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There have been 149 items by Dementis (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#13152 Zelda Wii U Art Style

Posted by Dementis on 08 July 2011 - 11:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I want one to be a realistic style, just to see what it'd be like.

#13084 Who Still Wants EarthBound3 /Mother4?

Posted by Dementis on 08 July 2011 - 06:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I've never actually played Mother, but it's apparently good and I'd give it a go. I'd rather it be on both to be honest.

#12832 Vigil Games Discuss Darksiders II development on Wii Ultra

Posted by Dementis on 07 July 2011 - 06:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Wait. Wii Ultra? Did you make this up? It's Wii U as in We You. No offense, but if you're going on a Wii U forum at least watch a E3 replay and don't just make things up.

#12796 Pokemon Redone in HD

Posted by Dementis on 06 July 2011 - 10:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm gonna keep on pretending you all don't have bad taste in video games.

It's a joke. If you actually read the thread no one actually mentioned Colosseum.

Fans ask for darker Pokemon story that changes up the gameplay and makes it fresh.
Pokemon Colosseum comes out. (great game)
Fans are angry that they got what they want

I've only played Colosseum once, but I don't remember it being dark at all.

#12579 Upscaling!

Posted by Dementis on 05 July 2011 - 10:37 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yes... but upscaling doesn't make it HD.

There was an analogy I read on NeoGaf once, it should help you understand a bit better.

Imagine a balloon that isn't blown up. That's Standard Definition.
Now, imagine that same balloon inflated. That's High Definition.
You can increase the size of the balloon by stretching the balloon. It now looks bigger, but it's wrinkled and stretched. This is upscaling.

#12578 Should Nintendo Start a Brand new RPG Series?

Posted by Dementis on 05 July 2011 - 10:29 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Just mod your Wii and get Xenoblade/Pandora's Tower/Last Story. Most of the time it's cheaper to import from Europe anyway.

I know it's just coincidence, but it's really damn awkward to mod Wii's in Europe now, I think the only way to mod it is through the Twilight Princess hack, so it's really convenient for Europeans.

#12385 Pokemon Redone in HD

Posted by Dementis on 04 July 2011 - 10:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I hope it's not like Pokemon XD. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good.

Colosseum, on the other hand, was terrible.

#12382 What Would You Do If the Wii U Was Released NOW?

Posted by Dementis on 04 July 2011 - 10:14 PM in Wii U Hardware

I wouldn't buy it because I spent all my money on a 3DS.

#12248 1st party launch games - An estimation

Posted by Dementis on 04 July 2011 - 10:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Katsuya Eguchi named things like using the Wii U mote as a scan visor (Which I had actually thought of previously, which is why I remember it) so there might be a chance that it's in development. It's on the Wii U Blog.

#12060 Super Mario Wii U

Posted by Dementis on 03 July 2011 - 08:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I want an open world Mario game, it'd be pretty awesome. The Mushroom Kingdom would be the hub, and while you can walk almost everywhere, there would be a pipe system (Like the sewers and underground in Paper Mario/2) for quick transport. Maybe cannon to be launched in to a cloud level.

#12057 Paper Mario Wii U

Posted by Dementis on 03 July 2011 - 08:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think Paper Mario is a good series, but I think it's better on handhelds than the big screen.
It just feels right to me.

That's a pretty bold statement, there hasn't even been a handheld Paper Mario game yet.

#12023 Super Mario Wii U

Posted by Dementis on 03 July 2011 - 12:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Awesome! It would be great if it was a Yoshi game. :D

No... no it's wouldn't... the only people who'd buy the console would be from PS3/360, a few casuals and the people who buy at launch because it's Nintendo. If they announced it as a Mario game then revealed it a Yoshi game it would probably loose (more than?) half the customers.

I'm not saying that I don't want a Yoshi game, because I do, but from a logical stand point it would be like, say, a surfer going on the biggest wave, then purposely falling to go on a smaller wave.

#11906 Super smash bros 4 not as awesome as you think

Posted by Dementis on 02 July 2011 - 12:01 PM in Wii U Games and Software

He's not necesarily speaking about graphics, he could be speaking about content. He says it will take some time, so maybe they are going to wait for the 8 GB cards?

Erm, Yeah, that's the point of the thread.

But because the graphics won't be as awesome, it'd free up some data.

#11659 Should Nintendo Partner with Capcom once more?

Posted by Dementis on 30 June 2011 - 10:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If I ever buy another Resident Evil game, it'll be used.  If I can't buy used?  Oh well.

Is that really a good idea?

#11658 E3 2012... im a little worries.

Posted by Dementis on 30 June 2011 - 10:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

Devs have never flocked  to the most powerful console though.

Not this gen (360), not last gen (PS2,) not the gen before (PS1) and so on.

Devs don't have to develop ON the console to take advantage of the horsepower. You can see that with console and even PC multiplats.

Look at this generation and previous generations and you will see that the most powerful console has NEVER won its' generation.

Hell, Nintendo almost won this generation (Doesn't look to good now) and they had the weakest console and no one (Anyone good, at least) developed for it.

#11573 E3 2012... im a little worries.

Posted by Dementis on 30 June 2011 - 11:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

i said right now as in PS3... it's the most powerful console but it isn't easy to develop for.

No... you said

the developers always flock to the most powerful console....

Which is incorrect.

#11565 Wii U is a Powerhouse and Nintendo secret

Posted by Dementis on 30 June 2011 - 10:24 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think that the Wii U is 10x as powerful as the Xbox 360 and PS3, otherwise it would be ridiculously expensive and Nintendo try to make their consoles affordable. I do think it will be considerably more powerful than the current consoles though.

10x probably wouldn't be that expensive now-a-days, they could probably pull it off. Even if it isn't 10x PS3/360, it's more than 10x the Wii, and that's a big gap.

#11546 What Makes a Game Great?

Posted by Dementis on 30 June 2011 - 06:49 AM in General Gaming

I'm not too sure what keeps me coming back to the games, but I think it might be the art styles and the fact that the games are stuffed to death with unnecessary story that eventually ruins the game. Although the games have became overly linear over the years, when the plop you down in the game world they don't smother you with a complex story, instead it's just "Oh no! The Princess has been captured" and you're ready to go through the levels. The linearity makes it a bit boring, but even in Mario it's not too linear as they provide alternative paths quite a lot, which without I would give up on the game.

Looking back though, I suppose they bring me back because Nintendo is all I really know. Third party games on the Wii are usually terrible, and I'm left with risking a loss of £30 or getting a game I know I will love.

#11544 Animal Crossing Wii U

Posted by Dementis on 30 June 2011 - 06:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I really doubt they'll do that. Unless NES furniture comes back.

Actually, it's a pretty cool idea. Like the DCL distribution in City Folk, but it could be like an ARG and there are QR codes on posters advertising the game and things.

#11543 Wii U is a Powerhouse and Nintendo secret

Posted by Dementis on 30 June 2011 - 06:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

I am cautiously optimistic. We all know we are getting an HD Nintendo console. Most everyone is in agreement that it will be more powerful than PS3 and 360. The quote about 10% is a little unclear. 10% of the Wii U? What does that mean? Graphics? Functionality? Features? Also, 83% of statistics are made up instead of actually researched and confirmed. Chances are Reggie made up the 10% thing on the spot, but there is no doubt Nintendo fans are in for the most powerful console Nintendo has ever made. Let's hope Nintendo can sway a few other gamers as well.

10% of what it's capable of. Not of Graphics, functionality or features specifically, but everything in general. So far it is is basically a PS3/360, so it seems to indicate that it's 10x as powerful than them, perhaps more so.

The biggest thing here though is that they say Zelda HD isn't possible on the other consoles. What does this mean? Well, it excites me. Can you imagine a Zelda game with graphics better than PS3/360? I mean, compare the N64 Tech Demo to the Ocarina of Time. The tech demo looks terrible in comparison. Take a look at the Gamecube tech demo then look at Twilight Princess. The improvements are outstanding. Now look at the Zelda HD tech demo. If Armogohma makes an appearance in game, I'd be fairly disappointed if I can't see the hairs on it's body.

#11527 Golden Eye Might Be THE Nintendo FPS

Posted by Dementis on 30 June 2011 - 03:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm just the messenger so don't fire; do you remember the sequel to Goldeneye developed by EA, "Rouge Agent"? It's possible for any company to milk anything regardless of it being good or not. The game was eventually ported to the PS2 and a sequel was in development using the Multiplayer Mechanics of "Halo: Combat Evolved" but was scrapped due to poor sales.

Posted Image

Hm... it was released on PC and Xbox as well. However, the game actually has nothing to do with Goldeneye at all, unless you count the name, so it probably passed under the radar, or was released in a time frame during where no one knew who the rights belong to and no one really cared.

#11524 E3 2012... im a little worries.

Posted by Dementis on 30 June 2011 - 03:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

No. The rumor is utter crap. They haven't had enough time to rob the poor casuals of their cash yet with the Kinect to start a new gen.

#11364 Golden Eye Might Be THE Nintendo FPS

Posted by Dementis on 29 June 2011 - 08:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Dementis, man, you make consistently intelligent points on these forums... but at this point you're pretty much just picking on Koopa (and often, purposely it seems, mis-hearing his points).

It seems valid to say (as Koopa clarified to be his original point) that successive Activision iterations of Goldeneye would NOT be what the WiiU needs to move forward... Goldeneye itself would not make a good serial (as you point out), but even worse than a bad serial would be a bad serial produced by an Activision B-studio. Don't get me wrong, Eurocom did a great job with Dead Space: Extraction, for what it was. But honestly, this is not the studio to produce the next big thing in gaming. The thing I really agree with here is that Nintendo needs to look to a GREAT studio to make them a GREAT new IP... what they manifestly don't need is another CoD clone.

As far as the whole Sci-Fi FPS thing goes... I don't think that Koopa is really sold on the genre ideas he tossed out there at first. He was just providing an example of what he was looking for, and happened to have Halo in mind. There is nothing "mindless" or particularly "gory" about Halo (or have you, perhaps, not played it?). I found even Reach to be gripping, exciting, and just plain fun. Metroid Prime is amazing for what it is... but it is definitely not what Koopa is looking for (nor I).

Interestingly enough, as I'm sure you know, Prime was not what Retro studios developed their engine for in the first place. Metroid was tossed their way when Nintendo didn't particularly like the direction they were taking with the FPS that was in development at the time. This adds credence to your suggestion that Nintendo is not really interested in a typical FPS experience from their first parties... so ultimately, I agree with you when you say that if such a thing is to appear on the new system, it will have to come from a non-1st party source.

This being said, I have seen fruitful collaborations in this vein between Nintendo and a 3rd party studio, such as the Eternal Darkness project, in the past. So I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that Nintendo could work with a talented studio to make a real, quality FPS for its new system... and I, for one, hope that it happens.

Oh, I know that they're not what the Wii U needs and they're not even possible, because as I stated in a previous post, they're based on a single movie. Nintendo kinda dug itself into a hole by buying the Goldeneye license as you can't make a sequel. I'll be honest, I don't want an FPS because it's not really 'Nintendo'. Give me a game where you play as a Pirate commander, commanding ships RTS style on the touch screen, while boarding enemies and shooting them with you flintlock pistol on the TV screen.

Sorry to jump to conclusions, but it's been described as mindless by people I know, and gory was just FPS referring to in general. And I forgot about Eternal Darkness.

#11348 Golden Eye Might Be THE Nintendo FPS

Posted by Dementis on 29 June 2011 - 06:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Im not saying they need their own FPS to survive but this Thread is about Golden eye might be The Nintendo FPS which would require more than 1 to be released and honestly Im just saying I would prefer them making their own FPS they have licensed M rated games before and them releasing their own would in fact help show off their online.I also think third parties wont be good enough since you know their not going to get a big third party to make one of their games a exclusive since unless Nintendo pays them a crap ton of money they wont do it since they will get less money.

Listen. There will NEVER be a Nintendo produced M rated game, ever.

#11339 Golden Eye Might Be THE Nintendo FPS

Posted by Dementis on 28 June 2011 - 10:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think this entire thing is about a online shooter since we are the topic was about Golden Eye and how it might be THE Nintendo Fps which I Dont want Activision to start Popping out Goldeneye's each year like they do to all their games .It also appears that Nintendo want more people to play their wiiu and releasing a Fps with Nintendo's wax and shine will help alot and is better than relying on third partys games that are almost certain to be mutiplats Also another reason why I said I wanted a new Ip is becuase Nintendo needs some new Ips and Adding mutiplayer into Metroid would make most Metroid fans mad.I also dont like mind less shooting in my single player so Nintendo could also make its campaign more tactical and featuring online co op.


1) They cannot "start popping out Goldeneye games" because Goldeneye is 1 movie and I personally think they'll have a hard time making a sequel (Considering they don't own the Bond License)

2) Believe me, there is not one single Metroid fan who would go mad over a multiplayer mode.

What is usually associated with FPS? Blood? Gore? Nintendo isn't going to do that, so they've lost half the market already. But you seem to insist that Nintendo need it's own FPS to survive? No Third Parties? My boy, Nintendo could just pay a third party to make a game for it's system and make them promise it'll be exclusive.

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