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#50657 -

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 09:21 AM in The Café

Well. The World Ends With You is my favorite game. Ever.

Neku seemed like a good choice. However Hanekoma was a close runner up when I choosing.

#50656 Origin of your username

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 09:00 AM in The Café

Ah, my username is just a shortening of a old username on another site, Hyperfox, way back in 2007. I don't use it at all anymore, so I made a shortened version. Hyp. I'm also known as that on the 3DS Forums.

The story behind the orginal is that I have ADHD and when I was younger I would drink Mountain Dew. We're talking 7-8 here.
So one day me and my Pops went out hunting, and I ran off. I tripped and fell down a hill. When I raised my head there was a fox standing there. It was only a few seconds before he ran off.
So, I made the name Hyperfox.

loljk I was 14 and I couldn't think of anything.

I'm better known as LukasNotLuke though, and Cyn. in some places.

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