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There have been 41 items by angelo07stang (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#239031 Have you forgiven Microsoft yet?

Posted by angelo07stang on 13 August 2013 - 05:20 PM in General Gaming

I never had a problem with microsoft I had xbox one preordered the first day it went up.

#240821 Gamescom: 10 Minute Dead Rising 3 Demo

Posted by angelo07stang on 21 August 2013 - 03:15 PM in General Gaming

Dont know what you guys are looking at game looks amazing to me day one for me

#231279 Evo Discussion

Posted by angelo07stang on 13 July 2013 - 09:26 AM in General Gaming

They said killer instict was going to be at evo when will they show it

#231337 Evo Discussion

Posted by angelo07stang on 13 July 2013 - 03:12 PM in General Gaming

Not sure. I know they'll have a Killer Instinct booth.
Capcom just announced Poison, Elena, Hugo, Rolento, & a new character for ssf4 ae! Along with 6 new stages! A trailer will be shown right before AE finals tomorrow.

So excited.

Also, Melee finals where hype as hell!

Yeah I just seen that pretty cool and they are balancing the game more too but I was hoping for a street fighter 5 anouncement

#187303 Early Spring Releases

Posted by angelo07stang on 28 March 2013 - 09:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Im def getting injustice gods among us just have to decide what system  Iwant it for I will wait and see if 1 runs better on a certain system before i decide.

#186900 Early Spring Releases

Posted by angelo07stang on 27 March 2013 - 10:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Pikmin 3 in may I beleave this will be the game that the wii u desperatley needs.

#240044 CoD Ghosts Multiplayer Trailer

Posted by angelo07stang on 18 August 2013 - 09:34 AM in General Gaming

Game looks like crap on next gen same old stuff when will people learn they keep cut and pasting the same shat evryyear still useing same old engine. My money going to battlefeild 4 on the xbox one this year.

#276436 Bloomberg: Microsoft Hopes Titanfall's Robots Can Save the Xbox One

Posted by angelo07stang on 09 March 2014 - 06:00 AM in General Gaming

Titanfall will no doubt sell well. The marketing blitz the past 6 months have assured that. But it's not a system seller.

I would have to disagree Titanfall is definatley a system seller there is no other fps out there like it and it is a blast to play with your friends.

I haven't played it, but from I've seen its CoD with robots. Now it does seem like more fun than CoD (if thats any fun at all). We'll see, but seems like people like it from the beta.

I played the beta on xbox one it plays nothing like call of duty its so much faster paced and players that do try to play it like its call of duty get destroyed in the game cause they don't wall run and hum from building to building. I take out players like its shooting fish in a barrel cause  I will get the drop on ground players faster cause they are exposed out  in the open.

#253620 Anyone else still unsure what console to get? (Xbone or PS4)

Posted by angelo07stang on 29 October 2013 - 03:54 PM in General Gaming

Im getting xbox one in the comparison videos of the xbox one and ps4 version of battlefield 4 I actually think the xbox 1 version looks better it has more color were as the ps4 version seems really dark looking.  will get ps4 when infamous comes out but theres more launch games I'm interested in on the one compared to the ps4.

#258437 Amazing Spider-Man 2 poster shows off Rhino/Green Goblin/Electro

Posted by angelo07stang on 01 December 2013 - 07:29 AM in The Café

From what I read rhino is not in the film that much this is according to paul giamanti who plays rhino he said his  character could pop back up in spiderman 3 in some role. It was already revealed that gwen stacey dies in the second film there basically following the comic arc.

#256601 alternate ending to Breaking Bad (SPOILERS).

Posted by angelo07stang on 17 November 2013 - 06:17 AM in The Café

such an amazing show its a shame walter white died at the end but the path he was heading down it was going to happen sooner than later.

#253624 A Link Between Worlds special edition 3DS XL now available for preorder in US...

Posted by angelo07stang on 29 October 2013 - 04:04 PM in General Gaming

I have the original ocarina time 3ds if it wasn't for my xbox one preorder coming on the 22 i prob would have upgraded to this but sadly have to pass I love the gold color 

#253605 A Link Between Worlds special edition 3DS XL now available for preorder in US...

Posted by angelo07stang on 29 October 2013 - 03:07 PM in General Gaming

this will go quick preorder if you guys want it.

#255296 20-Year Microsoft Analyst Rick Sherlund says Xbox “Generates” $2 billion...

Posted by angelo07stang on 09 November 2013 - 11:38 AM in General Gaming

You guys realize sony had the same ddm policies in place as microsoft but when microsoft took the backlash sony hurried up and changed stuff just like they did with the price ps4 would have been 500 too but instead sony took the camera out and made it 400. Sony is not as innocent as all you people be leave them to be but it is what its . I own very system for exclusives thats what its all about anyway the games but for people to trash xbox one is stupid its going to have great games and they will look great. Destructoid already posted that cod runs the best on xbox one and that the ps4 has frame rate issues lol.

#255143 20-Year Microsoft Analyst Rick Sherlund says Xbox “Generates” $2 billion...

Posted by angelo07stang on 08 November 2013 - 01:11 PM in General Gaming

didnt wiiU have more preorders than the wii too. the wii that for all intents and purposes, won the last generation?

I call bull s hat on that 1

wow i am amazed at all the sony fanboys on this site I like the ps4 but I don't understand why all nintendo people trash the xbox one for no reason its an awesome system and will probably win the next console war as well.

#255136 20-Year Microsoft Analyst Rick Sherlund says Xbox “Generates” $2 billion...

Posted by angelo07stang on 08 November 2013 - 12:18 PM in General Gaming

If the XBOX One does not sell that well, Microsoft will pull out of the console market. That's what I think.

The xbox one will sell great it already has way more preorders than the xbox 360 had and look how that turned out not worried at all can't wait for my day one edition xbox one forza 5 dead rising 3 and battlefield 4 haters gonna hate.

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