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#104096 Wii-U Blog Game Project

Posted by ninetailschris on 03 September 2012 - 12:11 PM in General Gaming

You should do a story about how the old man ends up in the cave in The Legend of Zelda Your story should explain who he is, how he got the sword, and why he ended up chillin in the cave. Basically, he should start out as an early 20s guy (farmer, blacksmith, etc.) and go on your grand Zelda style adventure, only to end up in a cave so he could do his duty to finish saving the world. Just spit balling some basic ideas. Give him a title, but not an actual name, such as mysterious man, farmer guy, etc. (something better but you get the idea). That's my pitch for the basic overall story line. Someone much more creative and talented should come up with the meaty stuff in the middle. I'd be more than happy to brainstorm with someone.

Posted Image

LOL that actually sounds epic.

#102979 Wii-U Blog Game Project

Posted by ninetailschris on 29 August 2012 - 11:00 AM in General Gaming

I can do Beta Testing, Easter Eggs, and Storyline.

message me your ideas.

#102745 Wii-U Blog Game Project

Posted by ninetailschris on 28 August 2012 - 11:49 AM in General Gaming


These guys tried, and now they're gone... FOREVER

Lol seen that before they are in happy world now :)

#102722 Wii-U Blog Game Project

Posted by ninetailschris on 28 August 2012 - 09:22 AM in General Gaming

Make the main character a bad guy.

btw what are u going to use for this game

What do you use like what specifically?

"What will the game be called? I can help with some graphics. "

I need a story idea before naming it. I want the name to be around the story.

#102653 Wii-U Blog Game Project

Posted by ninetailschris on 27 August 2012 - 10:13 PM in General Gaming

[Image soon to be]

I want to make a game [like] a Link to the Past/Gameboy Zelda games(gameplay-wise/  open-world).

I was wondering if you guys would like to help me with the ideas and other stuff I need.

The game will be free it's just something I would like to do and I think it would be a fun project to release.

If you want to help with the following just tell me:

-Character Ideas
-Level Ideas
-Location/dungeon design Ideas
-Enemies Ideas
-Beta tester ( Computer must be able to hold  50-100 mb easily)( Would be nice if you're at least decent at grammar and spelling to find typos)
-Music/sound Ideas
-Weapon/Skills/Abilities Ideas
-Easter Egg Ideas
-Storyline Ideas/ or Main storyline writer
-General Writing for Random NPC/Other stuff
-Sidequest Ideas.
-General Ideas

If you want to help you can do more than one area. Just be active at least twice a week if you can only show up once a week just pick one area.

Again if you want to help just type below the area(s).

This just for fun. A tribute to Zelda in a way.Going to be made by fans for fans. What is not to like!

[Note: I will code the game and update constantly everyone apart of the project. Will do general updates to people not in the project]

P.S Everyone will be credited by username or real name depends on the person desire.

Any questions just and thank you in advance!

#102616 How do you want Zelda Wii U to be storywise?

Posted by ninetailschris on 27 August 2012 - 06:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't like dark Zeldas and Zeldas is my favorite Ip ever.

TP was a great game but the it looked so boring to me very colorless and dead not like other Zelda games.

Majora Mask was dark in way but it was very colorful and I loved that game.

I prefer mysterious than dark because dark to me just feels generic and I don't play dark looking games because they bore me lol.

#102598 Please tell me Wii U still has a chance against the PS4 and 720

Posted by ninetailschris on 27 August 2012 - 05:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

"We are working as usual, first with a relatively small team on a next-generation project. One wonders, yes always is: Can the new consoles really be that much better than the previous Rest assured: it's you, it is a quantum leap."

Where does it say anything about xbox and ps4 only?

Check and mate.

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