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There have been 17 items by Richard Fightmaster (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#270213 Mergers and Acquisitions

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 03 February 2014 - 05:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

*cough* Rareware *cough

#270119 The official "What games should I get?" Thread

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 02 February 2014 - 05:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Err... is Sonic Lost World good? I really want to be a Sonic fan, but I'm having trouble doing it! The first three are OK, and Sonic Adventure has fun levels but a terrible overworld, and I've never played SA2, so yeah. Everything else is crap, but is Lost World his return to OKness?

#269648 DS Virtual Console For Wii U Announced

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 30 January 2014 - 10:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

OOH! You know what games I want to get out of this? Megaman ZX and Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time, as well as the DS Zelda titles! 

#269647 New 'Quality of Life' Business Plan - Nintendo's New Blue Ocean

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 30 January 2014 - 10:25 PM in General Gaming

Uh... Ninty, seriously, what the hell? I have not even the slightest idea of what they're talking about. The only thing I understood from today's announcements was the DS games on Wii U (awesome), and even reading over it multiple times, as well as every reply here, I'm still baffled...

#269610 Does anyone have any interesting Gamepad covers?

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 30 January 2014 - 04:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

The Wii U Gamepad is gross. The glossy finish makes it fingerprint like a mofo, and I'm thinking of getting a decal or cover. I found a sick Game Grumps one (http://www.decalgirl...83/Wii-U-Grumps), but before I buy it, I just wanted to see if anyone else had any cool ones!

#269605 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 30 January 2014 - 04:33 PM in Wii U Games and Software

HAH! BETTER SHOOTED! Ah gee I actually laughed at that one!

#268340 What would you do if you became god (or indistinguishable from god)

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 23 January 2014 - 07:32 PM in The Café

This is something I've thought about A LOT!

-Infuse myself with the ability to use any power from any video game at will.

-Destroy anyone who I don't like, solving over population while having an incredibly fun time

-Make Pokemon real and build an economy based around them in a world filled with only people I like

-Any uprising would be swiftly terminated by my Z Saber, Metal Cap, and Rayquaza onslaught.

-Make people's lives longer based on their merit and contribution to society, grant immortality to people like John Lennon and Martin Luther King (and Danny Sexbang)

-When people die, no heaven, hell, or purgatory. It's just over.

-Enjoy being the ruler of all, kicking ass, and giving beautiful ladies foot massages.

#268332 I'm back after a long hiatus!

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 23 January 2014 - 06:10 PM in Introduction Central


#267504 I really want N64 and GC Virtual Console games!

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 19 January 2014 - 06:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's because I currently have only enough space for my Wii U, GC, and PS3, so if I want to play a game from any other system I have to go through a cumbersome process of unhooking one of the three systems and hooking the other one up. It's so nice not to have to pull everything out and put my SNES in when I want to play Mega Man X or Super Castlevania 4, but they could take it further, and even offer games I've never played!

#267503 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 19 January 2014 - 06:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

-Paper Mario 3 (SPM and SS don't count)

-Wario World 2

-Pokemon Colosseum 3

-Super Mario Sunshine 2

-Zelda: Majora's Mask prequel (bundled with an HD MM remake for 90$, or 60$ alone)

-A port of Dead Rising 3 (pretty please?)

-Super Meat Boy (just an eshop port, I never got to play the 360 version)

-Ninty buys Capcom, makes Street Fighter 5, Ghouls n' Ghosts 5, and resurrects the Mega Man franchise with X9, 11, and Legends 3, all either 3DS or Wii U exclusive... please?

#267371 Why would anyone buy a PlayStation branded device in the future?

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 19 January 2014 - 12:21 AM in General Gaming

Because I absolutely adore every system they've released (even the Vita has a few good games) and I'm sure they'll continue to make great games and systems! While I don't yet have a PS4, I'm sure I'll buy one once a new Ratchet & Clank and/or Uncharted game comes out, along with inFAMOUS 3. Nintendo will always be my main company, but Sony makes some great games! Hell, out of my top 10, 3 are PS exclusive, and another is available only on PS3 and Red Ring Piece of Garbage. Yeah, I'm sure Sony will keep being great.

#267369 The official "What games should I get?" Thread

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 19 January 2014 - 12:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So, hi there, I've had my Wii U since launch, and I'm kind of disappointed with the games I own for it. NSMBU, Nintendo Land, Pokemon Rumble U, and WWHD (my third favourite game ever)... those are the titles I own. Of those, one is an amazing game, and it has already been released on Gamecube, so, yeah. I've got a lot of VC titles that I love, but I need to spend more time on my Wii U. So here are a few games I'm interested in:

-Super Mario 3D World

-Scribblenauts: Unlimited


-Pikmin 3

Do you think any of these games would be enjoyed by a fan (myself) of Zelda, Mega Man, Pokemon, Castlevania, and Mario? I've never played a Pikmin, Scribblenauts, or ZombiU game, and I'm a little unsure of 3D World. I'm getting a little sick of the NSMB games, and 3D Land, while good, felt like a 3D version of an NSMB game... is 3D World this way? Should I expect Sunshine standars, or just yet another modern Mario blend-in-with-the-rest-fest?

#267195 Atheists/non believers: How do you cope with death?

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 17 January 2014 - 11:16 PM in The Café

It's honestly a non-issue, Rather than inventing some sort of solution to make myself feel better, I just man up and say "F**k it, you only live once, I'll just enjoy what I have". So when I die, I just won't be aware, because I won't exist, so yeah, whatevs. It's pretty much just the Danny Sexbang "F**k it adjustment".

#267135 I really want N64 and GC Virtual Console games!

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 17 January 2014 - 03:13 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The Wii U VC currently holds two out of my top twenty games ever (Mega Man 2 and Super Castlevania 4). However, I do also have WWHD which allows me to have three out of twenty on one system, but yeah, the point is, the Wii U VC is good, but not great. I think if N64 titles and GC titles were added, then many of us could play huge amounts of our favourite games on one super convenient device. Perhaps it could even persuade people to buy the system? I mean, games like Mario Kart 64, Resident Evil 4, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and Pokemon Snap all have big followings and could be the thing to send people who are uncertain about the purchase over the edge!

Maybe we could organize a petition...

(Also, an afterthought: Dreamcast games would be a wonderful addition. I actually bought a DC just for Sonic Adventure and MVC2, so I think Nintendo could make it way more cost effective and easy for people if they stuck some great DC games on the VC, however, this isn't as important as N64 and GC)

#267120 I'm back after a long hiatus!

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 17 January 2014 - 02:05 PM in Introduction Central

Oh? In what way, Symphony?

#267050 I'm back after a long hiatus!

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 17 January 2014 - 06:05 AM in Introduction Central

Damn, Auzzie Wingman, you got quite the memory!

R00bot, I honestly just had an impulse.

#266987 I'm back after a long hiatus!

Posted by Richard Fightmaster on 16 January 2014 - 08:51 PM in Introduction Central

Hey there! I doubt you remember me, but I'm back after a very long stint without posting. You might remember me as quite an arrogant prick, but don't worry, I've changed a lot in a yearish, and I'm glad to be back!

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