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#250542 I think you should read this

Posted by backudog on 08 October 2013 - 08:20 PM in Wii U Hardware

The Wii has sold 97 million units worldwide. That places it as the 5th best-selling console of all time. The PS3 has sold 70.2 million and the 360 70 million. There is no way, shape, or form that the Wii was a failure to any line of reason, common sense, or fact. Sony CEO Kaz Harai has already stated than the PS4 will not be much more powerful than the PS3Sony cannot afford to make a system much more powerful than the Wii U because they are losing billions of dollars in every single division they have. In fact, right now Nintendo actually has a higher market cap than Sony (Nintendo 15 billion, Sony 11 billion.) The dev kit for the PS4 have already gone out to developers and based on the information that has come back they are only slightly more powerful than the dev kits for the Wii U.


Its not all doom and gloom for Sony as a I mentioned earlier the PS3 is now at 70.2 million and it has leapfrogged the 360 in total system sales. Consider all the success Microsoft has had the past two years that is a good sign for Sony. I'm sure a lot of these bundles have help kick up PS3 sales. Just for the record I would like to explain that having the most powerful system NEVER WORKS in a console battle. Every console that has won a console war has either been weaker or the weakest of the bunch. The most powerful have always LOST. Least powerful or close to least powerful Atari 2600NES SNES PS1 PS2 Wii all won their console race. SG 1000 Atari 7800 NEO GEO N64 PS3 all lost or are losing their console race. Had the Dreamcast no been so easy to hack and had a DVD player it probably would have won it's console war too.

However because it was easy to mod and it did lack DVD, the next system up the ran away with it which was the PS2. It had a year start and even though the GameCube and XBOX were more powerful, their total system sales of around 35 million don't come anywhere close to the sales of the PS2 which are 154 million as the best-selling console of all time. So unless the 720 and PS4 offering something the the CASUAL consumer will want that theWii U doesn't offer, it's going to be an uphill battle for those two systems. The core audience is smaller than people think.


The reason why the 2600, NES, SNES, PS1, and PS2, and Wii won their battle is because the casual market got behind them. The Atari 2600 was a household name. Everyone had one. Then the NES took that to a higher level. The SNES didn't do as well as the NES but because it was the best deal for a 16bit system at the time it beat out the Genesis, TurboGrapx and NEO-GEO. The PlayStation came out just around the time CDs became really popular and gave casuals a nice CD player/video game system. With Sony known for their quality sound, it was a no brainer. Then thePlayStation 2 came around when DVD players were still quite expensive. Again, it gave casuals a inexpensive DVD player/CD player/video game system.


With the Wii, it introduced motion-control to the causal market. With it being as inexpensive as it was compared to the $499 and $599 360 and PS3, it became an "and" rather than an "or." In addition to the casuals flocking to go buy it, core gamers either had a Wii and 360, a Wii and PS3, or all three. So, based on history the Wii U has a bright future ahead of it. I'm not happy about the storage limitations myself, but it is far from a deal breaker. I don't need to be convinced about the power because their already sufficient evidence to draw a intelligent conclusion on that. People still asking questions at this point either are trolls or idiots. A GPGPU (with a custom CPU based on the Power7 architecture, and a ATI E6760 GPU running Direct X 11 and on-board memory,) plus, 2GB of system RAM is enough specs for me. The graphics shown for the Zelda HD and Japanese Garden Tech demo (which were both confirmed to not only have been whipped together in 3 weeks, but only used 10% of the systems power) was enough for me to see what this system is capable of doing.


Competition makes gaming more exciting and fulfilling for all of us. I WANT Microsoft and Sony to come out swinging with their next-gen consoles. That'll force Nintendo to up the ante, which will force THEM to up the ante, etc, etc. Wishing for a company to 'lose' is pretty selfish and stupid. People are going to hate Nintendo no matter what they do. I say to everyone hear whom has a brain to just sit back, and enjoy the ride.


not sure if i've seperated them into paragraphs correctly but hopefully its easier to read now.   :)  hope thats ok?

#210856 What console are you getting this/next gen

Posted by backudog on 24 May 2013 - 09:11 AM in General Gaming

Already got a wiiu and my second next gen will be ps4 unless something major changes in the X1 camp to make me change my mind (and I can't see that happening)!

#172269 Colonial Marines Wii U is worst version and Gearbox made sneaky moves in deving

Posted by backudog on 16 February 2013 - 11:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Cancelled my tesco  pre-order, will wait for reviews of wiiu version b4 I even consider getting it now.

#208431 Nintendo Direct Today At 9CST

Posted by backudog on 18 May 2013 - 06:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

I started watching it but then realised it wasn't about anything I was interested in so I stopped watching. Will wait for the E3 direct thingies.

#142990 Playsation Omni and Xbox 720 news.

Posted by backudog on 03 December 2012 - 09:20 PM in General Gaming

Ive already got me wiiU and i'll def be getting a 720 at launch, not coz it may be the most powerful of the next gens (according to those rumours) or coz im a microsoft fanboi or whatever, but because i've had both the previous xboxes and most of the games i've enjoyed have been released on xbox. that, and i really love the controller never liked the feel of the playstation one.

#204070 For those getting a ps4/720 aswel. Watch dogs..

Posted by backudog on 04 May 2013 - 08:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I really hope we get to see some wiiU gameplay footage soon, wanna see how it compares to the others. I'm getting it for wiiu maybe rent it on 360, and possibly buy it for whichever of the other next gen consoles I get (if they've got any added extra stuff).

#137576 Zombie u time b4 death...

Posted by backudog on 24 November 2012 - 02:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hmm, sounds like its a pretty tough game? Excellent, should enjoy it as long as its not unfair in its ways of killing you.

#141787 Zombie u time b4 death...

Posted by backudog on 01 December 2012 - 10:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

my best was about an hour or so, was playing really slowly, sneaking through levels, checking everywhere for stuff, then came to the defend the safehouse bit, DEATH!!! new character....DEATH!!!....new character...DEATH!!!....new character....you  get the idea lol.

#137363 Zombie u time b4 death...

Posted by backudog on 24 November 2012 - 08:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

For the past week or so I've been planning how I'd play zombie u ands hat I'll try to do to keep my character alive , although I'm pretty sure i wont last too long, coz ill make some stoopid mistake thatll get me killed, I wondered those of you who already have the game and have played it a fair bit, how long did you manage to play for before your character died the first time u played it?

#137717 Zombie u time b4 death...

Posted by backudog on 24 November 2012 - 10:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

nah you only die if your get beaten. A hit will only lower your health.
they kept the game kinda real or movie like.

schweet! cant wait 'til 30th when hopefully the game and system arrives!

#184539 What will you do if the Wii U is Nintendo's last ever console?

Posted by backudog on 20 March 2013 - 09:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

If I can afford it, I try to own all the home consoles each generation,(so I have a better selection of games to choose from) so would work out cheaper for me! Would be a shame though.

#116447 Wii U's 1st gen game graphics and beyond

Posted by backudog on 10 October 2012 - 08:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

I agree, just look at the first gen games on '360 and ps3 compared to what you get now. as you pointed out once developers get to grips with what they can and cannot do on wiiu we should see some stonking stuff! take zombieu, looks ok graphically, but the developer said they weren't really trying to push the system graphically (or something like that) so imagine what the sequel will look like later on in the consoles life! sweet! BRING IT ON!...erm..etc..etc..........that is all.....message ends......

#138501 Wii U 2013 E3 Predictions

Posted by backudog on 26 November 2012 - 01:27 PM in General Gaming

Would be nice if there was a suprise announcement of GTA V on wiiU (one can hope yeah?),  wouldn't mind a star fox game announced for it too, tbh as long as they announce / show some games that makes people think twice about saying the U is "underpowered" etc i'll be happy, maybe show off ingame footage of the U version of aliens colonial marines (which hopefully blows the shoes and socks off the 360 and ps3 versions)?.......watchdogs on the U?....oooh.......

#210635 Rare to show HISTORIC franchise at E3

Posted by backudog on 23 May 2013 - 06:40 PM in General Gaming

Whatever it is it'll be kinect based and probably a huge disappointment!  Probably.

#123858 So, I E-Mailed Rockstar Support On GTA V For Wii U

Posted by backudog on 02 November 2012 - 09:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Bit of useless info for ya, but about 2 days ago I e-mailed Rockstar Support on GTA V for Wii U and they just replied back to me, here is the proceeding conversation:

Peter H******, Oct 31 01:38 am (EDT):

Hi guys, I know that GTA V was announced for Spring 2013 today, and the
platforms are PS3 and Xbox 360, But I was wondering are you considering a
Wii U version at all? You see I'm getting a Wii U and I have sold my Xbox
360. I completely love all of your games deeply and I have been exited
about GTA V since it was announced last year, please consider a Wii U
version, Wii U is selling like hot cakes, as a matter of fact they are
fully sold out everywhere from what I can gather, GTA V is going to be one
of the best games ever and I really want to experience it fully. So my main
question, is a Wii U version possible?

kindest Regards:


James M, Nov 01 10:15 pm (EDT):

Hey Peter,
Thanks for contacting R* Technical Support.
I'm not sure if we have that information as of yet. But I don't think that the game was developed to run on the Wii U, so I'm guessing that it will not be available for the Wii U, but I am not 100% sure. I would suggest waiting for a bit and see if they make any later announcements. As you said, the release was just announced today, so there is a chance that they will announce it on more platforms in the future.
Have a great day,

James M.

As you can see, not much, but what are your thoughts on what he said, me I'm taking his advice and I'm gonna sit tight for a bit and keep my fingers crossed.

I think we should all send Rockstar this email, change some of the wording so its not an exact copy of it, so they know there are tons of potentially missed sales if its not released on the U. if thats ok with the OP? i know im gonna send it in a bit.

EDIT: Heres what i sent them just now.

Hi guys,
I know that GTA V was announced for Spring 2013 a few days back, and the
platforms listed are PS3 and Xbox 360, But I was wondering are you considering a
Wii U version at all? You see I'm getting a Wii U and I have sold my Xbox
360. I  love all of your games  and I have been excited
about GTA V since it was announced last year, and i'm assuming there'll be a PC version at some point , so would you guys please consider a Wii U
version too, Wii U is selling like hot cakes, as a matter of fact they are
fully sold out everywhere from what I can gather, GTA V is going to be an awesome
game  and I really want to experience it fully. So my main
question, is a Wii U version possible?

kindest Regards and hope everyone is ok after the recent hurricane.

Richard Eastwood.

#137891 CNN interviews Reggie Fils Aime.

Posted by backudog on 25 November 2012 - 08:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

2:06 Just no!......
good interview apart from that.

Agreed, trouble is, thats how a lot of people are going to see the U, until more graphically impressive games are released. WE can see the potential, but the average joe / joanne on the street won't, they'll wonder why they should buy this new console when there are cheaper ones out already that look "just as good".

#229872 Is Zombi U A Good Game?

Posted by backudog on 08 July 2013 - 08:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software


#214312 To Everyone Asking for Nintendo's E3 Demos To Be on eShop

Posted by backudog on 01 June 2013 - 01:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Isnt showing people who don't own a wiiu e3 demos that might not work properly  a bad idea? What if the demo crashes or god forbid looks a bit crap, surely that'll put off potential wiiu buyers? Not everyone might get that its an unfinished demo and assume its just a rubbish system?

#143216 Gamers young and old

Posted by backudog on 04 December 2012 - 09:30 AM in General Gaming

im 38, Have had all the nintendo consoles so far, and xboxes, and playstations, and segas, and....well, you get the idea... :D

#125975 ZombiU features a big plot twist

Posted by backudog on 08 November 2012 - 10:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hmm, i wonder if the twist will be as good as the one in the original Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic on the xbox? (I know i never saw that one coming!)

#146483 Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 Wii U

Posted by backudog on 10 December 2012 - 09:22 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I still think this looks like fun. now, if you'll excuse me........

#142369 Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 Wii U

Posted by backudog on 02 December 2012 - 09:37 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That actually looked like it might be ok, the guy playing in the videos clearly sucked at it, but overall it might warrant a rent if not a buy.


Aw those poor animals, how can he shoot  them with a gun =(

They're NOT REAL!! lol and coz its impossible to shoot them with a knife?

#201252 Wii U impressions from older gamers?

Posted by backudog on 28 April 2013 - 02:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

I find it about the same. Good fun so far. I admit I use my 360 more though, but that's only coz I have more games for it.

#185477 Wii U isn't doomed but it seems to be in trouble.

Posted by backudog on 22 March 2013 - 09:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

#152113 The Hobbit

Posted by backudog on 26 December 2012 - 09:05 AM in The Café

Will wait for the bluray release, coz its getting an extended cut (an extra 20 minutes if I remember correctly). Does look good though.

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