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#115655 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 08:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

So many whiners. >.>
If you don''t like it, DON'T GET A WII U THEN.

If you don't like it, DON'T READ THE THREAD THEN!

#115539 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 03:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

What a con!

If you've preordered the Zombi U bundle, you won't get Nintendo Land! I'm so peeved off!

#115597 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 05:30 AM in Wii U Hardware


So this is the video in the Nintendo Direct. I've paused it at the moment he mentions the ZombiU Bundle. He clearly states a black console with a pro controller (and it's implied that the game is ZombiU).

I feel as though that if it was implied that Nintendoland was included, it would've been mentioned as well.

Maybe he should have said "instead of Nintendo Land, you will get Zombi U and extra Pro Controller". Even if he wasn't giving much on the price, at least people would've been better informed about the product they were getting :P

#115658 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 08:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

And so are you by complaining about complainers. You're quite ironic.

#115680 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 09:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

When i went to my game they told me it wasn't included in the bundle but they where offering it for free as and extra they also told me their price is going down before launch just like with the 3ds

Really? Could you tell me what GAME store was that? My local store is East Street, Southampton.

#115818 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 08 October 2012 - 05:59 AM in Wii U Hardware

Went in GAME today and they just wouldn't listen to anything I was trying to say, so I'll just have to shell out £40 on launch day for Nintendo Land. Preordered Pikmin 3 whilst I was in there anyway.

#115731 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 02:45 PM in Wii U Hardware

Still not that much money. We pay $100 for a single game here in aus.

And you get paid a lot more, so you pay more out. It's how it works.

#115697 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 11:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

Ah London, that's probably why then. Those kind of deals are usually always in London ><

#115589 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 05:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm pretty sure that everyone already knows this

Well I didn't know, and I've been keeping up with Wii U news every day since release, as well as a good friend of mine, it's all we talk about lately, so everyone can't have known about this as soon as the news was released, especially parents who know nothing about gaming, and have bought their kids a Wii U for Christmas, having no idea about what they're buying.

#115600 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 05:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm unlucky with everything I think xD

#115557 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 04:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

OH MY GOD, It's like talking to a bunch of brick walls. I didn't preorder from GAME website, I preordered in store.

I was told I would get Nintendo Land.

The bundle/console thing is the same thing, if you look down the page, GAME have also named the bundle that comes with Nintendo Land, as a CONSOLE, not a BUNDLE.

Get your facts straight.

If you're that blind you can't see the link at the bottom, here, here is the black premium bundle, named as CONSOLE http://www.game.co.u...e8f8cfdc4dfa050

Can a Mod please lock this topic? I was only trying to share the news to others that probably didn't know, and I'm being treated as dumb.

I have PM'd an Admin, and hope that they see the message to lock this.

#115584 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 05:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

Old news.

If it's old news, why are there many people on other websites who never even heard of this?

#115541 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 03:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

did you expect to get both games when the bundle comes with a pro controller as well for only £30 extra?
Most people are confused by this bundle.
Nintendo did a crap job explaining the bundle at Nintendo direct, and they didn't even tell us anything about it, All they said was there was going to be a ZombiU bundle. Great job Nintendo.
And then places like Amazon and game listed the game as included and have since taken it down WITHOUT telling the people who have pre-ordered.
If you have pre-ordered from one of these sites and want to change I would contact them about it. It seems allot of people are complaining about it on the Amazon website and are really pissed about it.

It's not £30 extra, it's £50 extra for me because I preordered from GAME. And yes, I did expect this to come with Nintendo Land, because the premium bundle comes with Nintendo Land, full stop.
I thought I was paying an extra £50 to get the extra game and the controller, and that's how it was coming across around the place. It says on the GAME website and other websites that it's the PREMIUM bundle, so if it's the premium bundle, why have they taken out the game.

Nintendo should be selling the premium version in that case then, as "premium version + Nintendo Land", not "Premium version comes with Nintendo Land".

I'm paying £350 for my bundle. Think I'll cancel with GAME and go elsewhere, just to save me some money, but I don't really want to buy online.

Where is the cheapest I can get the premium bundle?

#115563 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 05:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hey, before that happens, I wanted to know whether the ZombiU bundle was available for pre-order before the Nintendo Direct reveal.


If you preordered it from the shop and not online then what is the problem? go cancel it instead of complaining. Maybe you should have looked at other places to buy the bundle since you are clearly paying more than the bundle is worth.
Cancel it and order it elsewhere to get it cheaper, that way it won't feel like a rip off = simple solution.

Oh yeah and be out of pocket by £20 when I can't get a refund on deposits, good one.

39.75@ zavvi cheapest nintendoland i can see.if you are really close to an argos it may be worth pre ordering the zombi u bundle and getting in on the 10 pound voucher per 100 pound spend or whatever the current offer is voucher probably cheapest way to get it.

Argos basically don't do refunds/replacements on console electronics, once the seal is void. They are absolutely awful.

#115546 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 04:02 AM in Wii U Hardware

Then you're buying from the wrong place. Besides getting Zombi U and a pro controller is a much better value then just getting Nintendoland. It's only £28 more at Shop To. Yes some retailers didn't make it exactly clear and nor did Nintendo but did you really expect to get two full price retail games and a pro controller for that much more.

So why would Nintendo be selling the premium bundles basically free with Nintendo Land, but then bin the idea when it comes to bundle and paying extra to buy a premium bundle with extras?
I'm actually so disappointed in Nintendo right now, how they can reel their customers in, and screw them over like that.

I'm just gonna have to stick with GAME and the Zombi U bundle, because I cannot be bothered dealing with the stress of changing the preorder yet again.

#115582 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 05:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

I find this thread very entertaining, people are crying over what $20-$30. In reality it's really not that much money.

$20-$30? No, it's $65 extra I'm spending on the Zombi U bundle. We are talking Pound Sterling here, not US Dollars.

#115579 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 05:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

It's the only shop with easy access on the high street for me. Simple.

I went with HMV before, but proved to be useless, and conned me out of my money once, Argos I wouldn't touch for main electronics, and GAME is really the only place that is left.

I don't like using my card details online for a start, and if I go to plug my nice brand new Wii U in, and something isn't working, I'm going to be a bit gutted that I can't just get it replaced same day aren't I? You'd have to wait another 2 days just to get a courier to come round and pick it up, and wait just as long for a replacement.

I don't like GAME as much as the next person, but I'm not left with much of a choice. Even GAME have had many complaints from me in the past about misinformation.

#115574 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 05:11 AM in Wii U Hardware

to be honest i would stay with game and kick up a fuss about the misinformation,maybe get discount

That's what I was hoping to be honest. I'll be going to town tomorrow anyway, but I can't see GAME giving me any kind of discount. Probably say "take it up with Nintendo as that's what we were told to say to customers".

I wish I waited longer to preorder now, but I panicked because the US sold out of preorders.

#115570 Zombi U bundle DOES NOT come with Nintendo Land (UK bundle)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 07 October 2012 - 05:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

Demon, you are just a troll. You are baiting/trolling. I have already explained that me and many hundreds of others were told we were going to get Nintendo Land. If you want to take it out on someone, go to Nintendo.

It's them you should be mocking, not me, because I was told as the consumer, as the nobody, that I would get this product, and I was lied to.

As for the Zombi U bundle, it was available pretty much since Wii U was available to preorder. Day 1.

#117370 The blatant disrespect for nintendo and why they will win next gen

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 14 October 2012 - 04:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

Don't really care for people that don't like the Wii U. Why let them bother you?

#130965 Anybody who wont get wii U at launch day?

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 16 November 2012 - 02:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

I won't be getting a Wii U at launch either as I am trying to avoid the inevitable "defect models" that come with the launch of new hardware.

That's why you're covered by warranty you know, so you can take it back and get a replacement...

#130625 Anybody who wont get wii U at launch day?

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 16 November 2012 - 05:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

my time is filled man, i cant help it... As for wii U, then I will wait, for as long as it takes, no problem with that... But many people speak, even the strongest allys of Nintendo (ubisoft), that wii U is expensive... I can give you the link and its rare for ubisoft to say such a think... I read it 2 days ago.


Your time is not filled. You are full of poop. You have way too much time on your hand, otherwise you wouldn't come to a Wii U fan site, to explain why you won't get a Wii U. It's a total waste of your time, and it shows that you have a lot of time to waste.
Don't kid yourself, and don't insult our intelligence either.

#130224 Anybody who wont get wii U at launch day?

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 15 November 2012 - 02:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

X-sourapple-x hahahahaha ur funny with ur statement!! Its good nintendo fan sites to know, what customers believe! With ur gardening and charity programs, u dont help at all!!... I am against charities, I could explain you why, if you want me to.

And I am 33 y old! But I think I said it, I will buy other stuff... shoes.. :blink:

Not all charities are profitable, you just have to find the right one, like small local charities that do work for local kids and stuff. You're just making excuses now. I even gave you other examples of what you could do with your spare time

Seriously, fill your time with something useful.

#130147 Anybody who wont get wii U at launch day?

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 15 November 2012 - 02:04 PM in Wii U Hardware

Seriously, why have you come to a Wii U fan forums, to moan and give ridiculous reasons as to why you're not buying it?

1. You have a lot of time on your hands, and maybe you should invest it into something useful, like volunteering for a charity, helping an elderly neighbour with their gardening etc.
2. We honestly don't care. 98% of us on this website WANT a Wii U, and the people that aren't buying on launch day, is because they are younger, and have to wait until Christmas.

I bet a thread lock in 3 more posts.

#129849 Anybody who wont get wii U at launch day?

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 15 November 2012 - 08:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

You'll be waiting a long time then, because Nintendo have said they won't be dropping the price any time soon.

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