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Funtendo Zii's Content

There have been 42 items by Funtendo Zii (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#20268 Savings check! :P

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 10 August 2011 - 01:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

I´ve saved 25.34 EUROs, so about 36.15 $

#23365 Press and Hold: Control and V

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 22 August 2011 - 12:59 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games


hmmm, don´t remember copying that:blink:

#24967 So whats gonna protect the controller?

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 30 August 2011 - 01:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

Strap for sure,but a jacket... hmmmmm... not so sure about it

I have a Wii strap in my 3DS :P

cool, me too :D

#24943 The A-Z of Nintendo.

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 30 August 2011 - 12:36 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Cooking Mama

#24975 The A-Z of Nintendo.

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 30 August 2011 - 01:29 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Elvin Gadd
Posted Image

#24458 DragonWarrior here from the 3DS Buzz Fourms

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 27 August 2011 - 12:16 PM in Introduction Central

I've always wanted to do one of these first time introductions threads.
As you can tell I'm a huge Dragon Warrior fan along with Dragon Quest and many more rpg's.
While growing up my first system was a NES and then shortly after a SNES, making me a fan of old skool Nintendo.
I consider myself an intermediate when it comes to gaming, probably even a rookie but I do enjoy most gaming styles. Basically, I have a lot to learn.
The systems I currently own are as follows: Nes, Snes, Gameboy, N64, Gameboy Color, DS Lite, Wii, 3DS, along with a PS1 and PS2.
A couple more things, David Eddings was an amazing author who contributed to Dragon Warrior, and therefore placed his mark for the future of rpg's.
Blues Brothers is a classic movie and one of my favorites. I'm also a big anime fan so for anyone else who is, feel free and ask me questions or recommendations.

I look forward to meeting both new and familiar people on the Wii U Forums!!

Check me out on the 3DS Buzz Forums @ http://www.3dsbuzz.c...gonwarrior-762/

Hello and welcome to the Wii U forums, biggest Wii U related community there is !
Be sure to read the rules and follow them, if you have any questions or problems, contact with staff members (mod or admin)

Have A good time here !

#24211 I'm new, but you knew that already.

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 26 August 2011 - 04:37 AM in Introduction Central


I'm Makar. My real name is Matthew, I'm fourteen years old and sometimes I suffer fro blind fan boy-ism so please forgive me...

I love the legend of Zelda (Makar is a Zelda character.) and have been from a little child, I own every Nintendo home console and about 50% of the handhelds. I love my 3DS but it's broken at the moment D:. I fully support the operation moonfall, moogle and sunshine movements.

I don't have a lot that's interesting to say, so I'll just give you a quick run down of what I like..

I LOVE The Legend of Zelda and own every game (Haven't completed them all yet).
My favourite Zelda game is Majora's mask OR Twilight Princess though I've completed either.
I recently played pokemon diamond, loved and the next day bought Pokemon white (Haven't started it yet).
My favourite 'Youtuber' is Masae Anela, if you haven't heard of her go check her out! (I don't consider this advertising really so i hope it doesn't break the rules, if so message me and I'll edit it out..)
I bought the 3DS on launch but only own one game for it and I don't use it much although I think it's awesome. (Though it is broken :( )

I can't think of much more at the minute because I'm unoriginal so I'll add more as I think of it and save you the boredom of reading stuff you don't care about.

I'll see you around the forums!


Hello Matthew and a warm welcome to the Wii U forum !

As others said you, read the rules and if you have any problems, feel free to contact with staff members.

Have a good time here

#24881 Hi, I'm new

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 30 August 2011 - 03:11 AM in Introduction Central

Hi, I´m Funtendo Zii, Have a good time here, if you´ve got any problems, contact Feld0 or AMAC (staff members)

#25883 Hello there.

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 04 September 2011 - 07:59 AM in Introduction Central

Hi and Welcome to the Wii U Forums !

Have You read the rules already? If not, then You can find them here: Rules.

If You´ve got any (technical) problems, while using Wii U Forums, feel free to contact with our Moderator AMAC or Feld0, Owner and Admin on this forum. For non-tech help, you can contact with us, Guides, for help.

All Wii U news will be added to the Gaming section, under Wii U News.

If You´re bored and feel like You´d like to talk to somebody, head to the Chat, or If You´d like to play a game, You can find some under Roleplay and Forum Games.

As You post on this forum, Your post count will increase and with that, you can get new titles on Your profile. In the beginning Your title is „GOOMBA“ but by visiting this forum atleast once a day, You will be „Spiked Goomba“ in no time. If you want to learn more about these „User Titles“, click HERE!

Have a good time here, on Wii U Forums.

Funtendo Zii

#25884 Sup

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 04 September 2011 - 08:00 AM in Introduction Central

Hi and Welcome to the Wii U Forums !

Have You read the rules already? If not, then You can find them here: Rules.

If You´ve got any (technical) problems, while using Wii U Forums, feel free to contact with our Moderator AMAC or Feld0, Owner and Admin on this forum. For non-tech help, you can contact with us, Guides, for help.

All Wii U news will be added to the Gaming section, under Wii U News.

If You´re bored and feel like You´d like to talk to somebody, head to the Chat, or If You´d like to play a game, You can find some under Roleplay and Forum Games.

As You post on this forum, Your post count will increase and with that, you can get new titles on Your profile. In the beginning Your title is „GOOMBA“ but by visiting this forum atleast once a day, You will be „Spiked Goomba“ in no time. If you want to learn more about these „User Titles“, click HERE!

Have a good time here, on Wii U Forums.

Funtendo Zii

#25879 Hey Guys!

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 04 September 2011 - 07:53 AM in Introduction Central

Hi and Welcome to the Wii U Forums !

Have You read the rules already? If not, then You can find them here: Rules.

If You´ve got any (technical) problems, while using Wii U Forums, feel free to contact with our Moderator AMAC or Feld0, Owner and Admin on this forum. For non-tech help, you can contact with us, Guides, for help.

All Wii U news will be added to the Gaming section, under Wii U News.

If You´re bored and feel like You´d like to talk to somebody, head to the Chat, or If You´d like to play a game, You can find some under Roleplay and Forum Games.

As You post on this forum, Your post count will increase and with that, you can get new titles on Your profile. In the beginning Your title is „GOOMBA“ but by posting on this forum atleast once a day, You will be „Spiked Goomba“ in no time. If you want to learn more about these „User Titles“, click HERE!

Have a good time here, on Wii U Forums.

Funtendo Zii

#25882 Hiya!

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 04 September 2011 - 07:57 AM in Introduction Central

everything you need to know is already said, so: Welcome and Have a good time here!

#25881 hey all!!

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 04 September 2011 - 07:55 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome and Have a good time here!

#23359 Hi, I´m new

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 22 August 2011 - 12:50 PM in Introduction Central

Why hello Ken, welcome to the wii U forums. I hope you grow to like this community here. May i ask why is your user name the name of the Chinese wii knockoff.

That came to my mind first, when thinking about my username, Funtendo Zii was in Simpsons S21E11, and maybe it is Chinese wii knockoff too,

Hi there! If you speak Spanish, yo ablo espanol. Si no, if you speak Japanese.... TEACH ME!!! Anyways, AMAC and Feld0 may help you with any forum help.

Don´t speak spanish, japanese either. :D

#23339 Hi, I´m new

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 22 August 2011 - 11:33 AM in Introduction Central

Hello all ! My name´s Ken, have go two Wii´s and a lot of DSs, not many games, but a little collection I do have

and I´m bad at English :D

#23643 Hi, I´m new

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 23 August 2011 - 02:19 PM in Introduction Central

Hey, What's up? If you don't speak Spanish, then what do you speak?

Remember to read the rules and stuff, and ask Feld0 or AMAC for help.

Yesssss...soon we will have enough Simpsons fans to TAKE OVER THE WII U FORUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uhhh...have fun on the forums...

Hey, Hey, Bartman2, I speak English, Estonian and Russian :)

Cowabunga, duuud

Super Nintendo Chalmers

#20272 Post your Top 3 3DS Games/Apps

Posted by Funtendo Zii on 10 August 2011 - 01:36 AM in General Gaming

1) Internet Browser ( I call it Internet Bowser, idk why )
3) Nintendo eShop

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