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#104739 DK64: Tweet Your Petition

Posted by PaulKagebein on 06 September 2012 - 06:11 AM in General Gaming


Just tweet this or something similar to the above Twitter account.

PLEASE put Donkey Kong 64 on the Virtual Console! You own the rights to it and I would love to play this classic once more.

Twitter is one of the quickest ways to petition and give feedback for gaming quickly, and Nintendo pays attention to what their feed wants to see, even if results aren't immediate.

#102053 Rate Wii U Titles: Day 1: Assassin's Creed III & Grand Theft Auto V

Posted by PaulKagebein on 25 August 2012 - 09:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah, talking to you. :P

Oh, well mystery solved. No plagiarism was committed. The forum I was on previously didn't seem as receptive to M-rated titles, and I spend more time checking news on wiiublog and MyNintendoNews than I do there I anyway, so this community is a better fit for me.

#102048 About Nintendo/Namco-Bandai partnership for next Smash Bros...

Posted by PaulKagebein on 25 August 2012 - 09:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Who knows, maybe they have been, we just don't know about it yet.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's an as-of-now behind the scenes relationship with any of those companies that is just waiting for the right moment to be announced.

#102046 Campaign for GTA V + BioShock Infinite

Posted by PaulKagebein on 25 August 2012 - 09:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If all else fails, I'll get both for PC. But Wii U is going to be my console of preference in every case, so if I can push for these games I'm anticipating to come to it, it's worth trying.

#102040 Rate Wii U Titles: Day 1: Assassin's Creed III & Grand Theft Auto V

Posted by PaulKagebein on 25 August 2012 - 09:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

OBJECTION! Where did you get all of that info? I know FOR A FACT that you copied it. I can see that you pasted instead of paste as plain text, so it must mean that you STOLE INFORMATION FROM SOMEONE! TAKE THAT.

Are you referring to the O.P.? I posted this same series on another forum and copied and pasted here since I believe I'm going to prefer this one :P although I'm not sure if you were referencing me or not.

#101928 Campaign for GTA V + BioShock Infinite

Posted by PaulKagebein on 24 August 2012 - 10:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's debatable that these are the two most important multiplatform titles in development at the moment. It's important for the success of Nintendo as a company and the Wii U as a console to have major third party blockbuster franchises. We all know that a Nintendo console can function on Nintendo exclusives alone, but nobody wants for that to be the case again (not saying that the Wii had no good third party games. That's not true at all. It just had no good third party multiplats). and honestly, a lot of Nintendo gamers would be missing out on a lot of great third party efforts if that were the case again. So let's push 2K Games, and their subsidiaries, Rockstar Games and Irrational Games to get these two titles on the Wii U. The more mass feedback they get on both Twitter and Facebook, the better.

Just tweet or comment something like this:
BioShock Infinite + Grand Theft Auto V on Wii U = dream come true. Make it happen, guys.
Grand Theft Auto V on Wii U? That's a masterpiece in the making, and it has my money.

These kinds of campaigns don't always work, but these are reasonable companies. If there is demand for a product, that's something they are going to take a closer look at considering. Spend forty seconds logging in and posting something on their page.






#101926 About Nintendo/Namco-Bandai partnership for next Smash Bros...

Posted by PaulKagebein on 24 August 2012 - 10:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I love how Nintendo has apparently been working on a relationship with Namco, even though it hasn't been much in the spotlight. Good on Nintendo for doing that.

Absolutely. It is definitely coming into the spotlight though. They could stand to improve their relationships with other third parties as well, but they're definitely tight with Ubisoft and Warner Bros. They're improving with EA. Scoring some other big names like Valve and Rockstar/Irrational Games and Bethesda would be intelligent, and improving things with Square Enix a little more would make many gamers giddy. Then there's the ever-shady Capcom.

#101925 Pokemon Power Contest: Wii U Forums Edition

Posted by PaulKagebein on 24 August 2012 - 10:01 PM in General Gaming



Posted by PaulKagebein on 24 August 2012 - 09:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I have never, ever been a Call of Duty fan in my life, although, depending on how well Treyarch and Nintendo sell it to me before it launches, I will seriously consider buying this version.

#101922 Last Chance Predictions About the Wii U Before September 13th

Posted by PaulKagebein on 24 August 2012 - 09:49 PM in Wii U Hardware

The only deal breaker between Nintendo's newest console and I is the console being canceled entirely. Honestly, my expectation of price is about $299.99 USD, with $350-399.99 being a high-end estimation. From what I've seen and what I expect to see, however, the limit I'm willing to pay is the equivalent of my bank account.

Assuming my speculated amount of $300 is correct, I will probably be spending more than double that on launch day, probably closer to $800. I'll be picking up Batman: Arkham City, Pikmin 3, Assassin's Creed III, Mass Effect 3, and ZombiU (assuming these are all indeed launch titles). I'll get Nintendo Land even if it isn't bundled, but I heavily expect it will be. I'm sure at least a few dozen dollars will be going to any worthwhile "WiiUWare" or GameCube Virtual Console titles. On that note, I expect full WiiWare/Virtual Console/save file transfer from Wii available at launch for buyers who don't want to have to switch back and forth between their new and old systems.

Anyways, I expect launch colors to be black and white.

I expect Nintendo to manufacture a few other accessories. It'd be nice if they made headsets, if not I'll go with Turtle Beach. I'm sure there will be screen protectors and whatnot as well.

Miiverse/full online functionality, and eShop will be available Day 1. Accomplishments, an answer/equivalent to Xbox Live's Gamerscore or PSN, utilizing Nintendo's own Miis is a given. Achievements, rankings, multiple communities, chat, and friend code-free friends list are musts. I don't even care if the experience is superior. I just want it to match what the other systems offer, although superiority would be great for business.

Having some sort of media player would be nice, or even separate channels for photos, music, and videos that could be saved on ones hard drive. While personally I couldn't care less about these things on my game console (as long as I have Netflix, which is confirmed), I think these would be great additions, as long as gaming comes first. More apps than Netflix or Hulu. I want Facebook, Pandora, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon, etc. Maybe a "WiiReader" for eBooks, strategy guides, and an archive to Nintendo Power magazines.

I also expect the September conference to reveal a few new games, including at least one AAA third party title (I expect Resident Evil 6, Black Ops II, or BioShock Infinite to be officially announced), and one new first party title (probably from a non-Mario/Zelda franchise), as well as covering all of the launch line-up games better.

#101921 What Wii U games and accesories are you ACTUALLY going to buy?

Posted by PaulKagebein on 24 August 2012 - 09:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well, I'll tell you what I have pre-ordered:
Assassin's Creed III
Batman: Arkham City
Mass Effect 3
Pikmin 3

I will get Nintendo Land regardless of if it is bundled or not, but I really hope it is.

When the console and accessories are available for pre-order, I'll order:
black console
one Pro controller
a Turtle Beach headset

I don't know what the console is like yet in terms of hard drive, but I'll expand it if necessary.

#101920 Rate Wii U Titles: Day 1: Assassin's Creed III & Grand Theft Auto V

Posted by PaulKagebein on 24 August 2012 - 09:33 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Everyday, we will rate our anticipation level of two games: one that has been confirmed for Wii U, and another that has yet to be confirmed or is merely speculated. You can use whatever criteria you choose to rate the games, on a scale of 0% to 100%, as long as you are basing it on how excited you are for the game/how likely you are to purchase it. They will averaged and ranked on the list that will be updated daily. If a title is confirmed in the future, it will be rerated the following day and moved to the confirmed games list.

Today's confirmed title is Assassin's Creed III, a historical action-adventure multiplat title from Ubisoft, set during the Revolutionary War. It is set to be released at launch of the console.

Today's unconfirmed title is Grand Theft Auto V, an open world action game in the critically-acclaimed masterpiece franchise from Rockstar, and is set in San Andreas. It will be releasing some time in the first half of 2013.

Confirmed games:

Unconfirmed games:

I am 95% excited for Assassin's Creed III. I think it's gorgeous and the gameplay will be incredible, and I have happily pre-ordered it.

I am 100% craving Grand Theft Auto V to be released on Wii U. It is my single most-wanted game that has yet to be announced for a Nintendo system.

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