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There have been 350 items by neverwinteru (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#87217 WiiU 3rd party Acessories List

Posted by neverwinteru on 12 June 2012 - 09:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

ill defiantly be picking up the mad catz pro controller

#87442 Wii U Triggers: Analog or Digital?

Posted by neverwinteru on 13 June 2012 - 01:37 PM in Wii U Hardware

They're digital. Honestly not a big deal, pressure sensitive triggers are rarely used in games. It's just something else for trolls to complain about.

so i guess the racing genre doesnt exist to you

#87529 People think third party games don't sell on Nintendo systems?

Posted by neverwinteru on 13 June 2012 - 05:41 PM in General Gaming

meh the wii is barely higher than the 360's not to mention there are like 40 million more wii's than 360's

#87538 What I'm most looking forward to for Wii U

Posted by neverwinteru on 13 June 2012 - 06:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

Smash bros 4.

seriously i will buy the wii u soley for that purpose if nothing else.

#87540 Wii U exclusive Zombie game announced!

Posted by neverwinteru on 13 June 2012 - 06:20 PM in Wii U Hardware

true at least its not Gears of War!!!!!

Birdmaster Y U NO Leik Gears?

#87543 Wii U Will Feature An Achievement System

Posted by neverwinteru on 13 June 2012 - 06:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

I have NEVER seen the problem with friendcodes. They're not much, if any different from Gamertags/usernames/whatever.

do you own a 360 or ps3, because friend codes are alot different than using gamertags and username.

#87545 Ending the Wii U power debate once and for all

Posted by neverwinteru on 13 June 2012 - 06:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

The next gen will go from something like this:
Posted Image

To this:
Posted Image

Yes this is quite a jump imo. Also the UE4 is not even done yet and CoD MW2 came in the middle of the life cycle of the current game consoles.

your post will likely go unnoticed because for some reason it's hard for people to grasp the fact that this generation will be a significant jump just like the last.

#87549 With the worries of wii u not selling to casuals..

Posted by neverwinteru on 13 June 2012 - 06:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

People forget the "core" consumer for Xbox are the casual gamers who only play CoD and actually think they're good at it.

The old casual parents would not buy it, the parents that bought it back in 2007 and 2008 have teenagers now. Those kids hate the Wii, those kids will tell their parents to not buy a Wii U. I'm pretty sure those parents have moved onto other things such as facebook games and smart phone games. I highly doubt that they're going to spend $250-$350 for the console and another $60 just so that they can "exercise" using the same old carp crap they've owned for years.

Thirdly, Nintendo has no reputation with other console owners, they didn't blow them away, all they showed to them were controller gimmicks again, they don't want that. After looking at UE4 and StarWars 1313 how can those gamers buy a Wii U when they can see it will be left behind by other next gen consoles that have games looking that good in real time.

Launch Day predictions
Casuals = Most Out!
"Core" gamers (CoD players) = Out!
Actual core gamers = Sceptical, would rather wait and see.
Nintendo core = In!

I'm getting it because I can afford it, however in normal cases I wouldn't buy it to just play a upressed 2D mario, Pikmin and P100.

i agree for the most part i still think Nintendo has yet to give a reason why the hardcore crowd should migrate back to them, and if i couldn't afford a Wii u i would likely pass it until a while after launch,

#87570 Ending the Wii U power debate once and for all

Posted by neverwinteru on 13 June 2012 - 10:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

It could be better explained with the luminous demo from square enid. Agnis philosophy looked sweet

agreed i was blown away by that demo i think u4 has potential as well, it just seems that epic keeps choosing a weird setting to present the graphical capabilities of the engine.

#87632 Ending the Wii U power debate once and for all

Posted by neverwinteru on 14 June 2012 - 05:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

nope not yet, but it hasn't been denied either.

#87633 Wii U Will Feature An Achievement System

Posted by neverwinteru on 14 June 2012 - 05:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

You know, I'd think you'd either notice when quoting me, or even typing the reply, but how did you fail to notice I had a PS3 TROPHY CARD IN MY SIGNATURE?

And no, they're not really. People blow the problems with them out of proportion. Sure, they're not perfect, but it's not the worst thing in the world.

Your gonna think im crazy but i never even looked down there for a second until now. I guess we can agree to disagree then cause adding people on the wii for me was just a hassle. though i will say the 3ds has tried to improve the system.

#87769 Wii U Triggers: Analog or Digital?

Posted by neverwinteru on 14 June 2012 - 07:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

such a missed opportunity i really cant believe they did this.

#87770 Apple Stepping In To The Console War?

Posted by neverwinteru on 14 June 2012 - 07:20 PM in General Gaming

not gonna happen

#88084 Alan Zavacky Community.......!

Posted by neverwinteru on 16 June 2012 - 10:33 AM in Introduction Central

Bot Bot Bot  if not then welcome.......bot

#89769 Xbox 360 Gamertags

Posted by neverwinteru on 24 June 2012 - 04:48 PM in General Gaming


#89805 ECHO3 Interviews U !

Posted by neverwinteru on 24 June 2012 - 11:31 PM in The Café

meh not dead just busy , im alive and kicking.

And yes Andy There shall be an interview ^__^!

#89947 Weird Picture I Threw Together... Field of Jigglypuff.

Posted by neverwinteru on 25 June 2012 - 06:27 PM in The Museum

im honestly eagerly awaiting for the next weird picture you will make lol.

#89948 The Huntsman's Blender Work

Posted by neverwinteru on 25 June 2012 - 06:29 PM in The Museum

steve scare's the hell out of me.

But good work.

#89949 Resturaunt

Posted by neverwinteru on 25 June 2012 - 06:32 PM in The Café

i think mine would be KOBE, its a Japanese steakhouse great food!

#89950 Your little pet

Posted by neverwinteru on 25 June 2012 - 06:33 PM in The Café

i used to have a bearded dragon but hes gone and now i have a cat named Buddy, the beardi was named draco

Posted Image

Posted Image

had a cat that looked exactly like that

#89962 Sup

Posted by neverwinteru on 25 June 2012 - 09:01 PM in Introduction Central

welcome to the forum, im sure you will enjoy your time on the forum!

#90036 ECHO3 Interviews U !

Posted by neverwinteru on 26 June 2012 - 08:42 AM in The Café


Greetings Andy! I’m glad you’re taking part in this interview to allow more people on the site to have insight on who you are and what you’re about! So let’s get this started.

Echo3: Is your name really Andy?

Andy: Actually, it's Andrew McCoy, but on the internet I choose to go by Andy.

Echo3: How old are you?

Andy: 15

Echo3: If you could choose any controller besides the wii u tablet, to play on any system for the rest of your life what would it be?

Andy: Probably either the Wii U pro controller or the X-Box 360 controller, as they both seem to be very high quality controllers.

Echo3: With your recent change of status to a mod has your view of the site changed, or do you consider yourself a regular member with abnormal abilities, lol?

Andy: I hope that no one will treat me any differently due to my recent promotion. I'm still the same Andy, and that's never changing. The only difference now is that instead of making a report, I can just drop the hammer myself when I see someone breaking the rules.

Echo3: What do you think the community needs in order to get its spark back its former glory (speaking about the recent repeat topics and less active users)?

Andy: I think one thing that will really help is to get one really big first party announcement from Nintendo; be it a 3D Mario, Zelda, Metroid, or anything from Retro or Monolith Soft. I think that as soon as one of their major franchises or developers is announced to have a game coming too the Wii U, we'll see a surge in activity on here.

Echo3: What do you think is the best show created?

Andy: Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy. That show was my childhood.

Echo3: What is your favorite Nintendo console and why?

Andy: The Wii. Not only was it my first Nintendo home console (other than an N64 that I had like, 2 games for), but the virtual console service and GameCube backwards compatibility allowed me to catch up on classics from previous generations.

Echo3: Are you also an active member of any other forum or online community?

Andy:I visit Brian's N00bpwners several times a day. I'll often be jumping back and fourth between here and there to see if there's any new content posted.

Echo3: Who do you think won e3 this year?

Andy: Ubisoft, definitely.

Echo3: Agreed!

Echo3: Do you think Nintendo is handling the Wii u correctly so far? If you could make any changes to the system or the way it’s being presented what would you do?

Andy:I think they're doing an OK job so far. If I had a say, I would just try to settle some of the unease surrounding the system's power and third party support.

Echo3: Who is your favorite video game developer and why?

Andy: I would have to say a tie between EAD Group 3 and Monolith Soft. EAD 3 because they've had a very consistent record of quality. Some of us may like one Zelda game over another, but are there any of us who can look at any individual entry to the series and truly call it a bad game? Monolith Soft because they just plain blew me away with Xenoblade. When I played that game, I felt like I had honestly gone back to my childhood.

Echo3: What are some of your life goals?

Andy: To become a video game developer, and to just be happy with my life.

Echo3: If you could create a videogame with 5 members on the site who would they be? Why?

Andy: Waller and Hinik, as they seem to be the go-to-guys for 3D rendering; Starrgrl24 for the musical compositions; Elric, as he seems like he could come up with an awesome story; and Caius, as he seems like he would really be good at coming up with great ideas for gameplay.

Echo3: Where are you from? Is there anywhere else you would rather live?

Andy: I'm from Eastern Kentucky. I'd definitely like to go to other places, but I'm not 100% sure as to where I'd want to live.

Echo3: Do you think the Wii was the best console of the last generation?

Andy: I think all three systems had their pros and cons this generation. In my personal experience, I found that there were more games that appealed to me as an individual on the Wii, but I will admit that support for the Wii could have been much, much better.

Echo3: Are…… you… a…a Brony?

Andy: I watched about... 20 episodes of the show I think. I'll admit it's a decent show, but it's just not the type of thing that I'd obsess over.

Echo3: What is your favorite Nintendo series? What is your favorite non-Nintendo series?

Andy: The Legend Of Zelda. Sly Cooper.

Echo3: If given the opportunity what game company would you choose to work for. What game company would you shut down?

Andy: I'd really like to work for EAD 3, Monolith Soft, Retro, or Sucker Punch. If I had to be a studio to turn down it probably be Infinity Ward.

Echo3: Do you have any talents?

Andy: Does being top of my class in Math and Science count?

Echo3: Not so much, but still impressive nonetheless lol.

Echo3: What kind of music do you listen to the most?

Andy: I don't really have any specific preference toward any specific genera of music. If I like the sound of it, I'll listen to it.

Echo3: Do you have anything else you would like to say to your fellow users of the WiiU to know before we end this interview?

Andy: I hope I manage to make everyone proud as Moderator. Everyone on here has been nice to me for the most part ever since I first signed on here almost a year ago, and I'm happy to be able to do this to give back to the community.

Okay Interview Over!

#90211 RUMOUR: PS4 "leaked" image details specs and system's goals

Posted by neverwinteru on 27 June 2012 - 07:27 AM in General Gaming

this is old and was already confirmed to be fake

#90392 Yo Momma So... (MAY BE OFFENSIVE)

Posted by neverwinteru on 27 June 2012 - 11:42 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

yo momma so fat i asked elric how she got that way

#90604 most horrible movie

Posted by neverwinteru on 28 June 2012 - 06:12 PM in The Café

very misleading title but i would say the decent

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