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#286932 Mortal Kombat Poster Teaser

Posted by Ghost on 28 May 2014 - 12:40 PM in General Gaming

Test your might! 

#286934 I'm on the front page of Nintendo Enthusiast!

Posted by Ghost on 28 May 2014 - 12:42 PM in Wii U Games and Software


Woohoo!  Go check it out  :laugh:



That Nintendo Swag! 

#287312 Have you gotten MK8 yet?

Posted by Ghost on 30 May 2014 - 04:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The question should be: Who hasn't gotten Mario Kart 8 yet?



SailtheSeas lol? 

#288804 Sonic Boom Looks Less than Promising

Posted by Ghost on 08 June 2014 - 09:09 PM in E3 2014 Archive

- Graphics that look like a possibly 2008 wii game

- Camera looks like a broken mess

- Why would they slow the gameplay? The slow parts are just about the downside of every sonic game.

- Seriously, I can't get over how bad this game looks compared to Mario Kart 8, heck, even Sonic Lost World.

- Combat looks like the most frustrating and repetetive thing in history

- Relies on that grapple thing too much.

I'm placing bets on this ending up as the finished product, this is a sad day for sega, but hell, don't give your IP's to a developer who has never made a game (Not counting the guy who made crash/jack whatever).





Well first-time developers are cheaper then seasoned ones. 

I'm offended.


WHY? You're a very beautiful chicken.  :ph34r:

#289092 Ubisoft has Wii U titles waiting for Install Base

Posted by Ghost on 10 June 2014 - 01:18 AM in Wii U News

The Wii U is selling well since Mario Kart launched and things are only getting better from now on (Smash Bros. and probably some great E3 reveals). There are just as many Wii U's as PS4's sold so why not give us good stuff like AC Unity and Rainbow Six Siege?


Do you have the numbers of the Wii U increase since MK8 came out? Also I would not count on that until E3 is over. 

#289150 Ubisoft has Wii U titles waiting for Install Base

Posted by Ghost on 10 June 2014 - 06:32 AM in Wii U News

Sales went up 666% in the two days after it came out, compared to a weeks sales without MK8. That's like 3.5 times 666%.

So, like 2331%, which is pretty good.


Yes that is good but it won't last at that rate any longer. I think People should just be open to getting a second console than having one. Anyway we will only know after the special Nintendo direct which I hope it's a killer. 

#289970 Hyrule Warriors

Posted by Ghost on 12 June 2014 - 10:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Who's the girl with white hair on the right of the box art?


Maybe a special character for this game or maybe Zelda's sister. All I know is that after she's done slaying monsters, I'mma put a ring on that finger. 


*Basement Dweller's Fantasy*

#289972 Hyrule Warriors

Posted by Ghost on 12 June 2014 - 11:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The poll is telling me that this game is so epic, choosing the "no" option will result in an "error" page popping up. Teh hype is too powerful. 








#289974 Nintendo's White PS4 debuts!

Posted by Ghost on 12 June 2014 - 11:09 AM in General Gaming

I wrote this column  


I'm sure you did Paresh Dave. :)

#290578 Capcom open to possibility of buyout.

Posted by Ghost on 16 June 2014 - 08:29 PM in General Gaming

I think Nintendo should just buy some of their ips rather than the whole company because they have some real problems in there. Also Nintendo would really need to updated their servers cause I ain't playing no lagging street fighter. Also I want a Megaman Battle Network game not Legends.  :ph34r:

Dosen't Nintendo own the Ace Attorney IP though? or Only part of it? Monster Hunter is mostly theirs, but could get some Playstation people over. And MegaMan does belong on Nintendo, imo.


I understand what you are saying about Ace, Megaman was never really a part of Nintendo but the best Megman games came out on Nintendo's platform.

#290759 Capcom open to possibility of buyout.

Posted by Ghost on 18 June 2014 - 07:19 AM in General Gaming

True a ip sale seems good like Megaman, Ace Attorney, and Monster Hunter. Though how would they have real problems otherwise? I never had a big issue with online..

While I would think Nintendo would be best, what about Namco Bandai or Tecmo Koei?


Tecmo with the way they handled DOA5? maybe. I would like to see a western publisher like Valve or Ubisoft. 

In other words the devs are probably wishing for this almost as hard as the fans.


The fans at the moment want Sony to be at the helm not Nintendo. Me? I want a purely software company to buy 51% of the stock. Sega would honesty be the best for everyone and won't knock Capcom back. Also if Nintendo make the pro controller mandatory, I could see a decent street fighter 5 coming. 

#290762 Xenoblade X releasing in 2015

Posted by Ghost on 18 June 2014 - 07:25 AM in E3 2014 Archive

This game could be remembered like XenoGears/XenoBlade C or it could get a mild reception in sales. 

#290765 Count to 3000!

Posted by Ghost on 18 June 2014 - 07:45 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games


#290839 I pulled an UnchainedGoku...

Posted by Ghost on 18 June 2014 - 01:31 PM in General Gaming

See you in 2015



If this sell 100 to 500k, then the hype would be lulz worthy. 

#290976 Capcom open to possibility of buyout.

Posted by Ghost on 19 June 2014 - 08:33 PM in General Gaming


And once again, Pachter is wrong.


That's one website and since 7 million people in a 8 months brought a console for sheer power let alone games kinda makes me right. I'm not say Nintendo or Microsoft are bad choices but at the moment the hype for the Capcom buyout around the world would be probably Sony or a Software company first, then Nintendo or Microsoft second. 

#291024 Capcom open to possibility of buyout.

Posted by Ghost on 20 June 2014 - 08:59 AM in General Gaming

The problem is you're just saying that and assuming you're right. And no, PS4 sales dont make you right, the two things have nothing in common.


It's not the sales that matter but the reason why people brought the console. If 7 million brought a console for sheer power and not games then you can clearly see where the market is going or who people want the market to be dominated by. Also if I'm not right about sales of a console from the whole world, that means your poll which asks people around the world is nothing is void as well.

#291027 Playstation Now expensive?

Posted by Ghost on 20 June 2014 - 09:22 AM in General Gaming


I swear Sony has good ideas but they're still under the impression this is the 90s and that they can charge a premium for their name. A streaming service charge per title is nuts. Netflix is a flat rate regardless of how much you use it, I see no reason why this should be any different.


This is one thing you and me can agree on lol. The way Sony are charging people for ps now is mad. PS Now was suppose to be a alternate way to play ps3 games in any different way but it seems a lot cheaper to buy a used ps3 and used games. I hate to say this but it will hurt them in the long run. Also looking at the price ranging, it's really confusing and I don't understand how they work the prices of that way. 




#291034 Capcom open to possibility of buyout.

Posted by Ghost on 20 June 2014 - 11:01 AM in General Gaming

Think. Nintendo is very high because of what Nintendo is most likely to do with capcom after a supposed buy out.


Sony doesn't have the money to buy capcom and get the studios needed to give old capcom justice, at least not without making their situation more desperate. 


Most software companies would buy capcom and try to sell their franchises off name alone. again, few would do capcom justice, same with microsoft.


Nintendo is most likely to salvage key franchises such as monster hunter. franchises like RE have a chance of being salvaged but not as likely. Unlike software companies, nintendo is most likely to make capable, or hire capable 3rdparty studios to make capcom's old IP's. Nintendo is most likely to restructure capcom into a more worthwhile studio (though that would leave capcom with just restructured studios and all the publishers stuff removed).  On top of that nintendo actually has the money to go through with buying capcom and still be fine. everyone else with money is very unlikely to do capcom justice.


No company is really the best option for Capcom and people know it, I was just trying to say that if Sony had the money it would be a close battle between Sony and Nintendo. Also if StreetFighter is on Nintendo Wii U, the pro controller would have to be bundled as I doubt the fighting game community would like the gamepad or take it seriously. 

#291040 Transformers: Age Of Extinction just shy of three hours long

Posted by Ghost on 20 June 2014 - 11:19 AM in The Café

So basically 3 hours, this is what you get:

Michael Bay
Michael Bay
Michael Bay
Michael "Freaking" Bay!
Dubstep wub wub wub
Megatron: It's simples, we needs to kill the Batsman!
Optimus Prime: I'm Optimus Prime!
Random Guy: I needs to goes to the toiletsz pleaze?
BumbleBee: Weeep Boop Beep
*Add some robots that "get" the minorities*
Seez hot woman in distress
Some cool over produced explosion
Random "Everyone loves Blake infomercial"
Saves the world then end with Bass Canon!

#291041 Waldorf and Statler Comedy Club

Posted by Ghost on 20 June 2014 - 11:23 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I guess old people have a lot of time on their hands. Nice joke. :(

#291042 Capcom open to possibility of buyout.

Posted by Ghost on 20 June 2014 - 11:29 AM in General Gaming

I think the best option would be a corrupt  dictator, at least they would make all game multi-plat for maximizing profits. 

#291099 Man flung 19 feet after being hit by speeding car. Casually walks away unharmed.

Posted by Ghost on 21 June 2014 - 10:13 AM in The Café

routerbad? is that you?


Even tho that people may suffer the injuries later, this job was funny.



#291749 Bayonetta 2 Screenshots

Posted by Ghost on 27 June 2014 - 04:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Awesome, I hope Dragon Age 3 and the other games won't stop this game from selling too much. 

#293901 The Xbox One: A Lying Failure Machine

Posted by Ghost on 21 July 2014 - 10:09 PM in General Gaming

Your whining is refuted.

He has a painting of mysterio as a bowler, and a pink tie from hong kong.

Regaurdless hes right. But keep on letting microsoft finger your bum hole. Just dont come crying to me when you end up with winkie in there.


He's not right tho, Jim is a hack and should not to be trusted. He ruins rather than improve the face of gaming. Sooner his kind are put out, soon you and deluded people who follow his word can realize everyone is out for that money and MS messed up in their presentation tactics. I'm kinda disappointed in you, Grandpa 3Dude. 

#295023 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by Ghost on 05 August 2014 - 01:44 AM in Wii U News




What's another month? Even tho Shin'en never fails I have this feeling some might play the screens  because of the hype and anticipation didn't live up to what they had in mind. Still it's SHin'en so nou doubt be great looking.


They are the only people I think who could take on Pokemon or Zelda and still maintain at a decent level maybe even better.  

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