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There have been 54 items by Katana (Search limited from 02-July 23)

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#39937 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by Katana on 30 October 2011 - 12:26 PM in General Gaming

For me probably Samus Aran...but Link a close second.

#36396 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by Katana on 14 October 2011 - 06:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I want to see a proper Starfox game done in-house this time (Assault...!!!)
Retro to do a Metroid (this will happen)
Zelda we know is coming and man its the sexiest thing ever (apart from my GF)
Mario Kart...Mario Kart....with just Karts...!!! no bikes....!!!!
Mario I gather is in the pipline...pun-pun...ha ha....
Arkham City (love The Batman)
Luigis Mansion 3...???
And you know I'f they only do that I will be happy:)

#38786 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by Katana on 26 October 2011 - 03:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well I have heard a rumour from someone who's brother works for a big game developer and he told me the the price in the UK will be £250-299....Of course I can't say this is definite...but his brother has worked for this company for many years on Xbox,360 and PS2,PS3 software and they working on Wii-U now too.
The Wii-U looks great and is...but its not really next gen.A lot of it is of the shelf parts that have been around a while.
The days of massive profits are over (for now) and adaptability is the name of the game.
My friend did stress this is a rumour within the company but I think this sounds about right.

#43616 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by Katana on 25 November 2011 - 02:46 AM in The Café

I am listening to a band called Born of Osiris at the moment...they are Progressive Death Metal and awesome:)

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