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#61787 WiiU Trophy/Achievement system

Posted by OnlyHuman on 15 February 2012 - 12:28 PM in Wii U Hardware

Here are some of my thoughts.

1) Miyamoto doesn't like trophies apparently, well he also didn't care for online material when making the Wii and look where that got them.  I really do not care if Miyamoto agrees with trophies or online play, HIS CUSTOMERS DO CARE, make it happen.  We love your game design and franchises, don't make us miss out on them because of your silly beliefs!  I STILL to this day would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to play 4 on 4 wii bowling against another team online.  That would be so awesome.

2) A trophy popping ruins the 'game immersion'?  I find that silly, it is a tiny little thing that happens, do you also turn off your phones, people in the house, animals, and everything else?  C'mon.  Either way, easy fix, make them shut-offable.

3) If people do NOT like trophies, pay no mind to them.  This way both groups get their way, voila!

4) I have 100%'ed most of the Wii material, however, there are a few I haven't 100%'ed.  Super Mario Galaxy 1 I only have like, 60 stars on Luigi, I would have finished if there was a trophy.  In Super Mario Galaxy 2 I never finished the final level without taking a damage, probably would have if there was a trophy.

5) How awesome would it be to play A Link to the Past, or Final Fantasy 3 with trophies?

Just please, nintendo, listen to the fans a bit more this time around, take a gander around you at what is working for your competition.  If Miyamoto doesn't like 'online play' maybe it is because he is archaic and doesn't understand the younger audience and social networking.

I am 30, and I would love a trophy system implemented in the new Wii U.

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