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#150227 Nintendo TVii is up on the USA!

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 20 December 2012 - 06:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

I was thinking it was like going to be another set top box. I swear Reggie said that. Well guess my dream of watching Toonami while in the bathtub is a dead dream...

#155918 Playsation Omni and Xbox 720 news.

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 04 January 2013 - 06:01 AM in General Gaming

I told a girl I like who owns a PS3 about this and her response was that she's most likely not buying a PS4 if she can't buy second hand games and if she can't play PS3 games on it (was this already confirmed to be the case?), so yeah it's a stupid direction for hardware sales. For example, ALL of my Xbox 360 games are second hand except for two of them. I wouldn't buy a console if I can't get second hand games for it (unless, there is no other option but as long as Nintendo does it right there is).

I'm calling it, PS4 will be the least succesful PS to date, not counting portables.

Digital games are ok at times. like if you don't drive or is Gamestop does not have the game you want. Or if it is a game like Pirate Warriors only on PSN. However making all games digital only is horrible. Maybe I'm weird but i love buying an actual game and having my collection on my shelve. I'll be sad to see PS4 fail since I loved the PS2 back in the day (still do lol)

#197327 Top 5 Wii U games NOT to buy

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 20 April 2013 - 07:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You, sir, are a clever troll :P

5. Scribblenauts U (hate me but I don't get that game)
4. Marvel fighting thingy...
3. Jet Tailfin (coming to the Wii U???)
2. Ben 10
1. Funky Farm?

BTW, Nintendo owned us with their launch lineup. So damn awesome.

I'm sure if Marvel palyed like Injustice it would sell more



Also we need a Ben 10 game that plays like Batman or Spiderman games. You know games that are fun and you can beat bosses up in different ways for example. Ben 10 could really do great as an open world game but sadly no....

#172628 Rumor: Sony takes shots at Nintendo as PS4 reveal date nears

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 18 February 2013 - 05:33 AM in General Gaming

LOL, are we really going to include third party titles as that makes the wii's game list in comparison even more dire. The wii doesn't have a single exclusive Resident Evil btw, you are claiming to know a lot but showing you know rather little.

I was talking about games. Doesn't give you the right to insult me. Jesus. Oh well reported for insults

#172741 Rumor: Sony takes shots at Nintendo as PS4 reveal date nears

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 18 February 2013 - 12:31 PM in General Gaming

It's not an insult, whilst you where claiming to be knowledgeable, you where stating things that where simply wrong, ergo showing you know less then you are claiming to. That is all.

I never said I know anything about sales or crap. I was jsut saying info that others told me here and on Twitter so don't act like I did you meanie

#172385 Rumor: Sony takes shots at Nintendo as PS4 reveal date nears

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 17 February 2013 - 10:33 AM in General Gaming

Considering how the 3DS is destroying the Vita should they really being talking smack about anyone? That is like a person in 3rd place bashing the 1st place winner. I loved my PS2 but considering how badly the Vita is doing and even PS3 tbh for me at least I think they need to stop trying to talk big and actual deliver. Hopefully they can but i'l wait and see

#172614 Rumor: Sony takes shots at Nintendo as PS4 reveal date nears

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 18 February 2013 - 04:29 AM in General Gaming

Well the ps3 probably generated more revenue for Sony then the wii did for Ninetendo. Look at the sales of Nintendo games vs Playstation 3 games and remember sony and Nintendo get around 30% of the money from sales of games on there console. Also Sony introduced how many excellent new ip's this gen (Resistance Trillogy, Demon's Souls, The Last of Us, Beyond Two Souls, Uncharted Trillogy, LittleBig Planet Series etc) whilst continuing some of the old ips (Killzone, Sly Copper, Gran Turismo, Ratchet and Clank etc). As opposed to Nintendo throwing out a rather lackluster number of admittedly good titles from ip's that have been milked to death (namely Mario, Zelda and Metroid) along with some casual dance and fitness games.

Nintendo may have sold more consoles last gen, but it is doubtful if they where as successful as Sony or Microsoft last gen, and they undeniably did not create as many new ip's or quality exclusives as Sony did with the ps3. Of course you can prefer what Nintendo offered, but don't delude yourself saying that Sony has not been delivering (as they so clearly have been in recent years).

Yes but with Wii we also got fun games like Zack and Wiki,Crystal Bearers,Tales of S DotnW,Mad World,No more Heros 1 and 2 and sequal to that DS Drawing Game which was fun,Resident Evil something or anything (Not a RE fan but know it got at least an exclusive) Xenoblade,Last Story and Pandora Tower.  TBh I would not count Ni Ni Kuni as a Sony game since wasn';t it released on DS in Japan back in 2009? (Correct me if I'm wrong I may be getting it mixed up with something else). I know ofr myself and friends of mine we liked the Wii exclusives since they were actually fun. I will admit I truly loved uncharted for PS3 but that was the only exclusiveness i liked. Hate Infamous. Not saying that it is a bad game but I just found that game bad myself.

#177037 Wii U sales fall below PS Vita's for the first time

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 27 February 2013 - 08:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

TBH all the games came out at launch and in the past 3 months nothing really has been coming out sadly. At least in March we get Lego City plus other stuff Hopefull more stuff follow and we don't have drought

#197558 WiiU Virtual Console Information.

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 20 April 2013 - 06:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So much Kirby

#178351 So i lost my vita today...

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 02 March 2013 - 04:16 PM in General Gaming

Oh well, that doesn't change the fact that it has no games.

Shorter Amount Of Time! Use your brain! It is like comparing a new born to a toddler. Seriously it is like the majority of gamers these days are idiots. 

#196857 Wii U release dates "leaked"

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 19 April 2013 - 04:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The Legend of Zelda U: Fall 2013



Unless that is Zelda WW HD which it could be since at GS they had Zelda 2 under 3DS games a few weeks back and we find out were getting Zelda LttP 2 

#178172 So i lost my vita today...

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 02 March 2013 - 07:27 AM in General Gaming

I forgot I even had a Vita myself. Beat Gravity Rush and now halfway done with P4G. Besides the upcoming paper game I see nothing else for Vita sadly. I hope E3 has stuff tbh. 

Same thing could be said about the Wii U.

The Vita has been out for a year though the Wii U has only been out for like 4-5 months. To be fair it takes half a year for any console to get games. If the Wii U had no games by this Nov I would understand your point 

#143913 New Nintendo Direct confirmed for tomorrow.

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 05 December 2012 - 03:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

Was interesting to see the Japanese one but still no games I'll import a Jpn Wii U for. I mean it is so young still so waiting is the best move. Then again I could import one just to play some Japanse wii games I guess.

#131408 Rumor: Next-Gen Game coming to WiiU

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 17 November 2012 - 09:49 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Assassin Creed 4 Ezio's Return!   JK AC 3 did leave a bad taste in my mouth so if it was a new one later down the road I want them to go back to the old format Hoping it's a new IP tbh

#155523 2013 Wii U Games

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 03 January 2013 - 07:25 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Wonderful 101 and Lego City Undercover (Which I hope gets wifi)

#163739 Why I don't like other systems

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 27 January 2013 - 02:33 PM in General Gaming

Posted Image

Raz senses bull*%&^ blanket statements.

Posted Image

Also, the crazy bacon loving janitor/cook/park ranger/psychic super agent in his head says you are full of $#^%.

Yes just because I don't like X box games make my post invalid. Your an idiot you just can't handle someone disliking the games you like. I don't care if you like Xbox what I don't like is you calling out my opinion when I'm being nice and disliking most games made in the USA

#162183 Why I don't like other systems

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 23 January 2013 - 10:52 AM in General Gaming

Only Xbox only games I liked was the Naruto games. Was the only reason I bought one. After I beat those two I sold them with my X-box. However X-Box did get idolM@ster which was very odd considering who plays the 360 XD

But to above post yeah PS3 has some great stuff. Uncharted and Gravity Rush (Originally PS3 but changed to Vita) are fun :) Infamous not so much. tired it and found it blah. That one game for PS3 about Gods scares the hell out of me for some reason. My friend played it and I cried so much XD

#132599 I think my Wii U is broken

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 18 November 2012 - 03:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

Are updates really that long? Mine was done in 30 mins and my internet is slower then Snooki.

#162124 Why I don't like other systems

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 23 January 2013 - 08:25 AM in General Gaming

No good IP's for the XBOX? Halo and Gears aren't good to you? LOL!

TBH I hate those games Very boring

and besides I posted in my thread I hardly play american games! Due to lack of creativity and fun

#162105 Why I don't like other systems

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 23 January 2013 - 07:31 AM in General Gaming

I despise Xbox for a few reasons. The fans and online people and the lack of japanese games

Nintendo and Sony for me tbh

So many rude people on Xbox live. I tried playing GTA 4 on Xbox and was cussed at many times
I play the same game on PS3 and everyone is nice and polite playing GTA 4

#162180 Why I don't like other systems

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 23 January 2013 - 10:38 AM in General Gaming

*Facepalm* Clearly your not able to understand what I'm saying. American games like Halo and GoW to me have no interesting characters and a horrible story. The same with Prototype.. I never said constant action is boring. Try to actually read if before putting words in my mouth. Ok thanks :D

#172774 A meteorite crashes over Russia

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 18 February 2013 - 02:04 PM in The Café

Sayien Space Pod

#153726 AC3 Difficulty?

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 29 December 2012 - 07:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They changed the combat style in some way. I miss the Ezio style :( Plus guards will attack you for no reason

#198371 Wii U Magazine

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 22 April 2013 - 04:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm against digital magazines myself. Same for manga. Maybe I'm old school I just like to hold things  

#143681 Game releases

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 04 December 2012 - 05:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hardly any system has a bunch of "good" games in the first 6 months or so. The Wii U got a bunch of good ones (Well some ports but if you never played them...)

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