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#274446 What will you be playing before Mario Kart 8?

Posted by lucario23 on 24 February 2014 - 10:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software


shovel knight, teslagrad, qube.

Ill probably replay xenoblade sometime soon.

I'm 25,hours in for the first time. That's my main time sink til watch dogs and mk8

#279362 Wii U System Update 4.1 Available

Posted by lucario23 on 01 April 2014 - 09:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

these updates need to actually have new features for the OS patched in, What the heck is Nintendo using their resources on if not this?  I swear Iwata is so hung up on the fitness and Wii sports/fit/etc franchises that all he can see are those and his new QOL personal project. I want to at least know WHY we aren't getting new features on the system and where that time is actually going.

#294131 Wii U update version 5.1.0 out now

Posted by lucario23 on 24 July 2014 - 08:18 PM in Wii U News

The downloads are tied to the NNID and the NNID is tied to the console. If something happens e.g your console breaks, you send it to your country's Nintendo and they have the way to transfer the NNID to another console ;)

Your NNID is your ID. You can see all the games you've purchased on both 3DS and Wii u from one console. Surely there's some override switch where you can link a new console to your NNID and shut down the old console if it ever connects again?

#293184 Would you buy more remakes of Pokemon?

Posted by lucario23 on 14 July 2014 - 01:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Why is there little to be gained? A big pokemon game on console would be fantastic and like others said amiibos could be used greatly.

No, I disagree with this completely. Keep the combat turn-based but incorporate movement into a little, like FF tactics or if they do go real time kind make it real time with pause like Baldur's Gate where you could use the gamepad to move pokemon around the battlefield.

I understand your concern. Have you played xenoblade chronicles? It looks like an action combat system til you really get to know it, then you start to see hat everything is on a timer, thus dictating "turns" so to speak that would give pokemon the same level of strategy while keeping players more engaged in the console experience. By taking this combat and designing it and the open world around Pokemon I bet monolith could come up with something that is both of high quality and still different enough from handhelds that wouldn't steal their market.

Plus, this opens up the possibility for a good story and deep story mechanics. Something pokemon should really explore on the consoles to set itself apart again, from the handheld.

Plus plus, if you REALLY HAVE TO HAVE your turn based, you could throw in the turn based combat as some kind of side thing/ let you battle on the big screen with 3DSs etc.

What is so important about keeping the combat so turn based anyway? Honestly curious.

#293093 Would you buy more remakes of Pokemon?

Posted by lucario23 on 13 July 2014 - 07:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

People need to get it through their heads that mainstream pokemon is never going to come to consoles. There's no point doing it, there's little to be gained, and Gamefreak have said multiple times that they don't want to.

With that being said though, Nintendo should definitely start using the IP on consoles, but it shouldn't be a copy of the handheld games. Perhaps some sort of MMO where the classes are based off pokemon types. For example Rock/Ground pokemon could be tanks while Psychics could be a mage class.

See my above post.

#293576 Would you buy more remakes of Pokemon?

Posted by lucario23 on 17 July 2014 - 04:22 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Because they could do a lot with a turn based system a la Final Fantasy Tactics. Yes I've played Xenoblade Chronicles and games with similar combat systems and they are awful especially on a console, although a real time with pause system like Baldur's Gate could work on Wii U with the touchscreen.

Ok, that's clearly a matter of opinion and not an objective view of the situation. While Xenoblade's is not the ONLY combat system that could work, saying it's awful without explaining why doesn't convince me. A turn based system would work for a game. I just think something like Xenoblade could really be made intuitive and make the game unique compared to the handhelds.

#293061 Would you buy more remakes of Pokemon?

Posted by lucario23 on 12 July 2014 - 09:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I want Monolith Soft to design a battle system for Pokemon and release a big open world JRPG set in the Pokemon Universe. THAT's What Pokemon needs to be on a console.


The following are optional features.

And if you wanted to incorporate the handheld combat system as a large side quest series and to play each other on the big screen with the handheld teams (3DS vs 3DS) I'd be cool with that too!

#282134 Would you want Nintendo to buy another Western dev

Posted by lucario23 on 21 April 2014 - 11:12 AM in General Gaming

I just want them to expand Retro to where it is the size of EAD and is working on 3-4 western games at a time. It would be a slow process, but that is where I'd like to see them end up.

#284441 X/Bayonetta 2 still looking for 2014 release

Posted by lucario23 on 07 May 2014 - 09:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Interesting tidbit, but I didn't see Hyrule Warriors slated for a Japan release

#290412 Xenoblade X releasing in 2015

Posted by lucario23 on 15 June 2014 - 01:26 PM in E3 2014 Archive

3Dude. have we heard anything about if this game has any sort of multiplayer co-op yet? I know that was speculated a while back.

For some reason Kunihiko Tanaka's particular style invokes this reaction from people at first. Same exact thing happened when they saw the weird cherubby faces in xenosaga ep 1.

Of course, after they got used to it and Xenosaga II came around with normal anime faces, they then whined about not having the deformo faces... so I guess they slowly worked their way back?

I dont know, I was never a big fan of xenosaga. No gameplay, poor combat, a massive regression in level/world design compared to gears, and literally nothing but hours upon hours of cutscenes of cringeworthy cg wank material.... and the story was a poorly told convoluted mess that couldnt really make any intelligent subtle use of the philosophies it was based on like xenogears. So they shoved bouncing cg boobs in. Boobs boobs and more boobs.

Personally I was hoping for Kunihiko Tanaka's more xenogear like designs.


But whatever. Ill take the faces knowing the game itself is safe and far away from anything remotely xenosaga, forged in Takahashis philosophy that xenosaga style game design is a dead end.

see above post.

#290454 Xenoblade X releasing in 2015

Posted by lucario23 on 15 June 2014 - 04:49 PM in E3 2014 Archive

Ok in Dragon Quest IX you play the main story but you can bring friends online to be part of your party instead of characters from the game. So yeah Co-op.

Also in DQIX you can play the entire game without going online as well. So I am betting on something like that. Also was was saying they also may have a optional online mode like The Last Story. That had nothing to do with the story just went online to fight and such. They may have one or the other or both but I can promise you can play offline if wanting to. Nintendo isn't that company and nor is Monolith. They are not MS,EA or Square. So doubt there is anything to worry about.

Ah, ok. I understand that. My main concern was that the Dragon Quest IX style online (or any for that matter ) Wouldn't be in the game. I really hope they have the Dragon Quest IX style to this!! I'd really like to play this sort of gameplay while co-oping with a few friends.

#290422 Xenoblade X releasing in 2015

Posted by lucario23 on 15 June 2014 - 02:46 PM in E3 2014 Archive

Me and a frienc had this talk before E3 and seems he was right. I was worried be a online focused game. He suggest will be a single player story with a big online Co-op mode as something seperate or something along the lines of Dragon Quest IX on DS. Online is there so either be a seperate mode or join your friends if you want. The meat of the game will be the story mode I am sure.

I'm confused, are you saying you think it still has onilne elements? like co-op? Cuz the character creation lends itself to that a bit, but idk. I really hope it is a fully co-op able story but can be played completely single player, but you'd think Nintendo would say something about it's online capability if it were happening...

#282806 xenoblade.....

Posted by lucario23 on 27 April 2014 - 06:55 PM in General Gaming

Yeah....I kinda hope they ease off the tons and tons of teeny tiny quests in exchange for less yet more involved side quests. 

I agree. I want to see more side quests more involved with the fleshing out the story and deeper characters developed in the side quests. The world is massive though.

I'll be curious to see how they use next gen power for things like that other than graphics!! Though those are looking like they are shaping up to be fantastic as well.

#281388 Yoshida Highlights Brushes With Miiverse Law

Posted by lucario23 on 14 April 2014 - 06:54 PM in General Gaming

Well, thats what happens when you have stupid people targeting Nintendo for frivolous lawsuits like 'My child was attacked by an online predator via pictochat on ds!!!!!'* BECAUSE of that family image, and places like fox and abc news running with it full speed with not a single attempt at fact checking.

* (Pictochat DS was non online capable.)

This is a reaction to things people have done.

All Nintendo has to do is have people sign an agreement before they start using it saying that Nintendo is not liable for inappropriate conduct but they are actively trying to stop it blah blah blah and people have to agree with it before using the service. How do Sony and Microsoft handle it?

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