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There have been 4 items by BinkyBella (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#65564 Hello Everybody!

Posted by BinkyBella on 09 March 2012 - 09:15 PM in Introduction Central

Greetings BlinkyBella. Welcome to the Wii U Forums. I hope you enjoy your time here and feel at home within this community.

Hi Joshua, Thanks for the warm friendly greeting, nice to meet you too. xx

#65563 I be rollin

Posted by BinkyBella on 09 March 2012 - 09:11 PM in Introduction Central

I found you! This place is cool, still finding my feet! How did you get your cool signature picture?

#65558 Hiya!

Posted by BinkyBella on 09 March 2012 - 08:47 PM in Introduction Central

Hi iggy!

So this is where you've been hiding! I'm glad to be here, don't know what we've been missing!

#65557 Hello Everybody!

Posted by BinkyBella on 09 March 2012 - 08:44 PM in Introduction Central

Hiya Peeps,

I'm Binky, from London, England.
I'm glad to be a new member here! The forum website looks very slick and polished and I'm sure I'm gonna have fun on here.

I for one can't wait for the WiiU to be released. All the promo footage I've seen so far looks amazing and the console + tablet package seems to really inspire creativity, which is something I'm intrigued by.

I was introduced to this forum by friends I made on the 3DS forum, and I hope to make more friends soon.

I always played the Wii at my boyfriends house and loved it, I've always wanted to get one of my own. Now I've left it so late, there's no point buying one at this stage, so I might as well wait for the WiiU. I can't wait! I'm itching to get my hands on one! I can't wait for a release date!

Consoles I have are: Nintendo 3DS, PS3, Vita (bought it today!)

Cheers for now!

Binky :D

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