes. Who cares if they call the game "Chicago Pony Rainbow Chasers" for all I care as long as the game itself is the same.

#279407 What are your guy's thoughts on Harry Potter for a turn based RPG?

Posted by lucario23 on 01 April 2014 - 01:03 PM in General Gaming

Seriously guys, What do you think? Harry Potter 1-3 got turn based RPGs on the gameboy color/advance and I honestly thought they were the best Harry Potter games I've ever played. The gameplay was probably the most solid I've seen in a licensed game like that ever. A game that actually got the budget and talent behind it could be an awesome way to experience Harry Potter's world.


Let me know what you think! Especially if you have played any of the games wishing you could have a good Harry Potter game!

#279485 What are your guy's thoughts on Harry Potter for a turn based RPG?

Posted by lucario23 on 01 April 2014 - 07:21 PM in General Gaming

Sounds like a perfect match.  I also played a couple of Harry Potter games on the original Xbox (made by EA possibly?) that were pretty darn good.

yeah, The first couple Harry Potter games for Sorcerer's stone and chamber of secrets are pretty good. And so was Quidditch World Cup if I remember correctly.  Side note- I always wondered why EA Sports didn't take Quidditch World Cup and turn it into a yearly sporting franchise for Harry Potter fans like they do with Madden and FIFA? they'd have every fan of the series in their pockets.


But yeah, the early Harry Potter games were actually really good, and the handheld ones made for some great turn based RPG gaming. I'd love to be able to do grind a party of my favorite wizards or just go on solo missions with Harry. (If you did a game where you played through an 85 hour long JRPG length format, you could open the game up from freely exploring Hogwarts onto other areas of the Wizarding world as Harry gets in to later years at Hogwarts etc.)

#270141 What do you want in Zelda U?

Posted by lucario23 on 02 February 2014 - 07:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

wii motion plus better be an OPTION for the sword play. That stuff worked really well in skyward sword and it can only be better on newer hardware. As far as the world is concerned I'm thinking something like Link Between Worlds meets Skyrim. I want it to be a dense world and a big open world, but not quite Skyrim big. Zelda isn't a pure sandbox game and it shouldn't try to be. I would like a huge world to explore, but think like maybe 2x the size of Twilight Princess with the density of stuff like Skyward Sword ought to be good.


I'd like to see multiple Hylian villages instead of just Kakariko and Castle Town. It would be nice to get a feel of what living in Hyrule is actually like so it means something to save it. In that sense I would like them to learn from Skyrim, but don't make insanely huge open world just because (though I don't think they will). I'd like to see other things like spontaneous events happening in the open world. Quests that involve side dungeons and caves and things like the little corners of Link to the Past and Link Between Worlds.

#288750 What features would you like to see announced for the Wii U at E3?

Posted by lucario23 on 08 June 2014 - 04:03 PM in General Gaming

The title says it. We've not heard a word about any possible new features that could be announced at E3 (the focus has rightly been on the potential games announced). I've got tons of things I'd like to see, thought I doubt most of them will actually happen.


1) Cross Game chat.


I know this isn't really Nintendo's thing, but a cross game chat system where you could even have video if it's 4 people or less and all of you are friends would be awesome. There are tons of ways to implement this in a kid friendly manner. Also, make this feature a part of the friends list app thing. It's the most logical place to put it and put the messaging system there too! This needs to happen because there are just so many moments in Nintendo gaming I want to share with my friends. My friends and I could all be talking to each other while taking our first steps into the new Zelda game and ooh-ing and ah-ing together, or talking smack on Smash Bros and Mariokart, or hopefully co-oping in X together. etc etc.


2) Updated Miiverse (potentially likely)


Miiverse has always seemed clunky to me. Basically a UI update making it more like a traditional forum/facebook would be really neat to see. I think an update of some kind is actually pretty likely as it's been the same since basically launch.


3) Greater awareness of online happenings.


I want a system of easily knowing what friends of mine are online and what they are up to and be able to join their games when possible (think the join game feature for 3DS). They have an excellent online community with Miiverse and I want to be able to track my friends in this community etc. This DOES NOT mean I want it to turn into and Xbox as far feature heavy, but I would like to see a few subtle changes to make seeing friends coming online etc more accessible and not tucked away in a menue. More or less an improvement of features already in place than adding all sorts of crazy stuff.


4) (a demonstration of improvement of the platform  in some form)


This one is basically a blanket statement that gives them the benefit of the doubt for something new or a feature I didn't know I want or am forgetting off the top of my head.



Let me know what you guys would like to see! I'm mostly about the games with Nintendo, but I would ilke to see the console get a little more diverse with the features. E3 is usually when a few new features get announced if they are big enough news.


*disclaimer* Not sure if this should be in the E3 section or not, but I figured this was probably the better place for it as it wasn't anything related to confirmed E3 news.



#288756 What features would you like to see announced for the Wii U at E3?

Posted by lucario23 on 08 June 2014 - 04:34 PM in General Gaming

Just making the whole menu system quicker. It's rather sluggish. Cross game chat obviously. Friends list and Miiverse being intertwined rather then having to go between the two apps would make it feels way more connected.

yeah, that's got to be their next step for the gamer. Giving them cross game chat. it's 2014 already. I don't care if it comes in more parental controls than you could possibly imagine as long as it has the functionality to chat with your friends and friends of your friends cross game.

#276635 What if Nintendo changed their image to something similar to MS/Sony?

Posted by lucario23 on 10 March 2014 - 08:12 AM in General Gaming

Nintendo doesn't need to westernize to that extent. They do need to be aggressive enough with their next console to actually get third party support. This doesn't mean they need to beat the online infrastructure of Microsoft and Xbox Live, but they do need to invest in a network they can future proof and have key features like voice chat etc. I'd honestly be ok with paying $30-$50 a year if it meant having a good online network like the other companies, but that's just personal preference. that stuff does require money to maintain you know.


As Nollog said, they would lose all their money if they went that direction completely, but there are some obvious changes they can make that won't cost them much that will make them competitive. They really need to launch last, or at least reveal last this next generation so they can make sure they have tech similar enough for third parties to port most games fairly easily. This way they can make sure they have similar architecture (x86 , powerPC. etc).


Another obvious change and in my opinion the biggest flaw of the Wii U is bringing back analog triggers. this one speaks for itself. Those alone open up the entire racing and fps genres to Nintendo systems. Neither of those changes will cost them billions of dollars and they can reap huge rewards.




As for something I would like to see Nintendo do that is unique, but could be competitive if marketed correctly and planned for financially, is to develop a technology that basically lets servers dynamically switch between configurations for various games. Basically have a server network where servers rotate between the settings for hosting matches of various games. Basically servers wouldn't have to be retired for one game, or even one generation, because the settings for every game that is on a Nintendo device had server settings that just get called and set up prior to a match.


^that was very hypothetical. let me know what you think of the concept without considering cost etc.

#280598 What on earth could Nintendo should do at E3 to win back developers?

Posted by lucario23 on 09 April 2014 - 11:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

guys, it's simple really. Nintendo has dug themselves into a hole and they need to dig themselves out of it, not pretend it doesn't exist. 


E3 is actually pretty straightforward:

1) controller redesign

2) cross game chat announced

3)improved Miiverse

4) 2/3rds of time spent on games needs to be spent on 3rd party (Mighty No. 9, Project CARS, other bigger titles that are third party that the Wii U actually has and can be hyped up (not indies))  This is to start giving the correct impression that the Wii U has a library outside of nintendo content. 

5) opening presentation with full reveal of Monolith Soft's X and closing the show with Zelda announcement. (Metroid Prime or F-Zero announced/teased a swell)


Once E3 is over, nintendo needs to make sure that the stuff they talk about is other developers games 2/3rds of the time in Nintendo Directs and youtube videos, etc. They need to start securing releases of games like Star Citizen and Kingdom Come Deliverance, racing games, and just going after every gaming market that isn't first person shooter and EA Sports addicts.


They do need to slowly build their way to where they have those games, and need to talk about the multiplatform support and games they do have. and constantly be reminding people that they have 80% of the games the other two consoles have, and then their exclusive stuff as well. That's all it  really takes, hype your system, release new and better features for it constantly, and lavish the third party support you have with praise and attention. Notice how these are things that 1) Nintendo can do really easily in their own way and 2) Sony and Mircisoft already do with their system. and 3) notice how nintendo doesn't have to change any of their game development philosophies in the slightest. So they aren't really changing that much.

#271579 What to expect in future for Miiverse?

Posted by lucario23 on 10 February 2014 - 06:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Not really a miiverse thing, but a party chat with the friends list would be great. I want to be able to talk to my brother through my console if we get online and play Mariokart or Smash together or even are just playing Pikmin or something separately.

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