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There have been 11 items by redclow (Search limited from 08-July 23)

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#97448 Hey everyone!

Posted by redclow on 03 August 2012 - 09:27 AM in Introduction Central

Hi welcome to the forums, I hope you have a wonderful stay here! :)

#99905 Hi, i'm from 3DS Buzz Forums. :D

Posted by redclow on 15 August 2012 - 10:31 AM in Introduction Central

I know you from 3DS Buzz. Now who do you think I am?)

You seem really familiar but for some reason my mind's drawing a blank...

#100072 Hi, i'm from 3DS Buzz Forums. :D

Posted by redclow on 16 August 2012 - 10:37 AM in Introduction Central

Hey redclow ;) Welcome to le wii u forums! :D

Hi thanks for the welcome, and I remember you from 3DS Buzz Forums. :)

#100293 Hi, i'm from 3DS Buzz Forums. :D

Posted by redclow on 17 August 2012 - 11:19 AM in Introduction Central


(As you can see, I'm very crazy!)

Errr... Hello :P

#101291 Hi, i'm from 3DS Buzz Forums. :D

Posted by redclow on 22 August 2012 - 01:00 PM in Introduction Central

Hey thanks for the welcomes. :)

#97108 Hi, i'm from 3DS Buzz Forums. :D

Posted by redclow on 01 August 2012 - 07:29 PM in Introduction Central

I've seen you around the 3ds forums before. Welcome to the wii u forums. There are a lot of different members here, so i'm sure you will like that. We have a lot of discussion with the wii u, so feel free to join in.

Enjoy your stay.

Hi Redclow! Glad you're here. :)

Thanks for the welcomes. :)

#96853 Hi, i'm from 3DS Buzz Forums. :D

Posted by redclow on 31 July 2012 - 03:28 PM in Introduction Central

I don't think signatures can be added from a file. You'll probably have to upload it to another source like Photobucket or something.

Welcome to the forums, nice to see another Fire Emblem fan here! As for your signature problem, I am not quite sure what has caused that, how are you trying to put it into your signature?

Thanks for the Welcomes, well how I did from 3DS Buzz Forums, all I had to do was drag the signature on the empty space, but it didn't work here.

#96832 Hi, i'm from 3DS Buzz Forums. :D

Posted by redclow on 31 July 2012 - 11:16 AM in Introduction Central

Hi everyone i'm from the forum on 3DS Buzz, I saw people talking about this forum, and saying how great it was so I joined.
I'm also a fan of Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, and just became a fan of Fire Emblem. I also own a 3DS soon maybe a XL, and I hope to get a Wii U in the near future. Oh and I having some problems installing my signature, and my signature is the attached fil. So if someone could help me with that, that'd be great. B)

Attached Thumbnails

  • zfsf.fddmdga.jpg

#96856 Hi, i'm from 3DS Buzz Forums. :D

Posted by redclow on 31 July 2012 - 04:16 PM in Introduction Central

Just tried it and it works fine. Try it again, it may have been a one time glitch.

Oh ok, i'll try it again. BTW just ignore my PM... :P

UPDATE: It tried it again it still didn't work. :( All i did was drag my signature from my desktop.

#96863 Hi, i'm from 3DS Buzz Forums. :D

Posted by redclow on 31 July 2012 - 05:46 PM in Introduction Central

I have your signature to show you it works. Also don't drag from your desktop, drag from the image you posted up there. In the first post.

Thanks, I got it to work now. :D

#96854 Your top 3 wii u game list

Posted by redclow on 31 July 2012 - 04:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

1.Whatever the new Zelda is...

2. Kingdom Hearts 3 i(if it comes to the Wii U...)

3. Super Smash Bros. Universe

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