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#138672 Afterglow wireless headset incompatible? Wii u firmware update?

Posted by alford78 on 26 November 2012 - 05:18 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks for posting as I literally have them in a shopping cart but couldn't find anyone that confirmed that they worked correctly.

Keep us posted and maybe someone in the "know" will chime in. Surely it's some sort of software update that needs to be put in place as this will really push sales of many games to other consoles. Im already tired of playing cod without a mic after a couple of days so am back on 360.

#138214 Problems accessing home screen from gamepad?

Posted by alford78 on 25 November 2012 - 06:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

When trying to switch from playing Black Ops 2 to another game I can't access the home screen by pushing the home button on the gamepad. And at other times after I switch discs a no disc message will pop up and will have to turn off the gamepad to get the home screen to show up. This is the only way I can get to the home screen with either scenario.

Any help?

#138211 Using pro controller from start up problems?

Posted by alford78 on 25 November 2012 - 06:33 PM in Wii U Hardware

When I try to play Black Ops 2 with the pro controller I can't click the button to access the home screen to start the game. I can move the red point finger around but can't click anything.

Any options way don't have to keep other controllers near me just to start the game.

Using the gamepad to get into games on Nintendo land was also similarly frustrating when was trying to let my 5 yr old daughter play games with the stick controller and nun chuck. We had to keep three controllers by us just to keep switching which needs to be fixed.

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