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#87998 Crouching tiger, hidden introduction

Posted by King Graham on 15 June 2012 - 11:34 PM in Introduction Central

Well, I guess it's time I introduce myself.

I am Graham, king of Daventry. Harp enthusiast, lover of sleds.

I've joined this forum because I am madly in love with the Wii U. Nintendo has given me their blessing and our wedding date is set for the twenty-seventh. But that's beside the point.

I've been a subscriber to David's "Nintendo3DS" YouTube channel since it got big and have been reading the blog since around that time. I have recently discovered this forum and mainly wanted to join because I'm a member of two other boards that use "IP Board" (The Sonic Stadium and YouChew,) so I knew my way around almost immediately.

I am a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, the Amazing Spider-Man, Batman, aaaand some other franchises. I try to be an upbeat person despite my allergy to shellfish.

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