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#67144 Good afternoon to everyone!

Posted by theprophet on 20 March 2012 - 04:26 PM in Introduction Central

Hi Caius!! Now I have a xbox 360 and a Wii, well, really I also have some old systems like GameCube, N64, SNES and NES. Yes I'm a huge supporter of Nintendo!! For Wii U I expect a lot, I think that Nintendo must recover some of his own games that didn't launch for Wii. I'm talking about games like FZero, 1080ยบ Snowboarding, Eternal Darkness 2, Luigi's Mansion (yes, I know that's gonna be launched in 3DS, but I hope to play it also in Wii U) and one of my favourite Nintendo's game: Starfox . Of course, I want a Zelda with HD graphics, like in the E3 demo (it's awesome, marvelous and one of the best graphics that i've ever seen in a console), a new Donkey Kong Country Returns, and a lot of third partie games, like Resident Evil 6, Bioshock Infinite, NBA 2K, GTA V... I'm sure that you know what I'm talking about ;)

#67113 Good afternoon to everyone!

Posted by theprophet on 20 March 2012 - 11:55 AM in Introduction Central

Hello Wii U fans!!! I'm new in this place, my nickname is Theprophet and I'm from Spain!! Maybe my english is not so good, but I'm gonna try to do my best for all of you can understand me properly. I'm a Wii U fan also and I want to know more things about this great console, but there are few news about it yet, I can't expect the E3 for official news!! This is terrible...

I hope I can know more interesting things about Wii U in this forum and also improve my english!!! Many thanks to everyone!!

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