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#23908 Miitropolis

Posted by Makar on 24 August 2011 - 04:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

This really seems like a great idea and something that could be adapted to integrate facebook, twitter and other social networking support.

For example, if you upload a new picture to facebook and you have it connected to your 'miitropolis' your photo could appear in a frame on the wall, or if you have your twitter account linked your Mii could tell other Miis what you've been up to while you're offline. (Eg : You update your twitter saying "I had a great night last night" your Mii would have that above it's head in a speech bubble.)

I approve of this idea in its fullest.

#24067 I'm new, but you knew that already.

Posted by Makar on 25 August 2011 - 02:22 PM in Introduction Central


I'm Makar. My real name is Matthew, I'm fourteen years old and sometimes I suffer fro blind fan boy-ism so please forgive me...

I love the legend of Zelda (Makar is a Zelda character.) and have been from a little child, I own every Nintendo home console and about 50% of the handhelds. I love my 3DS but it's broken at the moment D:. I fully support the operation moonfall, moogle and sunshine movements.

I don't have a lot that's interesting to say, so I'll just give you a quick run down of what I like..

I LOVE The Legend of Zelda and own every game (Haven't completed them all yet).
My favourite Zelda game is Majora's mask OR Twilight Princess though I've completed either.
I recently played pokemon diamond, loved and the next day bought Pokemon white (Haven't started it yet).
My favourite 'Youtuber' is Masae Anela, if you haven't heard of her go check her out! (I don't consider this advertising really so i hope it doesn't break the rules, if so message me and I'll edit it out..)
I bought the 3DS on launch but only own one game for it and I don't use it much although I think it's awesome. (Though it is broken :( )

I can't think of much more at the minute because I'm unoriginal so I'll add more as I think of it and save you the boredom of reading stuff you don't care about.

I'll see you around the forums!


#24209 I'm new, but you knew that already.

Posted by Makar on 26 August 2011 - 04:21 AM in Introduction Central

Legend of Zelda is one of my favourite games as well! I'd say my favourite is Twilight Princess. What game do you own for the 3DS? What happened to your 3DS? :o

I 'HAD' Sims 3 and Ocarina of Time 3DS but I gave Sims 3 to my friend as he didn't have any games for his 3DS Sims 3 is awful for the 3DS. My charger broke and I've been a bit slow on uptake of getting another one, my kitten chewed up my last one.

Oh yes, another Makar fan! I think I already like you. My name is GunGoomba, and I am a big Nintendo fan. Did you draw your avatar? It looks awesome.

No, unfortunately I can't draw for crap! I just found it on my computer, probably from google or something.

ZELDA FAN!! I LOVE YOU!!! (Not really. Gross!) Anyways, welcome! If you need any help, contact AMAC or Feld0.

I love you too, seriously. o_o

I love Makar <3

So...I assume that you love Legend of Zelda Wind Waker?

I also love Makar, obviously. Wind Waker is actually one of my least favourites.. D:

I see that you followed up my comment on your profile :D

I actually didn't see the wall post but thanks anyway! :)

#24295 hi im new

Posted by Makar on 26 August 2011 - 03:32 PM in Introduction Central

Hi there, I'm Makar!

I'm also new so I can't offer you much advice but I'd just like to offer you a warm welcome, I've only been on for a day or two and I already love it!

While I can't say I'm a 'Bronie' I have watched the pilot and it was rather entertaining...
Posted Image

#24321 Last Wii U in Stock

Posted by Makar on 26 August 2011 - 05:33 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

(While the rest of this was happening I was running around with an emo imp telling about how amazing she is as I killed spiders, chopped grass, owned monkeys and collected fused shadows then when I finally had the full set some depressed bipolar kid steals them all so I collect pieces of a mirror to own his sorry arse.)

That Wii U is mine, we have some unfinished lovin'

-Uses the fused shadows to becomes some crazy hand beast with pulsing arms to take the Wii U from you-

"Now, you shall be mine forever!"

-Runs home and hides in my mummy's basement with my Wii U-

#24326 The Mystery of Seven Mansion (Signup Thread)

Posted by Makar on 26 August 2011 - 05:53 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Name: Jason Lane
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Description: An average height teenager with long dark brown almost black hair, green eyes and glasses. He wears a long (almost tunic like) black top with a few tattered dull friendship bracelets loosely around his wrists, dark jeans with denim low-tops. He has an almost gothish appearance
Personality: He is some what nervous character, not used to being around people, serious nature (a lot of the times he doesn't understand when people are sarcastic.)
Weapon: A wooden mace, he keeps a lighter in his back pocket at all times.

#24380 Press and Hold: Control and V

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 06:20 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

http://gamestemple.w.../<br /><br />(It's a Wii U post I found here and sent to my friend.)

#24467 Wii U Hard drive

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 12:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

I would much prefer a hard drive to internal flash memory.

Installing a game from the disk also helps protect the game for example, if you scratch the disk so bad the game wont play if it's installed it'll play as normal. Slightly disappointing from a next gen console, but what can you do?
Awesome article by the way!

#24480 LEGO City Stories

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 01:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I really actually like the look of this game, the only I am slightly worried about is if this is a release title I don't think we'll see much innovation as far as the controller goes.

We haven't seen much of this game yet so for me it's too early to judge but I hope something is revealed about the game that puts the controller to good use.

#24489 Wii Showdown Semi-Finals Results: Mario Kart Wii VS Legend of Zelda: Twilight...

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 02:57 PM in General Gaming

(Excuse the major fan boyism here.)
No, no no no no!
How can Zelda be losing?!
Twilight Princess all the way!

I love Twilight Princess, for me it's tied with Majora's mask for best game in the Zelda series.

#24493 Would you play on a Wii U Forums Minecraft server?

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 03:08 PM in General Gaming

This is an AWESOME idea, unfortunately I wouldn't be able to fund this as I am a teenager with no access to online banking D:

#24500 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 04:19 PM in General Gaming

Between Makar from The Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker or
Judith from Tales of Vesperia.

#24502 Rumor: 3DS to receive a redesign and a new name starting in 2012.

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 04:27 PM in General Gaming

To be honest I would love nintendo for doing this, and I hope they do although I don't think they will.

The 3DS has not really become a game system everyone wishes they have and nintendo's marketing hasn't helped it. People look at me in school when I play my 3DS and say "So you got one of them new DSes?" I think they need to release a new version dropping the 3D and DS branding.

#24505 Rumor: 3DS to receive a redesign and a new name starting in 2012.

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 04:50 PM in General Gaming

You're somewhat right.
I've been asked by people if thats a new DS, something most people seem to think. However, to Drop the 3D and the DS branding would be suicide. Most of Nintendo's buyers are children, and most don't remember any nintendo system before the DS. For them, the DS is my generation's GBC/GBA. plus, dropping a feature like 3D wouldn't really help them out that much. Because some developers would still make new 3DS and would be forced to chose between to add a 3D or not to.

You make a good point, I didn't mean completely drop the '3D' branding though, what I should have said typed was don't make your marketing campaign revolve around something that's marmite. (It's a 'British' term meaning some people love it, some people hate it.)
I understand that most of nintendo's marketing is aimed at children but it is children who are thinking it's a new DS. I feel it would be better to drop the 'DS' branding but focus on the 'Nintendo' branding because in my opinion most children know that the DS is really the Nintendo DS. With this I feel Nintendo could still appeal to the core children market who will be wishing for a 3DS from santa but still also appeal to the 'HARDCORE' market (Even though to be honest the term 'Hardcore' has lost it meaning these days and has become a marketing ploy).

#24507 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 05:02 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Banned because your signature has under 9000 ponies.

#24602 How well do you know the person above?

Posted by Makar on 28 August 2011 - 09:33 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

4/10 I barely know you, I've only seen you around the forums and I spoke to you a little last night on chat.

#24688 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Makar on 28 August 2011 - 04:10 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Banned cause Makar is cuter than fluttershy.

#24696 Spam Battle

Posted by Makar on 28 August 2011 - 05:01 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Homework isn't evil, if you count up all the homeworks you do in a school year it adds up to an extra academic year of teaching.

#24724 Ask Elric

Posted by Makar on 28 August 2011 - 11:38 PM in The Café

The split timeline theory has been confirmed by Nintendo.

Do you believe the Hero's Shade from Twilight Princess is Majora's Mask's Link?

#24892 So whats gonna protect the controller?

Posted by Makar on 30 August 2011 - 04:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think it might come with a strap, I will also be buying a screen protector.
Another question that comes to mind is if Nintendo wont be selling Wii U controllers what if I break mine? Will I have to buy a new Wii U? D:

#24893 10 Games for NES Ambassador program revealed!

Posted by Makar on 30 August 2011 - 04:36 AM in General Gaming

This list is filled with awesome.
Yes, Zelda II! This will almost complete my Zelda game collection, hurry up Nintendo and put the Oracle games on the eShop.

I've never played a metroid game so I can't wait to see what it's like.
I'll be playing these if I ever get my charger replaced *grumble grumble*

#24895 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Makar on 30 August 2011 - 05:35 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Banned because I don't start school for another two days.

#24896 The A-Z of Nintendo.

Posted by Makar on 30 August 2011 - 05:56 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

This is a a pretty simple forum game that I used to play at Zelda Dungeon so I thought I'd bring it over here.

It's easy! The topic is Nintendo so the first poster would chose something relating to Nintendo (games, characters systems etc) starting with A then the next would continue with B etc

Example :
Poster one : Anju (From Majora's Mask)
Poster two: Bowser
Poster three : Cooking Mama
Poster four : Daisy

But what if we reach Z? Then you start over again, then there is the challenge of not using one someone has before.

I'll start with A :

Animal crossing! Posted Image

#24899 Wii Showdown FINALS!!!: Results and Future Matches

Posted by Makar on 30 August 2011 - 06:11 AM in General Gaming

I vote Skyward Sword.
I vote Mario Kart Wii.

#24920 Sensei-No's Advice Cafe

Posted by Makar on 30 August 2011 - 10:53 AM in The Café

Sensei-No! Why wont my high end PC run portal 2 with all the lowest settings? D:

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