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There have been 54 items by Katana (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#36740 Hello. The name is Reborn!

Posted by Katana on 16 October 2011 - 05:32 PM in Introduction Central

Hello and welcome to the forum:)
Hmmm I don't know the shows you watch,sorry:(
But have have heard of them.
But I play lots of games:)
And like Zelda very much:)
Hope you have fun here:)

#36396 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by Katana on 14 October 2011 - 06:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I want to see a proper Starfox game done in-house this time (Assault...!!!)
Retro to do a Metroid (this will happen)
Zelda we know is coming and man its the sexiest thing ever (apart from my GF)
Mario Kart...Mario Kart....with just Karts...!!! no bikes....!!!!
Mario I gather is in the pipline...pun-pun...ha ha....
Arkham City (love The Batman)
Luigis Mansion 3...???
And you know I'f they only do that I will be happy:)

#36395 Hi everyone...

Posted by Katana on 14 October 2011 - 06:15 PM in Introduction Central

Thank you all for the cool welcomes:)
OK questions questions....
I love the film Zatoichi and Katana just sounds cool...so chose it:) so maybe I have some Samurai in me LOL.
I am not a 'troll' well for a start I don't live in a cave...I try to get along with everyone and never saw sense in rowing about systems,specs,games LOL...you like what you like right...???
First game I ever played..?? Mario Kart on SNES:) been hooked on Nintendo ever since then,had every system,every game that was wroth getting.Even Goldeneye broke up a relationship I had...but hey it was a great game right...??? and bought a 3DS last weekend so I am ready for MK7...oh and Luigis Mansion 2 looks great...but my favourite game is probably OOT...but MK is very close 2nd...!!
I'f anybody wants to swap codes with me just ask...I'm very active on MKWii too as you may have guessed:)
And want Wii-U now...its genius...thats official...

#36247 Hi everyone...

Posted by Katana on 14 October 2011 - 05:00 AM in Introduction Central

I am Mark...Hmmm where do I start...OK...!!
Been playing Nintendo machines for years,don't own any other systems.
Big fan of Mario Kart Wii,Metroid and Zelda.
Just bought a 3DS and can't wait for MK7...really...can't...wait:(
Will be getting Wii-U as soon as it comes out:)
And I do other stuff thats more boring like read Batman comics and listen to Metal ha ha.
Want to know more or I'f you are a Karter and want to add on MK talk to me:)

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