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There have been 29 items by 00stevo (Search limited from 21-June 23)

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#111137 "Wii U's GPGPU Squashes Xbox 360, PS3;Capable Of DirectX 11 Equivalen...

Posted by 00stevo on 21 September 2012 - 04:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah i was actually shocked at the gfx of 360 games,apart from gears of war which looked amazing.

If Wii-U is putting out 1080p60 versions of games out now,ive got very very high hopes for it. In fact i dont have to hope,i will wait impatiently for it to make 360 and ps3 look stupid. I think Bayonetta 2 will make DMC look very average. Lets wait and see.

#119970 Is the Wii U Really a Graphical Jump Over the PS3 & 360?

Posted by 00stevo on 21 October 2012 - 10:45 AM in Wii U Hardware

In the OP's first post,he says the Wii-U has x8 the amount of RAM as a ps3,which qoute, "has 256mb". That is wrong,both 360 and PS3 have 512mb,the difference between the two,is the 360 can divide its ram up any way it chooses. The PS3 has 256mb allocated to system and GPU respectively,theres no way to divide it up,hence why ps3 cant have cross game chat because it needed a few more megs from the system ram which it simply cant have.

Also,OP says Wii-U has 2GB GDDR3 ram,that it just a wild guess mate,noone knows what ram the Wii-u has.For all we know it could be DDR4,or something completely different.

#120063 Is the Wii U Really a Graphical Jump Over the PS3 & 360?

Posted by 00stevo on 21 October 2012 - 02:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

Halo 4 leaked, you can find it on torrent sites. I have modified Xbox, and I have played the game. Im not the only one that is saying that Halo 4 is the best looking game on consoles. I sad it 100 times, I mainly play games on PC in full HD, all details High, DX11, and Halo 4 can beat most if not all of PC games in same resolution. Game is beter looking than Crysis! They did fantastic job!

Second, PS3 have weaker GPU than Xbox. To compensate that, programmers need to employ several SPEs. SPEs are not good at processing graphics, they are not efficient, so results are catastrophic. PS3 can't render textures in resolution that Xbox 360 can, lightning is not as good and so on. They did really fantastic job with physics by the way.

I have played RDR on both consoles, Xbox 360 version look better, it has more characters on screen, view distance is better. You can see this in the video below:

Why I was telling this, because horsepower means nothing if you don't balance your system. Wii U is weary balanced system!

P.S. I don't support piracy, I will buy Halo 4. On the other hand, I can do with hardware I bought whatever I want!

I have to say,i agree with you.I also have a flashed xbox,and whilst ive got halo 4,i refuse to play it yet for fear of the ban hammer lol.But i have watched loads of videos and its clear theyve done an amazing job with the gfx,i cant wait to play it.

Also,i dont really like those comparison videos,although the red dead one you posted you can clearly see the 360 has a better res.

#112479 Aliens Colonial Marines Thread

Posted by 00stevo on 24 September 2012 - 04:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

What are some of you guys on about? ALIEN/ALIENS is one of the best movie franchises ever made,if you watch the first 2 movies you will understand why they are on LV426.

No it doesn't matter. Have you played the arcade games it's basically the same in HD with a story.

Thats a load of bollocks tbh,like i said if youd actually taken the time to watch the first 2,and even Prometheus,you would understand why the marines are there and what happened prior to them being there.

As you can tell i am a big fan of the ALIEN movies,and it annoys me when people say things like 'no just go ahead and play you dont need any back story' or something like that.

There is a reason for the excitement for this game and its basically the ALIEN fans like me who have been waiting years and years for a decent game based around it. Colonial marines looks like it could be the game im really looking forward to it.

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