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#273769 Anyone think X looks a bit worse compared to previous viewings of it?

Posted by lucario23 on 20 February 2014 - 06:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They were, job positions were filled, and they are no longer urgently hurting for network coders. Really, you only need so many network coders. Their job cant really benefit to much from a paralell pipeline

People who make assets, like textures, models, animations etc, the more you have doing that, the more you can GREATLY speed up the production process.


So Let me ask you this then. Do YOU think this means that online co op/multiplayer is confirmed? Or just some form of leaderboard/item trading?

#273878 Anyone think X looks a bit worse compared to previous viewings of it?

Posted by lucario23 on 21 February 2014 - 01:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It was confirmed with the dialog in the chatbox in the very first trailer.

"So what do you want to do today?"

"Oh wow thats huge!"

"Lets go get it!"

Not usually something you see in a single player game.

Wow. Apparently I haven't been following this title as closely as I thought I was. I remember that box, but I didn't know the translations had confirmed they were targeting Online co-op. 

That's pretty awesome!! 


What else am I currently unaware of regarding this game? All I basically knew was that it was an HD successor to Xenoblade with Mechs. And some people think there may be space travel between planets.

#273631 Anyone think X looks a bit worse compared to previous viewings of it?

Posted by lucario23 on 19 February 2014 - 11:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Honestly, Im starting to think they arent holding back.

Im starting to think, this project is much much larger than I previously thought it was going to be... which was already very very large.

Ive said it before, but now I say it with conviction. I dont think this game is anywhere near feature complete. I think we have a small (small via in relation to the actual game, but probably several square miles, ie the size of es4 oblivion) area complete enough to warrant showing off, with a handful of models complete enough to allow to be seen, sort of... ANd the rest of it is just placeholders for the sake of functionality so they can hammer out the framework of the game. Its not usually until this is finished, when the project is feature complete, and they start filling the placeholders with release version assets that the first screens start getting shown....

I dont think we are anywhere near there, because of the size and ambition of project X.

Lets take a look at the X hiring spree, judging by their most recent posting, they are still pouring on the manpower:


Urgent! Planner

Work location

Tokyo Head Office (Meguro-ku, Tokyo)

Business content

<Development department>
The data creation and planning of the game

We're now looking for the following staff planning.

① game planner Urgent!
Consumer game production experience, welcome a game development experience with a better network with the specification of experience of proposal

Better scripting capability that may in part ② city planner in charge of consumer game production experience, is responsible for the town part of RPG, welcome in a program knowledge

③ Battle algorithm responsible planner Urgent!
Sometimes in the consumer game production experience, wrote the AI ​​of enemy,
(Another possibility programmers) who it is that it has formed a script

④ UI / menu planner in charge of Urgent!
Those who are design and layout of UI / in-game menu, experience and specification for creating
UI operation transition, graphic production, programs, scripts in the game
If you are some understanding

So, right here, we have some big ones.

Of course, we have the senior planner, you need one of these to head up a team to ensure cohesion and results. They are likely adding entire teams to the project, and need a project senior, and then leads for several areas.

They need city planners, for designing the various cities, and what goes on in them, events, quests, scripts, all the good stuff that goes on in the cities that we are going to be exploring in the game. Its listing is urgent, they want manpower.

Next on the list:

Battle Algorithm and AI programmer. That latest video was pretty cool right? But it seemed kinda lacking compared to say... Xenoblade? The monster was kinda lifeless, didnt really do much, didnt respond much, in areas that even xenoblade on wii did (Monsters getting cowed by powerful hits, paying attention to who hits them). Well, thats this teams job, and its listing for hiring is urgent. They want manpower.

UI/menu planner These guys are responsible for the user interface, the appearence of menus and feedback information shown to the player. Did the menus and hud of X look underwhelming? If you believe so, good news, its just a placeholder, this job title, whos listing is labeled urgent, is for fixing precisely that, and making it look more elegant and less obtrusive.

Next we have 3d CG designer! URGENT!!!!

They want individuals who can create 3d character models (player character, party members, mechs, enemies, you name it)

And also background geometry, like those gorgeous to explore areas in xenoblade.

Specifically looking for good animators, particularly for facial animations. Very urgent. Probably has to do with why we havent seen a characters face up close and doing stuff in any video yet, and why they havent even really shown us any cutscenes or story bits yet.

2d designers Not urgent, but hiring.
Story board artists, scene compositors, designers of the world, guys who do concept art that the other teams then turn into the levels characters and equipment of the game. A prettty big sign the game is nowhere near feature complete.

Effects designer Not urgent, but hiring.
Think those sword swing effects are looking a little lack luster? Think those gun effects lack some puch? Some oomph? Well its this guys future job to make those things happen with pizazz!

Motion designer URGENT!!!

Again, monolithsoft really wants some good animators. Did you think the animations in X maybe looked a little stiff? A little akward? Well, Monolithsoft does too, and they want to hire people to specifically tackle this problem.

This is going to be quite the grand project. I dont see how it can possibly release this year though, unless they hire a MASSIVE team (like western size AAA publisher team size) which will be no easy feat to manage.

I really, REALLY hope Nintendo allows takahashi to once again take as much time as needed for completion like he did with Xenoblade. But also, that doesnt mean to pretend the game doesnt exist either. Screens, a new tidbit here, or there, something like what smash bros is doing would be excellent. This is quite the ambitious project.

Didn't they post positions for networking stuff a while ago? Do we know what happened to them?

#274619 Anyone think X looks a bit worse compared to previous viewings of it?

Posted by lucario23 on 25 February 2014 - 07:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Ok guys there was a misunderstanding. You both misunderstood each other. Are you both clear on what the other person meant? Because I really want to talk about this game.

It looks like it's got a lot of neat online features, but I looks far from complete based on rewatch I g those videos. I saw a couple glitches in even the two hype trailers when they first release it.

Also, I've heard this combat be likened to Dragon Age. Is this true?

#285631 Mario Kart 8 Online Disappointment + Why so many babies?

Posted by lucario23 on 18 May 2014 - 06:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

People do not understand budget to sales ratio.

The Last Story sold 200k for Xseed. People laugh at it. Xseed announces it's thier most successful game ever also a success for Mistwalker.
Fire Emblem sold over 900k for a game that only need to seel 240K to be a success.

People seem to assume any game needs to sell in the millions to be a success ort even a very good success. It's not true. Games like CoD,GTA pour half a million in and need huge sales and massive marketing. Games lke Skyrim or Bioshock Infinite despire being loaded iwth problems in finished product and devlopment get so hyped and so much put in too big to fail even when they do.
Games can sell over a million or a couple million and be a failure.

Can I get a little more grammar before I 100% agree with you please?

#285624 Mario Kart 8 Online Disappointment + Why so many babies?

Posted by lucario23 on 18 May 2014 - 05:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Nope, when will people stop asking for this. A new mario galaxy, it doesn't sell. No 3D mario does, if you look at the sales figures 2D mario games sell the best. This is because, and here's the shocker, it is what people know. We don't want something totally different, we want what we know. As for Metroid (and all other old games like F-zero and such), just no. These are games that would have to go through a lot off change if they want to sell it to current gamers, because they expect much more. That's why Nintendo doesn't dare touching them. Starfox 64 3D didn't sell, F-Zero is only known amongst the older gamers and metroid has been released on the GC so it hasn't been that long. Nintendo should just keep these IP's in the archives and look into new/other IP's

Who cares about what sells? Are you really so attached to this company that you would rather see them make millions off I every game they made instead of makin games people want? F-Zero and Metroid may not be huge sellers, but games like Fire Emblem Awakening with a target of 700,000 copies sold. Not every game has to sell millions to be a success. If Nintendo lost money on GX, I bet it wasn't nearly as much as you think.

Do you even know the average age of the Nintendo install base? Just about Hal the people on my college dorm floor had 3DSs. Most of them got games other than just pokemon. I have two friends on my Wii U. My brother, and a friend 2 years older than me in his 20s. And another friend of mine from college. The people I talk to who are interested in the console are my COLLEGE friends, not the people in my brother's 8th grade class who can't see past the latest Call of Duty. Their complaints and reasons for not getting the console are things like it's online infrastructure and games they are interested in beyond Mariokart and Smash Bros. and Zelda. They want to see new IP and third party support and they'd be back in a heartbeat. And they are the fans with the money to throw at Nintendo if sai games were available.

#272220 Nintendo Direct Discussion Thread

Posted by lucario23 on 13 February 2014 - 03:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So what's everyone's problem again?


We got more footage of Mariokart 8. It looks Amazing!! Neat tracks, and plenty of retro tracks confirmed as well.

We got a new character announcement in Little Mac for Smash.



Bayonetta 2 story (Which was the first trailer to honestly turn my head for that game as it started to explain the story)

Donkey Kong even looks really good.


We got tons of indie support and such thrown in as well.



If you all payed attention to the pacing of these directs you would know that Nintendo saves all of the big Wii U stuff for the end.

We got a lot of the games that appeal to the younger audience for the 3DS that will keep that market growing over the next half a year.

Monster Hunter even got announced for the west.



A FREE TO PLAY TACTICAL FPS in the eshop available today.


spoiled brats. I'm going to enjoy all of the great content Nintendo did just post and look forward to all of the stuff coming in future months. X Bayonetta 2 Mariokart and Smash. along with Donkey Kong next week!! Peace out haters!

#272283 Nintendo Direct Discussion Thread

Posted by lucario23 on 13 February 2014 - 08:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I find it ironic that this direct essentially had just about everything people were asking for, aside from the most outlandish hype hopes, and yet people are still disappointed. Too much hype.


We got a new Smash character, X gameplay (not just footage), Bayonetta trailer. Mario Kart release date (way to fail Nintendo), indie games, and virtual console news. All in all I'd say it was alright. Not spectacular but there have been way worse and it could have been a lot worse. 

I think most people are really concerned about how the content was really marketed and emphasized instead of upset over what was actually shown. 


On paper this Direct was one of the best ever. 4 blockbuster Wii U games were shown, multiple 3DS games that will sell pretty well. Indie and virtual console games left and right, and even some smaller games free to play starting today.


What people are frustrated with it how they chose to market this content. We got glimpses at the things we wanted to see and tons of gibberish about games we wanted to see in passing (admit it, we want to see the Yoshi, Kirby, etc so be able to say we have those games coming).


Nintendo did a good job of finding the right subjects to talk about, just not the right content on said subjects. We wanted in depth mechanics of X explained, Online features of Mariokart 8 discussed as something to look forward to. Anything other than just a character reveal for Smash, new modes, online functionality etc. Bayonetta was the closest thing to this we got as we got some story and gameplay. this is what we needed from the others and didn't get!! 

#272224 Nintendo Direct Discussion Thread

Posted by lucario23 on 13 February 2014 - 03:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

What made me very happy:

Little Mac footage

MH4U mention

X Gameplay

Bayo2 trailer


What put me to sleep:

Everything else


Overall, the direct was a "Meh" for me.


Also, Sorcerer12 must be a sorcerer.  The only way he could've called FPS Steel Diver was through black magic.

Keep in mind that this Direct is intended to announce content for a huge variety of people. While people like us are the most dedicated watchers, There are tons of announcements Nintendo feels they need to make to get the word out for these lesser titles.


Basically what I'm saying is that this direct isn't just for you or me or any one particular group of people. It's about Nintendo releasing information about everything they are working on when they are ready to talk about it.


Considering there were 4 games in ONE Direct that was merely a monthly direct that sparked an interest for you I'd say Nintendo did a good job, even if the Direct as a whole had a lot of other "meh" stuff for you.

#279710 Mario Kart 8 Devs Praise Wii U Power - Show Off Visual Stunner

Posted by lucario23 on 03 April 2014 - 12:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Anyone else feel when MK8, Super Smash, Bayonetta 2 and new Zelda drops the Wii U will be reborn?

Sales might not take off as much as Nintendo would like but still, I see Wii U selling more than Gamecube despite peoples low expectations.

While I agree with you, I really can't get over the fact that they haven't included cross-game chat yet. I've played my 360 for many hours with my friends online and I realized that I can't get the same experience playing the games I'd prefer to play.

#294135 Hyrule Warriors

Posted by lucario23 on 24 July 2014 - 08:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Not my type of game. It still sucks to me.
Looks like a rebranded dynasty warrior.
I think there was even a metal gear solid like this.

Idk why game makers take there series so far away from what it use to be.

You do get the whole point of this game is to be a crossover of sorts to where you have a dynasty warriors style game set in the Zelda universe right? Like you're criticizing a game for doing exactly what the game is telling you it's going to do. I'm sorry it's not exactly what you want, but don't bash it or consider it crap because of that. Grade it impartially for quality, but grade as biased as you like as far as enjoyment.

#293002 If you were in charge on Nintendo...

Posted by lucario23 on 12 July 2014 - 08:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

I would drop the Wii name faster then (insert funny joke here).

I would call it the Eff U before using Wii again.

Make your God Damn dev kits 5 YEARS before launch and get a Damn Metriod, a Mario, and a Zelda game out for launch (hell, throw a Pikmin in there too).

Yes Nintendo, You used to be able to launch a system with 3 total games for the first month or 2. Those days are long gone.

Since your are launching with actual games Nintendo fans love, market the Damn thing to Nintendo fans. No more casual BS. Keep it real, Then you have a chance of getting new gamers if you make some old school style games with modern tech. Your games are to easy.

My 4 year old loves Pikmin. He has beat most bosses in that game since he was 3 1/2.

When a 3 year old can beat your bosses your have lost your way.

Which brings me to my next idea. Market to the dad who wants to share good games with his kids. I am not Playing CoD wIth my 3 year old. But I let him watch/play Pikmin, Mario etc.

He loves Nintendo characters.

So what am I saying. ..mmm. ..

Launch with real games.

Market to hard-core Nintendo fans (not kids or college students. .. try the dad who loves the old games and wants something tasteful too share with kids)

Increase challenge so games aren't for soccer moms and 3 year olds.

There is probably more but i am not getting paid for this so I am losing interest.

Plus, as with all the other stuff I have been right about here, You guys will just call me an idiot. This should be enough material for that. 8).


Lol. The irony about that is by the time the next wave of consoles come out, physical media will going out and everything will be streamed.

I'm a college kid. To which games are you referring that should be marketed towards you and not us? Metroid? F-Zero? Smash Bros? Heck, even Mario Zelda or fire emblem? You want these olde games back and you think college kids dot want that too? Very person at college I've talked to wants the old school Nintendo games back yet you say don't market to us? Please clarify...

#307905 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by lucario23 on 30 January 2015 - 03:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Gosh. I know he doesn't want the online elements to be too invasive, but I think the ONLY way I will have the motivation to spend 300 hours on this game is if I can co-op with my friends. 

#307769 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by lucario23 on 28 January 2015 - 03:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software


It appears the story progression is tied to the unions and the progress you make in them branches it out.


Seriously, this is 10000000X better than the same old thieves guild assassins guild, fighter guild mage guild junk.

Just to clarify, is the reason this system is better than the thieves/assassin's/fighter/mage guild because the actual story progression happens through them? Because honestly, I would prefer 1 "guild" that covers the events of the main story arc. I can't spend 300 hours on this game and all the different guilds.


also, while I have you here, thoughts on the "loosely connected online"?? I definitely don't want to feel aware of everyone else's presence all the time, but that also doesn't confirm or deny if I can co-op stuff with my friends.

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