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#313384 x86 and Backwards compatibility (Next Nintendo console)

Posted by thunderspider on 26 May 2015 - 01:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

   So, what do you think about it? I know backwards with the Wii U will be lost in case the new console use the x86 architecture, but what about future consoles?With x86 is not like its a closed PC console? With PC's you don't have problems with backwards compatibility, so,the consoles can't follow the pattern? I'm really curious about, so if anyone here knows an answer , it will be good. Thanks

#307586 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by thunderspider on 25 January 2015 - 07:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

So you prefer they have luck with Sony and M$ do a small leap again than be more secure and prevent to be so distant?

#307581 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by thunderspider on 25 January 2015 - 04:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

Here is what I would like to see in Nintendo's next console.  It doesn't have to try and be significantly more powerful than a PS4 or XBOXONE in my opinion, if they were to release a new console with specs very similar to the PS4 this would enable Nintendo to compete graphically and at 1080p but more importantly should help bring 3rd party developers back to Nintendo which they really need to make it successful.


I would opt for an AMD Custom 8 core CPU running @ 1.8ghz, AMD GPU capable of 2 teraflops and 8gb DDR3 memory to help keep costs down.


If Nintendo went this route, it would also make it easier for developers to code and port to as all the consoles would share the same hardware design, at the end of the day its not really the hardware that makes the console great or not, its the games made for it, and Nintendo have a head start on everyone in that department with a HUGE back catalogue and amazing IPs.


If possible I would keep it backwards compatible with Wii and Wii U games through emulation, again to keep costs down, and would use a Blu-ray optical drive and 500gb internal HDD.


Finally I would definately keep the Wii U gamepad but refine it slightly, making it slimmer, lighter and with a higher resolution screen.



But if they choose to put a huge difference for ps4 to ps5? like ps2 to ps3.. it will be like wii all over again

#306346 If nintendo uses X86 on their next console, will you buy it?

Posted by thunderspider on 03 January 2015 - 11:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

To put it simply, it's the games Nintendo makes vs almost everything else 3rd parties, Sony and MS make.


Nintendo has the kids/family/8 to 80 years old oriented games like Mario, MK, Smash, Zelda, Yooshi, Kirby, Animal Crossing, Pokemon. The others have the Halos, Gears of War, Destiny, Call of Duty, Uncharted, Forza, Gran Turismo, Killzone, God of War, Bloodborne, etc., etc.


The problem is that MS and Sony have the majority of their 1st party or exclusive library focused on those kind of games/genres. Nintendo does not.

And when in the past, being Nintendo was OK because there was demand for those games or 3rd parties did make games like those. Now they don't. They changed and the market changed. Only Nintendo didn't. And now you can see the result.


It does hurt Nintendo even more that kids can be just as happy with their smartphones or tablets playing those free or really cheap games. Why will parents bother so much buying a console and games when they can lend them their mobile devices and download a free game?


Its a good point, and plus, Nintendo abandoned any different game, like any racer beyond mario kart, they dont have any FPS, or anything out of their comfort zone.

#306328 If nintendo uses X86 on their next console, will you buy it?

Posted by thunderspider on 03 January 2015 - 06:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

The only thing that will bring back 3rd parties back is when Nintendo starts making - or bringing - exclusive games to their consoles that cater to the same crowd that 3rd party titles cater to.

In other words, Nintendo makes 90% type A games and 10% type B games;

3rd parties make 90% type B games and 10% type A games. Not a novelty to anyone, but the same goes for MS and Sony.


The numbers are just for show, but you get the point.
Unless Nintendo starts broadening the offering, like they did with the N64, they will never be an equal to MS or Sony. Unless another Wii happens.


Gamers want type B games, not type A, anymore.
There will always be a 20-30 million fanbase for that, but with Nintendo's mistakes and the dominance of the mobile market in their segment (kids and families), those numbers will lower for Nintendo. They need, as much as they don't want to, to go after the red ocean because the blue ocean in no longer available to them.
And either go strong or they will be stuck with GC/Wii U numbers.


We can blame 3d parties for ignoring Nintendo, and there might be right for some, but the consumer has spoken and made it clear, month after month, year after year, that they want those type of games and a console that offers them great value.

What is A and B games in your opinion?

#306327 Leaps between generations

Posted by thunderspider on 03 January 2015 - 05:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Really, even this comparison is more different than the current situation.

That generation also had a huge feature capability split.

At the bottom was ps2, with broken unusable s3 texture compression, and no hardware shaders.

In the middle...ish was gamecube, with s3 texture compression, and a fixed function gpu with a pretty good feature set, particularly for embm based effects... no dot 3 support.

On top-ish was xbox, with s3 texture compression and a fully programmable shader gpu. Good with dot 3, seemed to chug on embm.

This gen we all have machines with fully proggramable shader gpu's, with just differences in overall system power, but more or less the same fature sets.

The differences between ps2 cube and Xbox seem considerably bigger to me.



In pure specs , whats the difference between the sixth and eigth gen?


#305804 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by thunderspider on 22 December 2014 - 02:20 PM in Wii U Hardware

My hope is to be 8  times more powerful than PS4, and 20 more powerful than Wii U. But in the reality, i think it will be around 4 times at MAX, but i think PS4 could do a smaller leap than we think, something around 6 to 7 times, wich will left the new Nintendo close to it.

#305776 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by thunderspider on 22 December 2014 - 09:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm aware that there's already 3,942 threads about this, but I couldn't find any and figured that it would be nice to have a fresh start.


And considering how the others ended, I suppose I should add this disclosure:


This thread allows you to post either your wishes or expectations for the next home console. Everyone will have a different opinion, and NOBODY will be correct (unless they have insider knowledge). You may offer suggestions and feedback to others' wishes/expectations, but please try to refrain from arguing about others' choices that you strongly disagree with. Simply ignore them. Do not say that you're ignoring them. Do not put effort into making it clear to everyone that you are ignoring them. Just. Ignore. Them. Like when you're at a family reunion and your crazy uncle Wendell forgot to take his antiparanoia medication.


Now that I've gotten the disclosure out of the way, my expectation for the "Wii 3" is:


1. Based on the Wii U's chipset. Performance increase won't be drastic (around 50% more power), but it will include some minor changes based on new technology and bottlenecks Nintendo discovered while making games for the Wii U.

2. It will be able to play Wii 3, Wii U, AND Wii games. Wii games will become available in the eShop Virtual Console

3. It will have detachable faceplates which can be swapped out for themed ones (like a Smash bros version)

4. it will support a minimum of two GamePads


5: There will be a cheaper edition and a pro edition. the pro edition will have:

6: an internal 2.5" HDD

7. Gamecube controller ports (4 - an additional 4 can be added through the GCC adapter)


8: the basic edition will be $250 and the pro edition will be $300


With all respect 50% more powerful have no logic to me, see, the Wii U is around 20x more powerful than Wii, a 50% more than a Wii U will left it like 2,5 times weaker than PS4, Wii U is around 4x weaker. Spend money to launch a weak console again?

#305771 Leaps between generations

Posted by thunderspider on 22 December 2014 - 09:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

I've imagined that Wii U is not so behind the other two, i mean, the difference between a Wii and a PS3 is ridiculous

#305769 Leaps between generations

Posted by thunderspider on 22 December 2014 - 08:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hello people, i need an answer about the generational leap, between gens, and how Wii U fits against Xbox One and PS4 .

I think the leap between PS3 and PS4 was much smaller than Ps2 to Ps3. So i think Ps4 is around 4 times more powerful than Wii U , and PS3 was around 15 times more powerful than Wii.

So anyone here can explain or know the difference between all Playstations, and if any of this calculations above have any chance to be close to the real thing?

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