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#144802 Another new guy...

Posted by DMagoo24 on 06 December 2012 - 07:49 PM in Introduction Central

Hi all,

My name is Dave. This past Sunday, my wife and I bought a wii U. So far I love it. We "got it for our kids," but admittedly, it was for me. My kids are only 4 and 2... they'll grow into it, but it was for me.

I loved my 360, and there's some things I do miss, especially the library (so far...), I guess that's just a "downfall" of a new console...

....that being said, this is my first new console since I think the SNES -- I am glad to be back with Nintendo.

As for the forum, it's great to have a community like this. I will say I don't post that much, but I will read a lot when it interests me. Anyways, I'm glad I found this site!

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