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#180339 Which Wii U Do You Have?

Posted by Zonark on 07 March 2013 - 02:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

Zelda deluxe edition

#178996 Reductio ad Dreamcast

Posted by Zonark on 04 March 2013 - 11:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

And why does everyone think the original Wii was a failure? It wasn't it sold more console then any of the other systems

Nintendo is like apple and is sitting on a hefty bank account

#178994 Reductio ad Dreamcast

Posted by Zonark on 04 March 2013 - 11:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

I have four Dreamcast now just so I can play phantasy star online between them

Xlink kia still has servers made up for it

#178149 Activision "Very upset" with sales for Black Ops II for the Wii U.

Posted by Zonark on 02 March 2013 - 05:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

DLC was the main reason I didn't get it on Wii u and out of all truth since Wii u came out I haven't even touched my Xbox or ps3. I got it on Xbox. Nuketown played a huge part of it. Plus it didn't help that it came out later and the fact that they made you preorder to get nuke town originally then changed it down the road and left it out of the Wii u version.

I blame Activision for being greedy they tried forcing us to by early or two copies different consoles and we won't get nuke. They basically boned Nintendo on this by not including nuke town. The way they approached this in sales was oh everyone only owns one console. When really they own 2 or more when they play games like cod. If they would have included nuke town in Wii u version I would have waited. Bit since they didn't i got it for another console and I don't even play it

#176740 Wii U gamepad for $140?

Posted by Zonark on 26 February 2013 - 03:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

That's not the set price... That is a replacement cost... It will drop once real price is released. I'm saying 99. And that info won't officialy be released until mid to late march infor will be in regards to update that's coming out and the update will probably include SNES and nes play over pad two player. Basically to pads two players and split screen for other two

There also may be a game update for Mario to allow two players to use a pad

#171357 EA CEO says Wii-U is not in part of their next gen console plans

Posted by Zonark on 14 February 2013 - 04:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

I miss the old EA CEO I mean the one that came on nintendos stage last year at E3 :( I'm not gonna lie that report sounds fishy to me like a reporter miss understood or is just a trollin garden monkey meat wacker

Oh and one more thing. If the used games market ever leaves we will start seeing demos but not gonna lie a demo doesn't really make me want to buy the game at full price...  Game sales for consoles without that ability to trade are going to drop unless they provide digital games for 20 bucks cheaper

Pretty sure they were just riding Nintendo well trying to at least so they could get origin on a console too bad no one likes it

#169130 Ways to boost Wii U sales without a price cut!

Posted by Zonark on 09 February 2013 - 06:02 AM in Wii U Hardware

Or they could manufacture a cheap external hdd with 1tb of data and sell it for 80 bucks 10 under other drives. They would only make a small percentage on the hdds but gamers and pc users would buy it for the cheaper price bringing more profit faster

I personally buy external drives normally because I have found it to be cheaper than buying a regular drive and the I can turn around and sell the enclosure

#166805 Wii U found one!But

Posted by Zonark on 04 February 2013 - 08:16 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Much quicker to call nintendo

#166797 Wii U found one!But

Posted by Zonark on 04 February 2013 - 06:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Better plug it in man. Check the vwii menu

Yeah if you want call nintendo and have them chdck the serial out its on the box and on the console dont take his word make sure you preform that step. Meet in a public place during busy hours just incase he trys to mug you

Meet at a gaming storw or something that way it can be plugged in.

Have someone go with you as well

#166116 Iwata: "More unannounced Wii U games coming at the end of the year."

Posted by Zonark on 02 February 2013 - 07:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

I like turtles

#165398 First Update

Posted by Zonark on 01 February 2013 - 04:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Mine took 7 HOURS to complete.

Yeah dial-up sucks for gaming...

#165179 Gamepad looses full charge after a few weeks.

Posted by Zonark on 31 January 2013 - 08:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

The controller drains it says this in the manual for the tv remote function no one reads manuals ever. The controller is basically always on. Plus af t er fully charged it turns of charging Thats why on my site if you join it and dont donate 50 bucks monthly cost of maintaining server per person after two more weeks your account gets removed. Its hidden in my TOS Agreement. Jk always read manuals and stuff so your not raped over.

#165169 Iwata says he may resign if they don't make 100billion yen in profit this...

Posted by Zonark on 31 January 2013 - 07:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

Oh and cant forget about mario

#165167 Iwata says he may resign if they don't make 100billion yen in profit this...

Posted by Zonark on 31 January 2013 - 07:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

He took a paycut instead of firing people so thats pretty noble as well. Not gonna lie thats a pretty large goal but the zelda games may turn this to a triumph. I mean two zelda in a yearvawesomeness icwould hate tocsee him go

#164532 wii u issue

Posted by Zonark on 29 January 2013 - 08:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

is it the gamepad that freezes or console?

#164527 Have you had experience disconnecting external HDD?

Posted by Zonark on 29 January 2013 - 08:11 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Im talking about all drives in general plus the faster the platters spin the quicker read a write. Yes the voltage gets corrected bit the closer you are to the natural voltage for the drives peak preformance the better the drive will function. Example: put a 1.5v AA in a flashlight
If you put a 1v battery in its place the light is dimmer. The longevity of the light being on maybe the same because the mA burn at the same rate but the light fails to produce the correct brightness because its underpowered. Basically if you underpower a drive it will function slower or possibly not function at all or loose power. Im literally just trying to get him a set up that will work best. From what I recall the usb ports on the wii u are slightly underpowered causing these issues. To have his 2.5 work for sure he would need to match the mA or the drive to the wii u mA which is 500mA depending on the resistors leeway inside so if the drive requires 1.1mA just barely out of reach of two ports you will run into that issue of the drive turning off or not properly spinning up

#164467 Have you had experience disconnecting external HDD?

Posted by Zonark on 29 January 2013 - 01:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Okay on a power supply whats the sata power cables voltage. 12v. Im providing him with this information to give him the best chance of success of getting the drive to stay powered on as well as providing fastest write speeds for the drive and quality of performance.
When u run a drive at 10v you forfeit the drives write and read speeds the drive also runs at a lower rpm in order too accommodate for the voltage loss when a sata drive is put in sata 6 and or slave mode or masters on a 10v circuit the drive runs the risk of not maintaining a proper reading speed thus showing it being disconnected. On a 12v circuit the drive speed maintains optimal read and right speeds all hdd are built for 12v

As for the hdd with yhe built in usb connector I believe its called pdi or something for those there is nothing that can be done but those should work no matter what since its built with that in mind

#164442 wii U hd wind waker is now pre orderable at Gamestop

Posted by Zonark on 29 January 2013 - 12:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

Just as the title discribes. Cant wait for this game

Just notice I posted this in the wrong section if a mod would please move this topic for me please.

#164439 Have you had experience disconnecting external HDD?

Posted by Zonark on 29 January 2013 - 12:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

First rule of thumb. How long have you owned this drive? What im about to tell you voids warranties since you need ro open the enclosure. This is more or less a last attempt. This makes the drive read as a primary master wjich disables spin down on most drives

On a harddrive by where the sata connections are there is a little 4 to 8 prong selector


the drive should show u what the settings are sometimes its printed directly on the circuit board. it needs to be set to master most or the time in externals there isnt a pin connector with the drive which makes it defalt to cable select in which we dont want.

Sorry about not direct linking the picture im on a cell phone typing this

#164344 Have you had experience disconnecting external HDD?

Posted by Zonark on 28 January 2013 - 07:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That is correct, try changing the connector from cable select to Master and that should disable the power saving mode. Most hdd have that ability.

the whole eco friendly thing was created for the hibernation feature that pcs use. not to many people actually use it.

#164214 Have you had experience disconnecting external HDD?

Posted by Zonark on 28 January 2013 - 02:22 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Mine uses 2usb ports and I've never had a problem since day one.

Do you have all game data copied over?

Again, I'm pretty sure ALL external HDDs turn off the drive when its not in use as most HDDs do that automatically, its just when in a normal PC they are rarely left idle long enough.
Mine is a Seagate desktop drive in a PlusCom caddy, it turns off, but its only given me that error once as I mentioned above so I think it was just USB connector being knocked.

Also there are plenty of people using USB powered drives that works absolutely fine. With both USB cables plugged in, it shouldn't be any different to having it externally powered (which few 2.5" externals are as USB 3.0 has enough power with one cable and the Y adapters work fine for older USB).

Also the PSU the external comes with is also irrelevant, as it should come with whatever voltage it needs. If its designed for 9.5V and you plug in 12V, you are going to fry something, either the caddy electronics or that AND the HDD.

A 2.5" HDD certainly doesn't need 12V, they only ever use 5V.

All hdd main operating level is at 12v... im not saying they cant operate at 5v just they operate better at 12v
As for hdd i wasnt meaning for him to plug in a 12v into a 9.5v i was stating it would be best for him to change the enclosure to fit best operating levels.

The Y cable wont always solve it. Believe me i tried. Then i just when with PC Power specs and now it works perfectly the normal voltage for the HDD on usb is 5V using a Y cable increases the Power to 10V but still peek operating levels are at 12V which would be the best way

If you are using to much power drain on the HDD it will cause it to drop out when using a Y Cable

And as for the USB3.0 the power that is given to the device is dedicated by the power source not the cable in which all usb ports on the Wii U are 2.0 which are 2.0

Im literally just trying to get this guy the best quality he can get that way he wont have any issues to come

also check the drives RPM and see what its rated at as well that will change the amount of mA needed to run the drive

with the right specs you can basically make any encloser work on it

#164195 Have you had experience disconnecting external HDD?

Posted by Zonark on 28 January 2013 - 01:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I had this exact same problem on three of my external hdds is this a usb powered drive? if so get rid of it. If it requires two connections for usb at all get rid of it. You need to have a dedicated external power source for it to work properly with one usb connection cable

the drive i found that works best are the seagate free agents im using a 3tb housing and a 1tb drive inside its a usb 3.0 drive with dedicated external power source

if it is a wall powered external hdd make sure its a 12v plug that it came with. I had a wall powered one that was a 9.5v hdd and it didnt work. make sure the enclosure supports 12v as well dont just go plugging a 12v cable into a 9.5v or whatever v device or you will fry it.
a 3.5 and a 2.5 hdd needs a minimum of 12v to be powered correctly to not cause drop outs these drop outs cause that screen. Basically dont get any Eco Friendly drives because they have an automatic power saving mode which turns off the drive when its not being wrote or read.

oh and eco friendly drives inside as well is a no go

#164051 How to make wii U new and shiny once again *Update

Posted by Zonark on 28 January 2013 - 04:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

You honestly could probably use car wax I wouldn't use it over vents But I don't foresee that damaging anything.

#163648 Can the Wii U support Frostbite 2

Posted by Zonark on 27 January 2013 - 10:13 AM in Wii U Hardware

and if im not mistaken, its my understanding that (basically without going into the details and specs) the Wii U's gaming performance is going off of its GPU primarily than the CPU, correct me if im wrong though... The gpu in the Wii U is actually quite nice and powerful.

you are quite correct being that they are both built into eachother

#163523 DO NOT put External HD USB 3.0 close to Wii U

Posted by Zonark on 26 January 2013 - 08:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

True true moral of the st ory don't cheap out with your peep out or you will have some collateral damage

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