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#80756 Wii U name change

Posted by The Gamer on 25 May 2012 - 10:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thank you friend

#80750 Wii U name change

Posted by The Gamer on 25 May 2012 - 10:04 PM in Wii U Hardware

This my friend is exactly why I am pushign for this. It doesn't mean that it will happen. It's the effort that counts, for Nintendo to know that a legion of their fans care for the success of the Wii U and that we do not want to see the same confusion of the 3DS befall it.

My plan is simple actually. Spread the word, hopeing that you guys will spread the word to 5 more people who spread the word to more till we reach out goal. The goal may say 10'000 but I'm aimming much higher. 10'000 will not change anything. That is yet a small faction that is not important to such a major company.

#80748 Wii U name change

Posted by The Gamer on 25 May 2012 - 09:33 PM in Wii U Hardware

The Wii U is desperately due for a name change for three major reasons:

1. To prevent a repeat of the confusion that was caused with the 3DS launch where people thought it was another DS revision. To further my claims, many people I spoke too believed that the Wii U is just a slightly modified Wii and that Nintendo has created an image for themselves of hardware revisions. This could cause disaster for Nintendo's shareholders.

2. The name Wii U is not only a disservice to Nintendo fans; many casual people feel that the name is a joke. In North America and Europe the name is often referred too as a sexual innuendo.

3. The Wii brand does not at all serve what the Wii U does. In fact the Wii U primarily targets the hardcore as well as blending in the casual. The Wii pushed unwillingly pushed away the hardcore, there for the Wii brand is a very weak brand to market to the mass core gamers.

I strongly suggest that Nintendo renames the Wii U at their E3 press conference on June 5th if the core gamers are as important as they once claimed them to be. There are tons of great names to choose from, so listen to you fans and give the Wii U a name that it so willingly deserves.
Of course the name is not at all up to me though I suggest the name Nintendo "Nexus" as it would represent the online portal that many third developers speak so highly of.

Please sign out Petition @ https://www.change.o...ename-the-wii-u

Thank you

- The Gamer

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