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#137781 Will Club Nintendo ever offer something decent to consumers in NA? Anything U?

Posted by Inland on 25 November 2012 - 01:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I wish we would get those awesome video game soundtracks the Japanese Club Nintendo gets.
I thought we would back when Club Nintendo America gave out the Ocarina of Time CD for first day buyers of the game.
I just finished playing Paper Mario Sticker Star and wouldn't mind a CD soundtrack for that.
That music is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

I appreciate your input. Nintendo needs to know that we count.

#137706 Will Club Nintendo ever offer something decent to consumers in NA? Anything U?

Posted by Inland on 24 November 2012 - 10:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Be glad you're not with Club Nintendo Australia. *shudder*

I just don't understand why the money spent by some consumers is worth more to Nintendo than others.
You Australians at least got the 3DS console raffle, north Americans did not at all.


I think NOA punishes American consumers because of the success of other consoles here, but it's really not the fault of Nintendo fans here in America. We still spend our hard earned money, but are grouped as a statistic to Nintendo. Bad sales in any given country shouldn't be blamed on the existing fans that they have, but yet the fans that they as a company have refused to reach out to.

#128050 What does Bayonetta 2 mean for Wii U? (and LOL?)

Posted by Inland on 12 November 2012 - 04:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yep. The fixed Ninja Gaiden 3 release with the inclusion of Tecmo's Dead or Alive's Ayane character and Bayonetta 2 in the Wii U launch window surely represent some new brave form of Nintendo.

All they need to do now is reform the international Club Nintendo stores to reflect the awesome Japanese exclusive shop items and I'll accept that "Heck" has officially frozen over. :)

#128039 What does Bayonetta 2 mean for Wii U? (and LOL?)

Posted by Inland on 12 November 2012 - 04:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

What does the Bayonetta Wii U exclusive release mean to the gaming world as a whole? I played the Bayonetta demo on 360 awhile back and never gave the game much thought. Seemed like it had double jump, and a weird middle-aged teacher looking witch protagonast. The shooting was somewhat like the Capcom game titled Devil May Cry.
Fast forwad to now, this title appears to have caused a huge uproar in the gaming community for being a Wii U release. Does a middle aged witch really mean all that much to the gaming balance? Will this exclusive risque title change the public view on Nintendo's post SNES staunch standards? Last I remeber, Conkers Bad Fur Day (N64), PN03 (GC) and No More Heroes (Wii) went into the sleeping night without much notice.

Am I in love with this title? No.
Is it a "good" move for Nintendo? For sure, if they can check their heart at the door and let the market decide they will have the answer in sales numbers good or bad.

I say let the good and the bad flow, the original Sony Playstation had no chance at surviving and we are now faced with... yep.

Third party titles matter. Lets pray that Nintendo understands why the SNES/Super Famicom was so wonderful. Freedom. Not just a little filtering, but total freedom.

It's not the few key titles that make or break it, but the mass appeal to develop for the "willing" console. As long as consumers and developers both plan for Wii U, the Wii U will flourish in both.

There are classic movies on DVD format, and there is rubbish. The DVD format did not flourish because of said rubish... But hey, it didn't exactly hurt the format either!
If the little guy JVC with "no chance" (VHS) could beat the big bad Sony (Beta), why can't it happen again?

Beta tapes, Super Beta, UMDs...Sony Memory sticks over SD cards?????
I'll stick with the Wii U.

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