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There have been 54 items by Katana (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#36814 Hello everyone! It's Gamerfan :)

Posted by Katana on 17 October 2011 - 10:49 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum and have fun...!!!

#38338 Hello everyone!

Posted by Katana on 23 October 2011 - 07:11 PM in Introduction Central

Hello and welcome to the forum:)
Yes I don't mind other systems (its all personal choice right) but I prefer Nintendo games more:)
But then I have played their games for ages,so I know the quality of Nintendo's games and hardware and they have never let me down:)
Plus Link,Samus,Mario are the coolest game characters around:)
So I suppose that makes me a fanboy too and as you said we would not be on this site I'f we was not:)
At the moment I am loving OOT (all over again) and Starfox 64...but have Mario 3D land on pre-order,but the game I am dying to play is Mario Kart 7...
But of course want Wii-U like...now ha ha.

#40189 hello i switched from 3dsforums.com to wii u forums

Posted by Katana on 31 October 2011 - 12:40 AM in Introduction Central

Hello and welcome to the forum :)
I moved over from the 3DS forum too,I found there was too many 'troll's' on there which sux :(
But it's cool here and nice people you will enjoy... :D

#41016 I'm Back!

Posted by Katana on 06 November 2011 - 02:33 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum :D

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