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#39960 Do you think Nintendo should move to the iPhone?

Posted by Katana on 30 October 2011 - 01:10 PM in General Gaming

Playing a Nintendo game on anything else but a Nintendo console is unthinkable.
Sega really have not been the same since they have been forced down that road.Although some of their output has been good the glory days of Yu Suzuki and the AM depts churning out hits seems to be sadly behind them:)
I would not play a Zelda,Metroid,Mario etc on anything else but a Nintendo console and I think many others will feel the same.
And gaming on a phone sucks (my opinion) Sure its cheap but not good.
3DS has been slow off the mark,but that was pricing and no software at launch.Learn and move on.But the future for 3DS is good and I would take that over any phone (and I don't care how smart that phone is)
But I'f Nintendo made a deal with these companies to sell much older games etc to help fund their R&D etc then I would say do it.
But MK7 or Mario 3D on a phone...laughable.
These stockholders don't know s**t...!!!

#40786 Do you believe in 2012?

Posted by Katana on 03 November 2011 - 02:01 PM in The Café

Complete load of nonsense spread by people with too much time on their hands,taking illegal substances and access to a computer and the internet.
The world will end one day...but its a long way off...so don't worry you will play Zelda on Wii-U....phew...!!!!!!

#39040 A New Challenger is Approaching!

Posted by Katana on 28 October 2011 - 09:25 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum :D
Its cool here with friendly people so have fun... B)
I can't wait for MK7....just can't...wait... :D

#41106 -

Posted by Katana on 07 November 2011 - 03:54 AM in The Café

For me its just about MK7 :D
When the games out and I have played it a bit will probably go Metroid ^_^

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