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#96541 Wii U Releases 11-13-12?

Posted by Hyrule's Samurai on 29 July 2012 - 05:55 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'd say the release date would be 11/18/12 (November 18, 2012). Reason(s) be:
  • It's a Sunday, which is a big day for big Nintendo games (most of the time)
  • The last two home console were released on the 17th/18th
  • It's before Black Friday and the holidays

#112488 WII U to be region locked according to famitsu

Posted by Hyrule's Samurai on 24 September 2012 - 05:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

I already knew this beforehand. I've already set aside my tears, and right now, there is no wayNintendo will unlock there region-locks on the 3DS and Wii U. This is the only up side to Sony systems (other than the nice graphics and dual sticks, but that doesn't really matter, the un-region-lock does), this is coming from a HUGE Nintendo fan and a Sony fan (I like Sony in gaming and in general, but Nintendo will always dominate them, unless Nintendo screws up, like the region-lock)

#117174 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by Hyrule's Samurai on 13 October 2012 - 12:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Read these articles I wrote up on IGN to see my opinion (I have to make more, but here is a start): 5. http://www.ign.com/b...d-perhaps-a-4th = EarthBound/Mother series and maybe a 4th

6. http://www.ign.com/b...ntasy-vi-remake = Final Fantasy VI remake

#116733 Will there be more wii u preorders?

Posted by Hyrule's Samurai on 11 October 2012 - 12:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

Japan also

Yes, but the Wii U is region-locked, so you can get it from Japan but it won't play American games (sucks, right)....

#98932 Your Favorite Game Series' Outside of Nintendo

Posted by Hyrule's Samurai on 11 August 2012 - 10:58 AM in General Gaming

Well, since we can't include Ninendo, I'll say some other good series...
  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Final Fantasy
  • Xenosaga
  • Chrono Trigger
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Assassin's Creed
  • (there's a lot more, but I can't think of them at the moment)

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