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#184898 Game reviews on a glance

Posted by rich100 on 22 March 2013 - 05:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Welcometo the worlds first review of wind waker for wii u.  you heard it here first

Zelda wind waker = a classic game remastered = 9/10

Hope you enjoyed a review at a glance

Need for speed = fast action good graphics = 9/10

#184799 Game reviews on a glance

Posted by rich100 on 21 March 2013 - 03:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

World exclusive review of zelda wind waker

Wind waker = amazing improved version of game cube classic = 9/10

#184788 Game reviews on a glance

Posted by rich100 on 21 March 2013 - 01:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

No didnt pay for them i get given the games to review them.

New review coming tomorrow for

The cave

#184371 Game reviews on a glance

Posted by rich100 on 19 March 2013 - 06:35 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If there is any games you guys want me to review let me know

#184191 Game reviews on a glance

Posted by rich100 on 19 March 2013 - 09:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

As promised more reviews at a glance

rayman rabbids = average = 5/10

Tekken tag tournament = best beat em up on wii u = 8/10

Avengers battle middle earth = get tekken instead = 4/10

Spider mans = get batman instead = 6/10

Fifa 13 = best soccer game on wii u but not got all features of other systems = 7/10

Mass effect= great value = 9/10

Game party = dont bother = 2 / 10

Sports connection = mehhhhh = 3/10

Hope these reviews our helping you guys from rich100 thereview from a glance guy

#184074 Game reviews on a glance

Posted by rich100 on 19 March 2013 - 04:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Guys some of us like myself lead very busy lifes like myself so aint got time to read 3 pages on ign for a review i know my review system aint for everyone but im sure some will appreciate it like myself who often on ign just skips to the score will find these reviews useful

#183999 Game reviews on a glance

Posted by rich100 on 18 March 2013 - 05:19 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hi guys im reviewing wii u games to save you reading through lots of pages on the internet

Zombiu = intense and scary survial horror = 8/10

Mario = colorful addictive classic gameplay= 8/10

Nintendoland = fun with friends = 8/10

Sonic racing = lots to do but difficult = 7/10

Tank tank tank = simple but fun = 6/10

Ac3 = good graphics 8/10

Darksiders = big but bit repetitive 7/10

Batman = great game but lots of buttons to remember = 8/10

Monster hunter = hard core fans lots of hours here = 8/10

Lego city = wii u exclusive = 8.5/10

Cod black ops 2= great online = 9/10

Trine = beutiful = 7/10

Fzero = bargain = 8/10

Zen pinball = addictive = 7/10
As promised more reviews at a glance

rayman rabbids = average = 5/10

Tekken tag tournament = best beat em up on wii u = 8/10

Avengers battle middle earth = get tekken instead = 4/10

Spider mans = get batman instead = 6/10

Fifa 13 = best soccer game on wii u but not got all features of other systems = 7/10

Mass effect= great value = 9/10

Game party = dont bother = 2 / 10

Sports connection = mehhhhh = 3/10

Hope these reviews our helping you guys from rich100 thereview from a glance guy

I hope these reviews helped guys i will review more games soon

#177014 Wii U version of Watch Dogs will not be a PS3 or 360 port

Posted by rich100 on 27 February 2013 - 06:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

I personally dont think be a big gap in versions between ps4/ps3/360 and wii u i saw videos of this game for ps3 about a year ago so i think you find that be more upscaled for the ps4 as when ive looked at videos of ps4/ps3 versions was hard tell difference butmay be different story when playing on your own tele.

#169727 Who would win in a fight?

Posted by rich100 on 10 February 2013 - 09:53 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Ok rember this is a no holds barred fight i thonk iwata has the hands of a killer that why he wears those white gloves

#169696 To all the Wii U / Nintendo apologists....

Posted by rich100 on 10 February 2013 - 09:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Give it a break!
Just read through a number of posts - some with real concern over the investment that people have made by buying a Wii U - and all that follws are a raft of negative comments and attacks to demean the poster - you all need to wake up!
So far, the Wii U is a massive dissapointment. ZombiU - great game but limited longevity due to lack of online (no, leader board comparison is not online play - that's right! spit the dummy/pacifier out, lash out, you know you can't resist! - lol). SMBU - Great.. HD 2d mario, no really,..... great....
NintendoLand - not bad as a party game to play with kids - as an innovative title to 'show' what the Wii U can do? It sucks balls, Big Ones!
3rd party titles - c'mon! Played and dusted way before on other platforms.
Nintendo's 1st party support? Absolutely atrocious! Iwata nodding like a bobble head does not substitute for a TOTAL failure in support the Wii U - It's sheer arrogance and a abuse of Nintendo fans and early adopters.
Yes, great, 1st party titles are coming. hmmm, going by Nintendo's release 'streak' we'll be playing those in 2015, great.
Wind Waker si coming! I'm so excited. Yeah right. This is why Nintendo remain arrogant. It's great to be nostalgic, but to release old games in new fangled.... '!!!! HD !!!!!' and for this to be lapped up is why the Wii U will possible follow the Cube - great titles, rubbish 3rd party support.
Iwata cares about the shareholders - as he should do. Care for gamers and the need or want to enjoy Nintendo products? No way.
This post isn't to provoke a response - it's the truth. It's the current sorry state of affairs that the Wii U is facing. Plenty of members of this forum are thinking the same way, but they may not want to voice their opinions - me ha! I paid my money and so far, I was most definitely robbed.
Ok, apologists, attack and rant away...

You do have a fair point,

I love my wii u and happen like nintendoland but only when mates round, zombiu decent but could do with multiplayer, im lucky as i have darksidders, batman and cod which dont have on other systems, but the lack of software happens with many consoles at launch especially in europe i paid like £500 for my ps3 to have 1 game and hdmi cable at launch and i liked that but at time many of those launch games were on xbox360 so same arguement there as for ps3

So as much as your point is a valid one the problem occurs for most consoles at first.

#169092 I'm starting a handheld collection.

Posted by rich100 on 09 February 2013 - 03:08 AM in General Gaming

Get yourself the micro gameboy its small and didnt sell great i think its a tiny gameboy adavance

#169091 Who would win in a fight?

Posted by rich100 on 09 February 2013 - 03:03 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

So guys i want to know who you think would win in a tear down out of reggie and iwata

#168975 Darksiders 2 £20 uk

Posted by rich100 on 08 February 2013 - 05:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hi guys just letting you know darksiders 2 is £20 at zavvi online with free delivery im really enjoying this game it good substitute while we wait for zelda.

#167133 Where to get scribblenauts?

Posted by rich100 on 05 February 2013 - 04:06 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The game has been delayed again innthe uk so we wont be getting it this friday very annoying here is a link to the subject from uk offcical nintendo magazine


#165945 What wii u games have you sold

Posted by rich100 on 02 February 2013 - 01:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Tekken is brilliant. One of the best games on Wii U!

Yeh i may buy it as can get for bout £25 brand new i dont have a fighting game so be something different to my collection

#165835 Sold sonic racing and downloaded mario kart 64 instead

Posted by rich100 on 02 February 2013 - 04:44 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You downloaded Mario64 on Wii?

No downloaded it on wii u but you have to go on the wii option to be able to download it from the wii store, so have go into wii mode to play. Got 4 pro classic controllers

#165735 Bet you didnt think wii u could do this?

Posted by rich100 on 01 February 2013 - 08:44 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Im hungry but got no food left i know what i could do!

Check this link out guys

#165734 What wii u games have you sold

Posted by rich100 on 01 February 2013 - 08:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It took me a while to get used to using the GamePad instead of the good ol' wiimotes. Once I did get used to it I was able to play as well as usual with both remotes. Were you playing in Co-op? I lost 50 lives on one level when playing in co-op with my "friends". Luigi has 30 continues lol, Mario still on zero :P.

Im loving mario, you die alot more in multiplayer as you bounce on each others heads accidentally

#165732 Jesus isnt the only one who can come back from the dead

Posted by rich100 on 01 February 2013 - 08:41 PM in Introduction Central

Not down but banned. Only kidding. It's nice to see you around but who are you again please as I fairly comment here?

Rich100 helped make this forum happen before the console came out i was letting people know about rumors from japan about the wii u once that wasnt well known outside of the land of the rising sun

#165717 Sold sonic racing and downloaded mario kart 64 instead

Posted by rich100 on 01 February 2013 - 08:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

trying to respect your feelings, but i just can't take it seriously, since you're talking about local multiplayer, there is nothing that mario kart 64 offers over sonic racing, battle mode included.

Mariokart64 more fun the controls are very loose on sonic the weapons on sonic are lackluster have no punch to them, the game is glitchy as hell, and yes sonic does offer online but much of that is glitchy, i honestly feel mk64 just controls better like drifting round corners, i think that sonic was bit over top in level design that the course wasnt clear to were going

#165714 Jesus isnt the only one who can come back from the dead

Posted by rich100 on 01 February 2013 - 08:18 PM in Introduction Central

Rich in the house guys! Like the old saying goes, you cant keep a good rich100 downs

#165609 Jesus isnt the only one who can come back from the dead

Posted by rich100 on 01 February 2013 - 04:36 PM in Introduction Central

Hi guys back using the rich100 i reply when i can be patient as my posts have be approved first

#144136 Aliens Colonial Marines Thread

Posted by rich100 on 05 December 2012 - 12:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I sure didn't see it available in the U.S., In fact that ad you posted doesn't even indicate it is available for the Wii U?

He said he has the join or die edition if you read hes post more clearly

#144128 Zavvi?

Posted by rich100 on 05 December 2012 - 12:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

mine got delivered today

#143420 Zavvi?

Posted by rich100 on 04 December 2012 - 01:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Is anyone else still waiting on game orders from zavvi i hot my console with them on day and on monday received my pro controllers, but im still waiting on 3 games and they got dispatched last wednesday anyone else got same problem

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