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#142288 WiiU Friendly Media Sites.

Posted by ~P~ on 02 December 2012 - 06:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

A repository for all video/audio sites
that are compatible with the Wii U
Internet Browser.Find any and i'll
add them to the list below:

Wii U Friendly Media Sites

(good selection of anime shows)
DBZ.com (Lots of Dragonball Z episodes)
Funny or Die (Comedy)
Vimeo (only on certain videos)

Failed Tests



#143670 WiiU Friendly Media Sites.

Posted by ~P~ on 04 December 2012 - 05:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

After the news that you can use a server to stream MP4 videos to the Wii U via the browser, I tested to see if sites streaming tv shows and movies in MP4 would do the same thing and predictably they do.

Best one i've found during a quick search was Mobilevids.org which has 100's of movies and tv shows available. Almost everything I tested rather smoothly in the browser. So long as the thing you want to watch has the 'Stream' option, you should be okay. With plenty on offer, i'm less bummed about the Nintendo TVii delay here in the U.K.


#147443 youtube gone from wii u?

Posted by ~P~ on 13 December 2012 - 01:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

Does Nintendo even know about this and as a result of the limitations of the browser, will they even be inclined pressure YouTube into fixing it?

#133889 Download Huge Wii U Update in the Background while you play!

Posted by ~P~ on 19 November 2012 - 04:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

Gaming site NintendoEverything has linked to a story on Reddit apparently confirming that
the big Wii U System Update can be run in the background while you continue to use the system.

Here's the direct quote from the original Reddit article:

“Just a heads up for people who want to play their new console immediately and still update it.
Last night, I set mine up and hit “cancel” at the first mention of the update. We played Nintendoland for a while and then I went to update it. To my surprise, it skipped downloading and simply started installing it. It took less than 15 minutes.”

In the comments below this, other new Wii U users appear to confirm this as they set up
their Wii U's opting to skip downloading the update themselves, only to have it download/
install in the background.

- If true, this is great news for future Wii U owners.

NintendoEverything Story: (Link)
Reddit article: (Link)


#143155 Can the Wii U open PDFs or other Text Documents?

Posted by ~P~ on 04 December 2012 - 07:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

I uploaded a .txt file to my server and then tried to view it using the browser. It Works!

...i wasn't surprised as this works on the 3DS as well although I don't know
about other text files.

#142535 Club Nintendo stars in eshop?

Posted by ~P~ on 03 December 2012 - 07:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Interestingly...a few days ago the EU Stars Catalogue was accessible. It listed some new items like the Mario Kart 7 Trophies and a few other things. (sadly, I didn't see any eShop Vouchers or any news about a Stars for Games promotion similar to the aforementioned American one) but later when I messaged Twitter user 'MyNintendoNews' about it and went to link to the page, it had been taken down again.

Wish i'd taken a screenshot now. =(

#146974 Podcast Special dedicated to the Wii U TUESDAY @ 7:15 pm PT

Posted by ~P~ on 12 December 2012 - 07:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think you have to go to the web site to download. To stream you hit play.


Doh! Thanks man, I was rushing this morning, hoping to have to loaded onto my iPod
for the commute to work and didn't think to check the website. Basic, basic error. =)

#146892 Podcast Special dedicated to the Wii U TUESDAY @ 7:15 pm PT

Posted by ~P~ on 12 December 2012 - 01:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

Podcast is now available for download:

Forgive my lack of expertise but how do you actually download this? There's is no link to speak of, just a mini player with Play and Stop functions. =(

#146538 Wii U Home Button LED?

Posted by ~P~ on 11 December 2012 - 01:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

It seems to blink twice when friends come online. Not sure if it does the same for incoming calls.
It should at least do something different like flash rapidly or stay solid for 5 seconds, but either
way, pop-up notifications are the way to go IMO.

#146577 Podcast Special dedicated to the Wii U TUESDAY @ 7:15 pm PT

Posted by ~P~ on 11 December 2012 - 06:44 AM in Wii U Hardware

I will eagerly await the download. =)

#141374 Trine 2

Posted by ~P~ on 01 December 2012 - 05:23 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm interested in this myself. I even heard that the developers are looking into adding online Voice Chat via a patch. Ace.

#143888 Wara Wara Plaza Icons

Posted by ~P~ on 05 December 2012 - 01:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

It happened to me after I played Nintendoland for the first time. The odd thing was a day or so later and the Nintendoland icon didn't appear in Wara Wara Plaza anymore, it was replaced by another game. Then 2 days after that it was back again. Odd.

#143890 Wii U GamePad Home Button Blue Light Useless

Posted by ~P~ on 05 December 2012 - 01:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Another thing i've noticed is that while i'm in Miiverse, notifications about responses to my posts or posts i've commented on, show up just fine...but when i'm outside of Miiverse it doesn't inform you of anything at all, even when you return to Miiverse. You have to manually go through your User Feed to see if there have been any replies/yeah's.

#145817 So it's odd seeing this many systems jsut sitting on shelves.

Posted by ~P~ on 09 December 2012 - 05:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

On the one hand Nintendo hasn't helped identify the Wii U as a brand new console to the uninitiated by hiding the actual console itself behind the Gamepad (E3 & on packaging itself) making it seem as if its an expensive peripheral instead of an all new system, although when you 'know' what the system is, you can see why it makes sense for them to do that.

Conversely, as much as it makes business sense to accept and compensate for the mentality of some of your target demographic, I simply refuse to be an apologist for those that are too lazy, unwilling or dismissive to research a product in an age where information is so easily accessible and freely available, especially those that post dumb comments to Twitter along the lines of "I still don't know what a Wii U is" If you know how to use the internet, you have no excuse.

#145669 Age of wii u buyers

Posted by ~P~ on 08 December 2012 - 05:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Turned 30 this year. Was going to wait to buy the Wii U but my Girlfriend just couldn't hold out any longer. By any longer I mean not at 5 minutes since we got it on launch day. =) I grew up with an N.E.S. I remember playing Batman on the NES so much I started to sleepwalk and act out the gameplay in my sleep. I've had every Nintendo system since with the exception of the GBA and Virtual Boy.

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