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#88870 We know who won E3 2012 (Ubisoft), but who ultimately Lost?

Posted by scorptile on 20 June 2012 - 04:54 AM in General Gaming

for me microsoft lost E3, nintendo won. then ubisoft. then sony then EA lol as for RnR the worst line up ever for a launch was the N64 and if you wanna know why? easily when you have only two games for the first two months of the consoles life that is just plain wrong. then the first 4 months you have 4 games? ARG!!!!

#84277 Mass Effect Facebook page reminds fans to watch Nintendo's press conference

Posted by scorptile on 05 June 2012 - 06:11 AM in General Gaming

hmm could they be hinting at possibly a combo pack for Wii U for all 3 mass effect games? that would be epic if you ask me

#84276 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by scorptile on 05 June 2012 - 06:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think they are going to sell it for $299. They have to keep it competitive yet make it higher. People expect the Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 to be less and if the Wii U is the same price people will think its weak and they should spend money on the newer and bettter systems (even though we know thats nit true).

So $299 is a good price.

i agree with this and plus in an interview i saw on youtube back in jan reggie stated that nintendo's price point for the Wii U is $300 in america so that is my guess cause anything higher then 350 it wont sell well.

#84269 Wii U E3 Line Up?

Posted by scorptile on 05 June 2012 - 05:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

see i dont see a bomb shell game in there anywhere and i think there is gonna be at least 2-5 bombshell games. one being GTA5 exclusivity, KH3 (not to be released till next year) a new zelda game that is close to OOT, mario game close to mario 64, and the biggest bombshell that would get teh ps3/360 fanboys jealous elder scrolls online for Wii U and pc only. hehe

#84267 I find it an odd lineup of games from Ubisoft

Posted by scorptile on 05 June 2012 - 05:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I believe that to... Nintendo will win again... The point is, NOT who will win the E3 impressions, but what nintendo will show us about Wii U, not Wii U pad... I personally care about the console, not about the controller.. I like the controller, enough with it...

MS had the worst presentation... again

oh no doubt that was horrible on microsofts spot. to me sony's was boring as well. the only one it hought was cool was ubisoft so far. i didnt watch EA's cause they are all about madden anyways. what they didnt say about the game injustic from netherrealm was if no one noticed they are making a Wii U version of the game and i expect it to be shown along with possibly a newer version of mortal kombat 9 or a new mortal kombat.

#84265 PS4 tech demo E3 2012... book it!

Posted by scorptile on 05 June 2012 - 05:45 AM in General Gaming

Watch Sony say a year from now: "We are the first to put a screen into a controller with buttons". Silly Sony, creativity is for Nintendo. :P

oh like the super smash brothers clone sony just tried to pull off as their original idea? or ps move as being an original idea. now microsoft is trying the whole copy thing did you see how they ar trying to link up their windows tablet to the xbox360? nintendo innovates and has original ideas the other two just follow. i agree with an earlier post though i personally think the ps3 and the vita is the last of sony's game hardware we see. they will exit the market in a crash and burn scenario and enter valve with steambox. but still dont see that lasting either. could sega possibly get back into the market? who knows but nintendo is gonna be around for a long time still. microsoft doesnt own the console market and never will.

#84258 I find it an odd lineup of games from Ubisoft

Posted by scorptile on 05 June 2012 - 05:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

everybody links XBOX or PS3 controllers in their pc...

except reflections, textures, etc... I give u another example... When the guy goes out and causes the car accident and shooting starts. There is a couple inside a car that one of them, gets a boolet and the blood splashes in the car window... watch... it... after that the guy open the car window and pulls out the one guy who is alive..

Look the way the blood splashes, also look the coloring and textures, combined with the falling rain... NO way ps3 and xbox can do that...  Also when the guy moves out the building and u see real time his cloths turn into wet...

everybody links XBOX or PS3 controllers in their pc...

except reflections, textures, etc... I give u another example... When the guy goes out and causes the car accident and shooting starts. There is a couple inside a car that one of them, gets a boolet and the blood splashes in the car window... watch... it... after that the guy open the car window and pulls out the one guy who is alive..

Look the way the blood splashes, also look the coloring and textures, combined with the falling rain... NO way ps3 and xbox can do that...  Also when the guy moves out the building and u see real time his cloths turn into wet...

i think it was running on the Wii U cause ubisoft had one of the first development kits for the wii U and what better way to showcase the start of nintendo's is showing what ubisoft already announced for the wii U but there is a bombshell in this conference that no noe knows about yet. nintendo always does it. i would say nintendo to win again 6 years running as E3 winners.

#84253 I dont see Sony's E3 being on Spike TV?

Posted by scorptile on 05 June 2012 - 05:20 AM in General Gaming

sony's was on G4 like microsofts and ubisoft an EA. spike got nintendo which is a better idea cause now not only do we get to see the conference in HD but the games will be shown in HD their native resolution coming from the WII U. Plus hardcore gamers + Spiketv = Awesomeness hehe

#84247 Power of the Wii U at E3!

Posted by scorptile on 05 June 2012 - 05:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

Makes me think. There was no nextgen console announced and we will see UE4. That leaves pc and Wii U. Pc doesn't use the term generations and UE4 was called next gen... so we'll see. Nintendo will own all if they have UE4 this E3 (but PS360 fanboys will still mother dog about gimmicks, kiddiness...)

Makes me think. There was no nextgen console announced and we will see UE4. That leaves pc and Wii U. Pc doesn't use the term generations and UE4 was called next gen... so we'll see. Nintendo will own all if they have UE4 this E3 (but PS360 fanboys will still mother dog about gimmicks, kiddiness...)

the ps360 fanboys are already screaming gimmick. i think its a great idea to have the two controllers. not everyone wants to buy a second gamepad controller just because its more then likely gonna be 100-150. which is why i think the Wii U's price will be 300-350 cause the hardware they usually price itself about 200-250. so the controller can add that extra 100-150 to the cost but i think in every system you should get a gamepad + a pro controller. i know i cant wait to see all the goodness of nintendo at E3.

#84241 Put best to last Conference in order.

Posted by scorptile on 05 June 2012 - 05:08 AM in General Gaming

i thought both microsofts and copy i mean sony was really boring. ubisofts presentation was like :o but i have a feeling nintendo is gonna amaze, and destroy the other presentations. i didnt watch EA's just because at this time of year it would be alla bout madden and they have so over done madden its sad really.

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