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#172344 Are things really this dire?

Posted by Shogo on 17 February 2013 - 07:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

Its no skepticism but my opinion what I believe to be the reality. Coming from a fan boy like you I expect such an immature and biased response. Incase you you have no clue this is a forum where people post their opinions and views. I have just as much right as you to post here. I suggest you stop being such a blatant fanboy and so blinded by what Nintendo does as well as believing they can do no wrong. If you don't like what others have to say then maybe you should stay away from these forums.

Agree with you completely. I also been attacked by the fanboys on this site. In their eyes Nintendo can do no wrong, and there is something wrong with me and not Nintendo. I been playing Nintendo consoles for 20+ years. The Wii was a big disappointment for me. I have a Wii U, enjoyed Zombi U but what else am I supposed to play? There nothing on the horizon and that Nintendo Direct from a few weeks ago didn't show anything that interests me. I am seriously considering getting a PS4 for the triple A games and just my Wii U for the ocassional good game that might come its way.
Where is Bioshock Infinite for Wii U? Why did they show Ken Levine praising the Wii U on E3 2011 and now we aren't getting Bioshock.
GTA5? Are we going to get it?

#171578 Criterions Rob O'Farrel talks wii u power, calls out lazy devs.

Posted by Shogo on 14 February 2013 - 04:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thank you Criterion for the extra work into the Wii U version of this game. Will definitely get this on day one!
(and yes I have Burnout 2 for the Gamecube, all those awesome crashes...loved it :) )

#170195 Aliens Colonial Marines Thread

Posted by Shogo on 11 February 2013 - 11:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If those reviews are accurate looks like this game is another disappointment. :(

So what am I supposed to play now? Nothing good in the near future :(

#159640 Hello all!

Posted by Shogo on 15 January 2013 - 04:20 PM in Introduction Central

Hello, welcome to the site.

#159639 Hola peeps :D

Posted by Shogo on 15 January 2013 - 04:19 PM in Introduction Central

Hi. Welcome to the forums.

#159638 What's up fellow wii u owners!

Posted by Shogo on 15 January 2013 - 04:18 PM in Introduction Central

Hello and welcome to the site.

#159634 Could Wii U be threatened by the 720 and Orbis?

Posted by Shogo on 15 January 2013 - 04:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

^^ Exactly, Its all about the games not which machine has the most power or best specs. If Nintendo can produce some killer first party titles then all will be good. Don't forget Nintendo has already stated that the second a person purchases a Wii U title they have already made money even with losing out on the initial console purchase.

Not true. It takes more than one game

#156347 Assassin's creed III: This game is hard!

Posted by Shogo on 05 January 2013 - 10:13 AM in Introduction Central

I have played every AC title that has been released and I fancy myself quite the stealth expert. That being said, I can not complete one of the early missions in this game. I have tried about twenty(yes,20) times and can't pass it.Is it that I'm just not that good or is this game more challenging than any previous AC title?Feel free to leave your appropriate comments

AC3 is a really really easy game. I have 100% sync and the hardest thing I had with that was overcoming all the glitches this game has lol. I have all farmers scanned yet it says I have 2/3 and it won't let me scan them again cuz it says I'm done. It is showing 100% sync so I guess I'm done lol. Glitchiest console game I have ever played.

#155691 Is Nintendo's secrecy hurting them?

Posted by Shogo on 03 January 2013 - 01:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'll be getting the WiiU pretty soon but what worries me is the game selection. I hope they bring out games which aren't spin off's from Mario/Zelda ... the usual, I'm not really a fan of those franchises. I really hope Nintendo up's their game and get the same games that come out on the Xbox/PS3 at the same time and not two years later. I'm pretty disappointed that Metro won't be coming out on WiiU, I think it's down to funding but things like this makes me worry about the future of the WiiU.

Anyone know of any 3rd party developers that will be developing for the WiiU at a steady pace?

I am disappointed too that we wont get Metro and Bishock Infinite. and apparently no GTA 5 either. Like with the Wii it seems the Wii U is gonna miss all the major franchises. :(

#151152 Merry Xmas & Happy New Year

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 04:10 PM in The Café

Merry Christmas to you too, and to everybody else on the forums. :)

#151146 Wii U rubbish at being A WII

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 03:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

Kiddie games? The Wii appealed to gamers of any age and it has some of the best games ever: Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Zelda Skyward Sword, Metroid Prime Trilogy and the best Monster Hunter game yet and the list goes on.

It's funny, a lot of people who appreciate quality games would never say the Mario or Zelda titles are "kiddie".

Also I see more damn kids playing Call of Duty on Xbox Live and that is supposedly a "hardcore" and "mature" game isn't it? LOL

I played all the Metroid games on gamecube.  Why did I want to play them on the Wii?  If the Wii would had been an HD console I would, but the Wii is pretty much a gamecube in the graphics department.  I have played the Zelda games on the N64 and the gamecube, and while I do think they ok they aren't my favorite games.  And I wouldn't consider them "hardcore".  As I stated before the Mario games don't appeal to me.  And I never used the term "hardcore" to begin with.  I want games that appeal to me.  I'm not a kid, I'm an adult.   And I'm not that interested in the Call of Duty games.  I might get Black Ops 2 but only for the multiplayer and zombie modes, I played one of them on the Wii and in my opinion the single game campaign wasn't anything special.

Sorry but the Wii didn't appeal to me at all.  It collected dust.  The Wii is perceived as a kids console and I agree. If it appealed to you then good for you.   All the major franchises games were never made for the Wii.  Resident evil 5 and 6, Grand Theft Auto, Bioshock, I could go on and on... if this trend continues I will jump ship.

#151143 I Hate To Be That Guy, But...

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 03:24 PM in Introduction Central

Thanks for the welcome! I shrunk the gif down to 100 X 100 pixels, using this website: http://www.lunapic.com/editor/. It actually worked very well.

Thanks, that seems to have made the trick lol.  It had scaled mine to 256x256 but it still wasn't working so I had given up on that.  Didn't think of scaling it more than that lol.

#151028 Wii U rubbish at being A WII

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 08:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

as its been said there are mature game for the wii and if they did not appeal to you then thats fine I do respect you honest opinion.

Lets hope wii u gets the games that you want as well, I do think that if the wii U has exactly the same games on it as xbox 7?? and pS ?? then most poeple might not see why they should get a wii u at the same time they dont want to miss out on games ?
but for me my brain has been brain washed for the big N now so I am looking forward to what ever nintendo do :D

buy the way I want to thank every one for commenting on my post

Your welcome lol.  I am hoping the Wii U does get good 3rd party support.  I hope the Wii U will be a success, time will tell...I am hopeful lol.

#151024 Wii U rubbish at being A WII

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 07:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

Fallout on the wii u would be amazing using the pad as the pitboy hell yeah beautiful game changer

Honestly though, gamings not just about m rated games. I personally dont know what genre your into in terms of games but i promise you once you find that space the wii has a lot of games to offer in those areas. I bought the wii on release day and have been though alot with it. but i have to say that the wii out of all consoles brought a lot of fun times. From drunken mario kart to the intense skyward sword story line I have found great use of the wii, not only in events with only myself playing but to strait up having a fun time with friends. My Xbox nor PS3 has never given me as much fun with my friends.

I liked games like Goldeneye on the N64, Perfect Dark was amazing,  on the Gamecube I liked Rogue Squadron, the Timesplitters games,  I loved Timesplitters 2, the Tony Hawk games back then were good too. I liked the Resident Evil games for the gamecube, Resident evil 4 being my fav.  Wave Race, all the Metroid games for the gamecube, I really liked those.

I like Zombi U for the Wii U.  I beat it on survivor mode already.  I was looking forward to Metro Last Light and Bioshock Infinite on the Wii U (those games do appeal to me a lot), but apparently we wont get any of those.  I am looking forward to Aliens Colonial Marines, hope it will be good.  Looking forward to a Metroid game on the Wii U too, I think the gamepad will work great with a game like Metroid.

#151020 Wii U rubbish at being A WII

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 07:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

COD personal view not as good as i wanted...
Cold Mountain
Silent Hill
The Grudge Ju-On (warning makes your insides blow out from fear)
No more heros 1
No more heros 2
Madworld (if you havent played this. do it, superb game)

COD personal view not as good as i wanted...
Cold Mountain
Silent Hill
The Grudge Ju-On (warning makes your insides blow out from fear)
No more heros 1
No more heros 2
Madworld (if you havent played this. do it, superb game)

I did play Madworld, I did play Silent Hill.  They were ok games.  But there really wasn't that much more.  I did play Cold Mountain too, but the controls were terrible.

#151018 Wii U rubbish at being A WII

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 07:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think what you mean, rather than "kiddie" games is mainstream mature games. Wii had some of the goriest games this generation. Mad World, Dead Space Extraction, etc. What it lacked was GTA, Red dead redemption, fall out type games. The ones that were blowing everyone away on the other consoles.
I love those games, but the Wii offered something very different than the others. I actually preferred the wii experience, but I think most were wanting a more sooped up traditional gaming experience.

Everyone of us as different tastes in games and I respect your opinion and so should you respect mine.  While you may have been happy with the Wii, I wasn't. I been gaming for over 20 years and the Wii was a big disappointment for me.  There simply weren't any good games that appealed to me on the Wii.  That just the way it was for me. I wanted to buy games for the Wii but there was simply nothing that appealed to me. That is the way i felt, you saying what your opinion is isn't going to change the way I felt.

#151016 Wii U rubbish at being A WII

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 07:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

No Mature Games??!?! ManHunt 2 ring a bell? I mean come on you use the nunchuck and wiimote to hold a plastic bag on someones face and slash a dudes throat with a knife. There was an over abundance of kiddie games basically a 1 out of 15 ratio.

Manhunt 2 is just one game.  Where the others?  There are less than 5 games in all the Wii's history that appeal to me.  Mario games don't appeal to me, all those shovelware crap games the Wii got don't appeal to me.

#151013 Hello!

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 07:16 AM in Introduction Central

Hello welcome to the site.

#151012 I Hate To Be That Guy, But...

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 07:15 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the site. How much did you shrink your gif? Mine is also supposed to move but it doesn't work. I'll try shrinking it some more lol.

#151011 thought i best say hi :)

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 07:10 AM in Introduction Central

Hi welcome to the site.  Get me some fish lol.

#151010 Hola

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 07:09 AM in Introduction Central

Hello and welcome.
Merry Christmas to you too. :D

#151009 Hello

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 07:08 AM in Introduction Central

Hello, welcome to the site. Merry Christmas to you too. :)

#151007 Wii U rubbish at being A WII

Posted by Shogo on 23 December 2012 - 07:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

If you like kiddie games I guess you liked the Wii.  I myself are one of the ones that was really disappointed in the Wii.  No mature games that appealed to me. I have less than 5 Wii games, my Wii was a dust collector.  I am giving Nintendo one last chance but if the same thing happens with the Wii U I am jumping ship.  I am already disappointed that we wont get Bioshock Infinite. :angry:

#149038 hello from elbridge ny

Posted by Shogo on 17 December 2012 - 07:28 PM in Introduction Central

Hello, glad you enjoying your Wii U lol.

#149037 Hello Everybody, and season greetings.

Posted by Shogo on 17 December 2012 - 07:26 PM in Introduction Central

Hey welcome to the site.

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